TF2 > Dirty Bomb > Paladins > Battleborn > Overwatch

TF2 > Dirty Bomb > Paladins > Battleborn > Overwatch

>t.mommy doesn't want to give me $40

Learn how to airstrafe.

>Putting a P2W game above anything

Put OW after Dirty Bomb and shove Quake Champions in somewhere

If TF2's so good why is it so dead compared to Overwatch?
Same goes for the other games you listed.

lol OW is probably closer to dying than TF2 is, now that the honeymoon is over and people are realizing that the game is boring, bland and dumbed down as shit

Here's mine. It's not perfect by any means but feel free to post any that show that TF2 has a healthier community than OW.

>Putting a P2W game above anything
It's actually not P2W. It's Pay to get hats.

OW is not dying because Blizzard is actually updating it consistently unlike Valve with TF2 and releasing terrible major updates only once per year. Even though TF2 is the better game, it seems like Valve wants to kill it.

Paladins is the P2W one

Where's your data about OW's active playerbase? Oh yeah, there's none available. All Blizzard gives us is that 30 million unique players bullshit, TF2 has like 40.5 mi acoording to SteamSpy. Which actually means nothing when those stats count free weekend players, alts, people that bought the game and have only played it once and etc.

But when a game has 5 min. long queue in casual play, it's pretty clear.

Fixed that pic for you OP to better reflect what TF2 is post-2011.
Don't thank me.

you got that backwards

TF2 came out 10 years ago bro. OW is 14 months old not including the beta

TF2 was good when it wasnt free to play, because then it went down the sewers

So? No one cares about how good a game was. Are you a nostalgiafag?
What matters is how good it is now.

t. I haven't played Paladins

Keys came before F2P

>Battleborn > Overwatch
fuck off Randy

overwatch is already going down the sewers with both pay to play AND lootbox faggotry

>lootbox faggotry
He cares about cosmetics in a first person game.
What a fag.

i don't care about cosmetics but i don't think i like blizzard nickle and diming people who already bought their game

? I've played it since before most people on Sup Forums ever heard of it, and I still follow updates for it and check them all out on the PTS. Anyone that says it isn't P2W is the same as a blizzdrone that claims Hearthstone isn't P2W, you're not really going to be that pathetic are you user?

Please bump /dbg/.

Cosmetics and events are the only thing that keep OW alive now.

how exactly is it P2W, retard?

"Competitive" FPS games without an entry price tag are hackers wet dream. See CS:GO during steam sales.
Whales are also the thing that keeps (most) developpers pushing updates on games without asking for a subscription fee.
Both are a necessary evil.

i'm sure you're also a shill for DRM and always online too mate, get over yourself

Alright, before I get into this have you played the game once in the past 10 patches or are you just defending it out of some hatred for blizzard?

>waaah it's p2w because I have to spend in-game currency to unlock customizables and cards
Explain to me how one spending money on Paladins automatically makes them win matches.

>people watching streams correlates to actual players

>muh decade old meme game

What a joke.

Well you're definitely on the same level as blizzdrone so there's no talking to you.

Where do I get my shill money?

>always online
Where's the harm in an online multiplayer game? Isn't that the point?

It's a better metric that numbers/assumptions pulled out of your ass.

when i play overwatch for over an hour i have an itch to play tf2

you don't really play online games do you ?

>no argument
>w-w-w-well you're just a retard!

No please tell me how people are so much better at Inara than I am for spending money to unlock her shit-ass alt legendaries.

What's your point?

Ow has 3x the CCU of tf2, and you have to buy it

>it seems like Valve wants to kill it.
Believe me, Valve is doing their best, but these stubborn gamers keep playing it.

I'm not him, but I have to admit the gold price of the champions are so fucking high right now. When I started playing it a year ago I used to have all champions and card unlocked within two weeks of playing, then they decided to add the essence bullshit, which means you have to open lootboxes that you get from leveling up and hope you get duplicates. A new player would spend months grinding just to get a legendary card.
But again, what to expect from JewRez?

Nothing can compare to pre items TF2, now it's a boring old craphole.
Overwatch is fun but that's only because I bought in in the last sale and because Blizzard try to keep it fresh. Give it 2-3 years and it will go down the shitter. There's only so much you can steal from TF2.
Dirty Bomb is a dead meme and I'm not even discussing the other two steaming piles of shit.

There is a difference between viewers and players.

the game is F2P, of course it has microtransaction shit
But that doesn't make it P2W


tf2 if you want class based shooter
paladins if you want a moba shooter
everything else is worse.

Indeed there is.
But there's also a correlation between the two.

Over has over 10 million people playing it daily. TF2 barely manages to touch 60k.

