Sonic Forces track released

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we got a new king of edge-lord guys

Cant wait for him to have a gun

Holy fuck, this is fucking garbage.

"I'm a dangerous weapon, i am the sharpest of blades I'll cut you down in a second" - LITERAL UNIRONIC EDGE

I hope the game is self-aware of the edginess

>rock music
I want nu-Sup Forums to leave.

Literally this pic and I love it.

To be fair most edgy people listen to rock music or some kind of alternative

go fucking home shadow, the new edgelord is here

What's wrong with edginess? It's fun.

F-fuck off

holy shit we're actually getting the edge back

Wow. I mean. Thats really something. So what do you all think it is?
>Some random 1 off new villain without much going on
>An evil clone of the created character
>Mephiles the Dark

It was alright until some dude started singing. Could have passed off for a dynasty warriors track.

I'm glad this edgy shit is back. The recent Modern Sonic stuff has been garbage, not even ironic garbage.

wow been a while since someone got fucking destroyed in Sup Forums

edgy as fuck but i love it

>likes black (the color, not the people)

My fucking sides

This makes it clear they've seriously done some research on Sonic OC culture


Clone of the OC.
Talkinga bout edge is shadow in?.
What about rouge


Oh shit, Majin?!

This game looks like such a mess. I don't know how anybody could watch the E3 trailer without laughing.

this game is going to be fucking weird

it has shadow 2.0, complete with the edgy theme song but it's going to have saturday morning cartoon tier writing like all the recent sonic games

The edge is adorable

I am excited for some good old fashion shitposting to be made from this.
I don't even have to be upset because we are getting a good game from Mania.



I... I actually like this song.

>it's Liam O' Brien as an edgylord

Oh god

sonic is my favorite anime

Christ this game is going to be much worse than any of us can contemplate

This seriously is playing out like a bad action anime, complete with janky animation.
I am so excited.

Does anyone else kinda feel bad for sonic team? Forces looks so shitty

>the beginning's literally an AMV
holy shit

>National Socialism

Sonic Forces will be GOAT just you wait

>ignoring the lyrics
>ignoring the character design
Stop being obtuse.

What's with the cubes on the new character? Are they a new meme or something?

No. They had a fucking formula with Unleashed/Colours that worked well enough to base future games around it. But they can't seem to get it through their fucking heads that making a new gimmick playstyle for every game has been the fucking problem since they went 3D. Generations had no reason to only include a handful of levels for the 3D playstyle only so they can work on the Classic playstyle, which they botched. Same thing with Forces here.

>likes: black (the colour, not the people)
>dislikes: black (people, not the colour)

This is way too perfect to NOT be intentional.

I love it

>looks like we'll need SOME FREIENDS
>enter your OC
>power of friendship bullshit

this is cringeworthy
it's like a mid 2000s MMO

Cubes are form of autism.

jesus fuck this is cringy try hard shit. What the fuck is Sega thinking?

They've really nailed the aesthetic here

I take back what I said, this actually looks incredible

>Can legit love Mania
>Can ironically love Forces
What a time to be alive.

This is fucking hilarious. There's no way this game won't produce at least some entertainment value.

>Recognize his voice
>It's fucking gaara's voice actor.
It's gonna be soooo edgy.

They did this shit on purpose


>Hey should we polish what we did with Unleashed and Colors?
>Nah let's work on classic sonic!

>Wow people didn't like Generations classic sonic, should we work on the unleashed/colors playstyle now?
>Nah let's reinvent the wheel

>Wow people REALLY didn't like that, should we work on the unleashed/colors playstyle and perfect it?
>Nah, let's make it MORE linear, port over the classic playstyle everyone hated, AND work on a slower custom character playstyle! They'll REALLY love that!

Sonic Teams biggest problem is being fucking Sonic Team

This has got to be a joke right?
Th-they can't be serious right?
If sonic isn't constantly making cracks at how much of an edgelord this guy is trying to be I will be disapointed.

It can be fun if it's ironic. If it's meant completely seriously though it becomes cringe

I'm thinking Sonic Forces is most likely completely ironic at this point.

