Is Sup Forums excited for XCOM2 : War of the Chosen
Will enemy unit recruiting be fun or just some limited tacky shit?
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>$39.99 for destiny classes DLC
nah I'm good fa.m
It looks nice.
But I don't know if the game will feel too busy now though. Have they extended the overall time limit somehow? Otherwise there may be too much shit going on with the new missions and the already existing DLC - of course, the idea might be that you can't do it all.
But yeah, it looks nice. Some of the new classes look fun.
those dudes look like belong in a dungeon rather than gangbanging that girl
I don't like the new classes and the boss ebemies were a mistake so I dont understand why theyre doing it again
the only good thing seems like the new zones
>boss ebemies
they will be nerfed in War of the chosen I believe.
>$39.99 USD
I'll wait for a sale, thanks
DLC almost never goes on sale on steam though.
post yer dudes
Only $29 USD on GMG right not m8
I miss him
Are people alright with women in XCOM?
the pacing in x-com 2 is horrendous, on my last run through I passed a month and got a sectopod and an Andromeda introduced in the same fight.
>$40 for an expansion pack
How does xcom 2 compare to enemy unknown? Is it worth £30?
>tfw beat ironman classic first time
game is too easy to snowball
I enjoyed it more
i've had as much fun with Xcom 2 as Xcom 1, however the DLC for com 2 was so disappointing, especially after EW was so good, so I hope war of the chosen fixes it
Well, I might be lying.
I'd say its just as good, actually.
Maybe WotC might put it over the top
Shen's Last Gift is the only one worth getting.
Alien Hunters breaks the fucking game.
All of XCOM's 2 problems rely on the design department
i got all three cause I got the season pass expecting EW2, but was bitterly disappointed .
at least the workshop content is dope
Is there any mod that makes it real time like Fallout Tactics aka the best game ever made?
>women in the team
Into the trash it goes
Snakes must be purged
futa mod for xcom when?
Nice to see LOS and obstacles mean nothing
I thought it kinda sucked
Too over the top magic perks,
oversimplified pacman tier resources gathering, the majority of missions are timed bullshit to distract you from the broken mechanics and they slapped Memelands "wacky" aesthetics and The Sims like customization on it to satisfy normies and distract them from the meh storyline (of which >80% just rediscovering shit you know from EU because muh retcon). All of the DLCs save for one are pure cancer, too. Also, it leaks RAM like a motherfucker.
I mean, I enjoyed it overall for the discounted price, but it's basically just a retconned and even more truncated EU with tacky, over the top bullshit slapped over it to make it look like a new game.
>Female soldiers in 1994 X-Com
>Sup Forums has no issues
>Female soldiers in new XCom
>Sup Forums grumbles and froths
What made it okay in the first game then, guys?
Is the DLC really $40? Jesus Christ
There is no enemy unit recruitment.
stop taking everything you read here seriously you dumb fuck
It's an expansion, like EW.
The gay porn stars in his image might have been a subtle clue that he was joking, user.
Frail, dyel womyn have no business fighting alien overlords.
that is until a muscle amazons mod is released which is never ever
it kinda makes enemy unknown unplayable in some ways. I can't see myself going back
Slight warning that I might not have enjoyed it as much as you might because I got all my saves corrupted 40 hours in but I haven't liked it as much.
DODGE: GRAZED is frankly super annoying because that stat isn't factored into the displayed damage calculation I'm not sure values are shown anywhere in game and while it's fairly easy to deal with just spamming psychics and grenadiers every mission is kinda boring.
"Progression" isn't very interesting either. It's partially rng based on engie/scientist availability but really it doesn't even matter. Build order is fairly static. The avatar project is also a shitty development that only serves to stress out new players who think they're on a timer. Actually once the timer "runs out" you get like 2 or 3 weeks to take down a base so as long as you are able to take down a base you don't have to worry about it at all.
Also they didn't fix the pod system.
That said I still enjoyed it until it shattered my hopes and dreams.
to be fair you had that guy out of cover. but yeah the sneks can get kinda bullshity sometimes
fucking last gift indeed...
So is this the third piece of DLC that alters the gameplay they promised with the deluxe edition? Because so far they've only released 2.
+1 Garrus
>Is Sup Forums excited for XCOM2 : War of the Chosen
Yes, I am Sup Forums and I feel qualified to answer this. Almost 100% going to preorder it but I'm just waiting to see if I can get it gray market to save some shekels first.
You should probably wait a day or so to make sure it's not bugged to hell.
Requesting that webm of the super bara team getting ready for action.
Did anyone else stop playing this game because of the alien hunter dlc?
>boss moves four times every turn
>can obliterate entire squad with one blast
Yeah no thanks
I'm not all that concerned. Xcom 2 wasn't too shabby at launch for me.
>Not using a shotgun
You had one job
>not liking tracer
Yeah but GOTY editions with all content on the other hand...
that's some severe gynecomastia
Lucky. Ignoring my my save getting destroyed I encountered a ton of awful bugs on launch. Every single civilian spawning in a single wooden room at the top of a structure, then my character missing a point blank shot which went 90%, hit the room, and set it on fire causing everyone inside to die. That was really the most dramatic bug I encountered but virtually everything that could broke did break at some point during my first playthrough.
I will say that they've done an impressive job at fixing the game since then with AI bugs being the only thing I've encountered recently.
my snipers had a fucking field day with this map.
this looks like shit
Damn, that's pretty bad. I think the worst I had with Xcom 2 was a few crashes which at most only ate a turn or so of gameplay, and the standard "Ayylmao does some bullshit and shoots you or tongues you through a solid wall" that has plagued Firaxis Xcom since Xcom EU.
Yeah, I just kinda accept that bullshit by this point but losing my saves and the few map spawns bugs I had have made me decide not to preorder this one until I know if it's buggy or not.
As always the internet has zero idea of what gyno actually is
I had to replay the base defense mission in XCOM EW because a Sectoid Commander somehow was inside a wall/roof and it was impossible to target him, he'd just stay off screen and attempt the odd Mind Control if I tried to get near.