>OW is not dying because Blizzard is actually updating it consistently


post proof

Airstrafing in TF2 is a joke though

Overwatch is doomed to fail because like TF2 it was designed to keep players coming back with continuous updates, and once those updates stop or drop in quality, the players will leave, but unlike TF2 which has enough depth to keep a dedicated community going, Overwatch's shallowness won't keep anyone around.

I heard dirty bomb was garbage. Anyone here actually enjoy playing it?

>A new player would spend months grinding just to get a legendary card.
Or they could spend money! If you have two equally skilled players, but give one of them money to spend on the game the one that spent money wins in nearly all situations. Any game functions like that is P2W.

not as bad as overwatch. stickyjumping > minejumping


Demographics also play a huge role.
The Bazinga generation is more likely to watch games. And mostly the those games that were recently released.

candy crush has more than that daily, does that make it a good game?

No arguing that. The suggestion was that none of these games are good competitively. Pretty much all good competitive FPS games are dead.




yfw you post wild predictions without any source

People who say OW is dying are delusional, and flat out stupid. Even if you dont like the game how can you not notice that is fucking everywhere.

There is even people who make money out drawing stickers of the damn characters.

R6 Siege > all that trash


I don't know what that is nor do I care.

>t. person who has 5 hours in the game after trying a 24/7 2fort skial server

Candy crush in better than TF2 in it's current sorry state.

>people talking about what is p2w again
we solved this ages ago

I've been playing since release. You're a huge retard.

>muh rocket jumping

Shit game was always shit.

One e-sport org after another is dropping their OW squad.
For a game that was specifically designed with e-sports in mind this is a disaster.

Team Fortress 2 core gameplay is so far above those game it doesn't even warrant a comparison

It's actually really good, but got mired in microtransactions while it was owned by nexon, but in february this year the studio got control of the game themselves and it's likely to improve a bunch.

you don't subscribe to play those numbers include pc bangs, free weekenders, beta players, and smurfs. why do they refuse to show us concurrent players?
compared to overwatch, yes. you retards need to stop moving the goalposts, you do realize you're just making it look worse?


>t. person who has 200 hours in the game on minecraft trade servers, playing nothing but sandman cleaver scout

I guess that's why hardly anyone is playing it, and the few who still are just sit in idle servers all day, or matchmake with friends so they dominate everyone on the other team with a pocket medic stuck to this asshole all the while thinking they're so good at the game.

Valve fanboys are a complete joke.

Overwatch won't die as a casual game but Blizzard's "$20million to enter" League has a real chance of it. The game is just shit to watch.

>When Overwatch first came out it was pulling at least 50000 viewers, now its half that.
>Sponsors and teams are dropping out of competitive.
The honeymoon is over and people are only coming back for new content, its not hard to figure this out.

playing since release and you prefer an even more shallow game?

t. retard who can't read

>no one is playing
>1.7 million players in the last two weeks
Kill yourself blizzcuck

Not just that, they try to franchise it the American way.

Yep. TF2 is shit.

Oh lolbabbies and their obvious view botting,

Wow, just like Heartstone

>50k daily players
>not dead


50% viewership more than a year is very decent.

>60k for a ten year old game is hardly anyone
>implying people don't pubstomp on their smurfs or throw themselves to bronze in overwatch
>he hasn't played for so long he still thinks idling is worth it
this is just sad. for a game you supposedly don't even enjoy anymore you really can't let it go and move on.

Do you even know what a dead game is? Are you honestly fucking retarded?

>wahhhh wahh wahhh but Overwatch does it too!

Your favorite game is dead. Ha ha. Doomed to be consumed by third worlders and BRs.

paladins is this best game here
but only if you treat it as a game with a 10$ buy in with the founders pack, and not a f2p one.

>I play none of these games: the post

How do these games manage to attract the worst fucking communities. Full of ponyfuckers, furries and ironic Lenny spammers

My favorite game isn't Paladins though.
>hurr its okay when blizzard does it
>y-your game is ded lol even though i got btfo cuz i said so
whatever helps you sleep champ.

That's Valveshit in a nutshell.

R6 is for retards too dumb to play csgo

>tfw tf2 doesn't even have a big 3rd worlder problem when compared to something like paladins
How'd they do it

The founders pack doesn't even remove the real f2p garbage from it. Don't know how hi-rez could go from something like the god pack in Smite which completely removes any impact that the game being f2p might have on you to the shitty founders pack in paladins. Of course instead of trying to fix that they decided to make the grind even worse by upping all the gold prices in the game so they could go "see the founders pack is good!"


CS:GO is for retards too poor to play CoD.