If it's true Flynn is script doctoring it, expect him to be Kylo Ren.

They actually did it. They managed to make a worse villain than Mephiles

reminds me of the Anarchy Reigns OST done by Linkin Park


but mephiles is the only cool thing in 06.

Who cares about this shitty game lets talk about the end of the only good sonic media

If they play him like Eclipse, then all is forgiven.

Literally who

Forces has Sonic reaching post-ironic self awareness. 99-06 era was 2cool4school that grew progressively more dated and cringeworthy. Unleashed happens and things lighten up until Sonic is basically prostrating himself in forgiveness for that other shit. Come Lost World and the coolness is now a faux pas, he's not even cheeky like he was in Colors.

Now Sonic has fully embraced the grandiose scale storytelling that was perhaps mismatched with such a franchise during the first 3D era, only with the self awareness brought on by the second. The evolution is actually fascinating.


holy shit i fucking love it
this game is going to either be a masterpiece or a complete disaster

Extreme glitch: The Character.

Kylo Ren

Actually it's the opposite. When its done ironically it's not funny because its trying too hard be funny. It's actually funnier when it takes itself seriously.
We don't know anything about him yet.

>That kid who thinks he can kick your ass while not realizing you are the sharpest of blades.

i actually believe that they purposely made an coldsteel and parodied all the bad oc

>comic shit


Visible corruption around him.

Gonna bet they're going to make a joke about how he is the reason why Sonic 06 was so glitched up the ass.


Yes it has and always will be shit. A few callbacks doesn't make it good

He's literally like some kind of 15 year old's donut steel. Is Sonic Team being ironic?


Oh god. It's so bad it's turned right into being endearing.

What the fuck is going on?

>>If it's true Flynn is script doctoring it
It isn't

What if they're hoping their fandom would stop doing these types of things by showing it to them for real?

You know, I've kinda grown to like Sonic's edge.

>He's so strong and fast and mysterious!!
I never get the point of aimless fluffing up of villains like this, he's just going to crumble when Sonic believes in the super power of friendship and goes gold.
Just keep it simple Eggman or a mindless force of nature will suffice.

Shadow worked because it was a different time and the approach was done relatively sparingly. Those like Mephiles and Black Doom trying to drum up all this ominous flare always just falls flat on its face.

I unironically love this. Well played.

This game is a parody of itself at this point, and I love it.
>literally starts with the bad guy having already won and taken over the world, the most basic of edgy plots
>every single one of Sonic's friends are crammed into the game and are talking non-stop
>all of the biggest Sonic villains have gathered and are working together, like a bad fanfic
>their leader is an extremely edgy OCDONUTSTEEL, who uses evil magic and is better than the hero in every way (he even has an edgy vocal theme song!)
>Sonic and Classic Sonic can't beat them, so they need the help of a self-insert with unique abilities that will always end up looking somewhat like a DeviantArt palette-swap
Let's spitball some more ideas for a terrible Sonic game, because whatever we come up with is probably already in.

>Super Edgedemon McGrimdark character standing around in bright and happy Green Hill Zone while 9 inch nails plays in the background

What's with the obsession with trying to make Sonic villains like this? Sonic may have been edgy but he was rad 90's edgy, not anime edgy. Fucking come on Sega


Hush, I finally found something to distract me from the suffering.

From the trailer I thought he was oddly polite.

For a villain and all.

>Eggman isn't the main villain again
Fuck, I was fine with them making it edgier but they keep leaving out the best char.

gee what a surprise, not like he doesn't already play basically only edgy characters

He's a Flynn villain. Count on it.

>Liam O' Brien

Oh shit yes I am down with the sickness

Wonder now that it's finally dead we can start and truly finish The Ride




He actually looks a whole lot like Mephiles

If this game isn't taking the piss out of the fanbase, I will eat my hat.

>people think this is done ironically

Iizuka doesn't even know the meaning of the word. This is all played totally straight and you're expected to take it seriously just like every other "darker" Sonic story.