What video games are you watching this season, Sup Forums?
What video games are you watching this season, Sup Forums?
Mahoujin Guru Guru? I mean, it's literally traditional rpg: the anime.
What anime are you playing?
>modern anime
>worth watching
Choose one.
>he watches seasonal shit
Confirmed loser
> seasonal shit
not that guy but seasonal anime is the only thing keeping me from offing myself at this point
>being a weeb
>on Sup Forums
If only actual RPGs were this funny.
>not that guy but seasonal anime is the only thing keeping me from offing myself at this point
Nobody gives a fuck about you
So why aren't you killing yourself yet dork? Better yet, become a trap and suicide after the HRT doesn't work out lol
enjoy your ban lol
Yes the only good anime was what was on toonanime in the early 00's
Didn't he just said in his previous post? He's watching the currently airing anime. If you want that user to kill himself, make anime stop.
non-weebs get out
China a cute, CUTE
if Sup Forums hates Sup Forums so much, why do they make so many Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums
Sup Forums makes their own Sup Forums threads.
Because Sup Forums is about 70% Sup Forums related.
You're better off killing yourself then.
>being a weeb
only if you like shovelware
Ayano a best
Wow, whoever made this must be retarded
Video games connect with anime (e.g. seran), technology (it's technology itself you idiot), comics (disney games and so on) and cars (need for speed).
Last time i checked EA was a western company.
Post Yui hugging a pillow
>Video games connect with anime
kill yourself weeb
There's nothing worth watching this season.
I marathon last season's video games.
Best girl.
I played one room and I don't remember this NPC.
Stop watching anime.
>implying that's not true
kill yourself retard
Whats the lewdest anime this season?
Stop using Windows.
>The entire thread is probably made by a falseflagging user that hates anime in an equal way ,to enforce the hatred of anime already present in this place since a couple of years.
Well, it was fun when it lasted , this guy is right. It's not the right place anymore to do so.
Better keep a low profile about this stuff nowadays.
literally watching nothing but street fighter and GTAO for the last few months since i beat nier:a
new game!! PriPri Hero Academia Fate/Apo Sakura Quest Rick & Morty. Rewatching Space Dandy with my gf and watching avatar for the first time on her request; way better than i expected
Just started playing made in abyss, looks like a nice comfy adventure.
Why is chinachu such a bitch?
god TTG is such a fucking insult
This. Fall will be a little better but this season's got nothing
>Weeb desperately trying to stay relevant on Sup Forums
leave. you have no place here anymore
Why is Raven so cute?
>not watching cute 4koma romance
Shit taste as expected of Sup Forums
Less and less, to be honest. This season I'm sticking with literally ONE show past the first episode.
Is it 50% man?
I tried. I really do think linux is quite nice, it can be beautiful and not bloated, but there's so many tiny frustrations that pile up.
because she's as gloomy and lonely as we are
>being such reddit
>worth living
Choose one
>Rick & Morty
I like anime boobs
Normalfags trash.
I forgot about new game. That's pretty much it though for me, doesn't really redeem the season
It's Made in Abyss.
>Sup Forums discussing anime
Just like how Sup Forums these days are for normalfags too.
New Game!!
My precums
dude im like such a weeb xD saw like a whole 10 anime on CRUNCHYROLL and NETFLIX lol and i have like 3433432 waifus LOL
my real life gf is even more weeb than me haha she saw like 25 anime she crazy
fuck you, buddy. i can relate to their nihilism and the fact that alcohol and drug abuse have ruined their family
you are funny like a dead cat on a railroad
Looks like r/anime is trying to raid again.
Fucking cancerous ironic weeb normalfag.
Is Isesho the pinnacle of isekai?
Fuck that. There will always be retards on the internet. I will talk about whatever I want.
You can find this type of channel for the nichiest hobbies.
This season is great though.
whoa, careful with all those buzzwords. you might break the internet
My point stand.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
I'm watching Ys Origin and FE Echoes and I'm playing Symphogear, Knight's and Magic and Hero Acedemia.
Symhogear action game when?
No, and neither is it the pinnacle of food anime.
Still good though.
>being this much of a (You) fountain
Used to love anime but now I can't stand since it went mainstream.
What am I missing user?
I feel like this image was made by the youtuber. Yeah, it looks horrible, but every time it's posted it's free advertising for the guy.
Damn you're like the king of ironic normalfag weeb or something.
It's one of the video games airing this season.
>the mods are too retarded to tell that this isn't a video games thread
>theres a small chance that whoever made this was serious
>i can relate to their nihilism
Is This You?
no, i just enjoy all kinds of shitty cartoons, both eastern and western. im not above enjoying trash because the threads and memes are usually the most fun part
Is Princess Principal good?
Remove yourself from this website. Go to or if you want to discuss western media
You have a 3DPD gf. You are an ironic weeb normalfag.
Is symphogear s4 actually any good? I watched the first 3 as they aired and thought it's been steadily getting worse since the first season.
Made in Abyss
no, this is
is made in abyss good? i thought it was dark
It is I, nu-ironic weeb normalfag neo Sup Forums user. I get all my epic animeme image on my facebook and love to participate in animeme twitch.tv chat where I spam my favorite epic animeme emote vohiyo with the rest of my otaku weeb twitch friends.
Im the biggest weeb ever having seen 20 anime such as master piece like re:zero and attack on titan. I have about 248 animeme waifus and have real weeb gf that i met in a epic anime convention who also love le epic animeme.
Everything here
>Princess Principal
Too early to really tell but it's got the same writer as kabaneri so I'm sure it'll turn to shit soon enough.
where do u guys watch anime??
>only good thing is Knights and Magic
This season is shit you faggot. I'm going through my backlog of FotNS, G-Gundam and Gundam 0079. Fuck off to what board you came from.
Super Metroid, ZM and KMT is what I'm working through this month.
>Used to watch good old anime regularly on old MTV, rental DVDs etc.
>Years pass, the internet changes
>Now there's irony everywhere and the amount of good quality anime drops drastically every year.
>Layers of irony everywhere in every corner of the internet
>"I enjoy watching chinese cartoons XD"
>"I love taiwanese pictures in movement ,such a weeb"
>User profile pics of cropped hentai images
>People who joke about watching lolicon on social media, especially that shitty dragon maid thing
>Stop watching them progressively
>Now i find them irritating because people who watch them have become unsufferable with their irony
I want it all to end now.
>disliking Princess Principal
Is it too deep for you?