Dumbest reasons you have been banned from a game?

Dumbest reasons you have been banned from a game?

Don't think I've ever once in my life been banned from a game or server.

Thrown from a CSGO server because "We're a for fun server, not competitive, we don't need you here shitting up our good time"

Bad Company 2 servers that kicked/banned you for performing too well.

Was playing on some server on some game called Graal Online and got banned for speedhacking. I had no fucking clue what that was at the time

Thrown out of a WoW Guild because I refused to pay the "community tax" of 500g that they pool together to help their alts

Killing friendlies in TF2
Also holding the spawn door open when my team is full of friendlies, traders, and idlers, yeah I get why they ban me but I feel justified in doing it.

Banned from an Arma 3 Wasteland server because a hacker spammed the map with thousands of bags of infinite money, I picked one up, told everyone in chat what was happening (because people started to complain about lag), admin hopped over and banned me.

I went into their Teamspeak and got the ban reverted but I realized it was a shitty server run by shitty people and never went back. And Wasteland sucks.

One time ROBLOX released a bunch of new hats, and one of the descriptions for them was a phone number joke. I think it was 1-800-RAGE OUT. It turns out it was a sex line at the time and they deleted the description and banned anyone asking about it. I was one of the people asking how to write letters as numbers when you make a call.

Called someone a faggot in front of a mod

telling a dude who was rude to everyone on the server to go fuck himself
I was the only one banned

Why is team damage even on then? Like the devs give you the option but if you use the option they ban you. How about preventing players from doing it then? It's as if the police would sell you drugs and if you buy them they immediately throw you in jail.

Because CQC is more difficult if you can accidentally blow away your teammates. Though I wonder if accidents get you banned, too.

I made people slip to safty in SS13
They said if I every came back I'd get a permanent ban

Banned for going like 30-0 in bf4 in a helicopter and no one tried to shoot me down

>Not paying 500g to help their alts

My friend reported a rmt bot in an mmmorpg that was well known and was botting 24/7 for nearly a year, I killed that bot with an monster by training it onto them.

I was banned for 2 weeks for doing that.

>that one video where people are fucking around wirh a tank in halo
>whole team on tank
>one jackass jumping jack and forth in front of the canon
>tank fires right as the guy's in front of the barrel
>driver instantly kicked, whole team dead

I received a warning from a FFXIV GM for having "Make Eorzea Great Again" as a greeting for my house

>friendly fire is a thing in the game
>killing teammates results in a ban
do you have to be mentally retarded to think that this is a good idea?

thats funny cuz i got put in jail in ffxi for having "make vana diel great again" in my bazaar comment


The same reasons as real life, faggot. In real life you can totally shoot your allies, and you'll totally be punished if you do. It's skill-based, you shoot JUST the enemy and not everything that moves.

not banned but a buddy had his mmo character named Beer and they forced him to name change even though the game had bars and alcohol in it

>game is marketed towards anyone who likes shooters
>get banned for not being skilled enough to not shoot your teammates
you can see why your argument makes no sense

>be part of dod clan
>have admin powers on server
>on private server playing with ~15 other clan mates
>one of them is a new recruit
>he's constantly shooting the carbine 5 shots within a second
>consistently 5 shots
>can't even do that with scroll wheel
>get pissed because everyone else is bitching over the course of 3 maps
>tell him in chat to stop using scripts
>he plays innocent
>2 maps later just ban him
>30 minutes later he posts a big rant on the forums
>admits to scripting in it
>banned from our public server too

>tell you you can't come back forever
>tell you if you do come back, then you can't come back forever again

>get banned for not being skilled enough to not shoot your teammates

No one said that. Moderation staff has access to replays and team-kill to non-team-kill ratios. If you get accidentally banned it's because of shitty mods, not the mechanic. If you start removing legitimate, depth-adding mechanics because you're afraid of over-zealous mods you'll soon find that nearly any mechanic can be turned towards griefing.