Bizarro Sup Forums
I really like this thread, good job original poster, you are surely heterosexual!
Have you guys seen this new game called Depression Quest?
i like to play video games
Wish I could skip combat segments on story-centered games, what is even the point? It would still be a game but without the boring parts that not everyone is able to complete
OP, you're hetero. Go on living.
any of you fine gentlemen interested in watching these with me?
Daily reminder that Dark Souls is the most difficult game of all time and for real gamers like us.
It's for kids bro, why would any of us watch that cartoon? Grown-ups don't do that
wow bizarro v sucks
>friend tells me we will never again see a CoD
>mfw the world gets surprised by a new CoD
I sure am glad Battleborn was created I don't know what else I would be playing if we did not have it.
Sup Forums crossposters really improve the quality of the board
Zelda and Mario sucks ass, it's always the same thing over and over but each time it's slightly more casual
DoC wen a yb desirprus steg dlrow eht wfm<
DoC a ees niaga reven lliw ew em sllet dneirf
This but unironically
I love consolewar falseflags! It's like the epitome of fun!
Who else loves this amazing world design? It's feels like a magic world, so fun to explore.
DaS2 is truly the best souls
Golly gee, I sure like stealth Sup Forums threads! The SJWs are the most terrible threat to video games!
I sure love being a sonywhite
Keep talking you loveable internet warrior with a loyal wife and reasonable political views opposite of mine, EkE!
Nice games bro, sometimes it's fun and cheaper to play multiplats on a console!
Metal Gear Solid V sure was great!
Speaking of which, where is our good old pal Caramel? I'm looking forward to what he has to say regarding the next E3!
I don't get what Caramel was going on about. MGSV was a finished game!
Post your best furry porn
Agreed, it really wrapped things up! I just don't like the sexist way in which quiet was written and shown, every time she appeared I felt ashamed for the whole medium!
>Bizzaro Sup Forums
But that's just regular Sup Forums. We get contrarian souls 2 defenders on the regular here. They didn't dare show their face before they had the easy target of DaS 3 to say "but at least it's better than DaS 3!" which it isn't, DaS 3 is still better no matter how bad the pvp is, or how linear and unreplayable it is, or how shit the balance and build variety are, at least he game will always look and feel good. No mocap animation bullshit at molasses pace with iframes tied to a fucking stat in an action rpg. God DaS 2 is such a fucking abomination.
I disagree but respect your well argued and subjective opinion nonetheless my friend
The story was great, exactly what I thought we were going to get from the amazing trailers. Same the gameplay was mediocre.
Who is your favorite e-celeb, bizarro Sup Forums?
This is a nice thread about videogames.
Skyrim fucking sucks
Its pretty fun though.
Kill yourself pleb
Female To Male
!akuuF evol I
DSP. He's just so good at vidya!
I'm a beautiful woman
post cute grandmas!