Most likeable party member dies before the final boss

>most likeable party member dies before the final boss

Other urls found in this thread:

>Jojo I'm dead
>But I'm not actually dead for raisins
>My soul won't let me die until we save the day because lol why not I can only see spirit energy now huehuehue
Why is the writing in Jojo so fucking stupid?

He makes it to the final fight though

Araki has Alzheimer's and gradually started forgetting plots by the time he was 3/4th through his storyline and had to make shit up

>O MY RUBBER NEN the manga

dying but staying alive due to pure force of will is cool dude. It's a stupid fucking shonen manga thats what should be happening.

Because it's always pushing characters to the limits of what they're capable of no matter how ridiculous the results are. It's been like this since PB.

>most likeable party member

close, but no cigar

>party member gets written out for being too op

>party member is supposed to betray the party but the writer was depressed and couldn't bring himself to have something like that happen so they just said "bye" and never heard from party member again

>party member dies
>no idea exactly how or when, he just does

It just works user

is it any good?

> party member is a cute boy
> cute !

JoJo is all about being ridiculous.
It's basically destilled shonen stupidity with some random stuff Araki likes (like Italian art and haute couture) thrown in.

>being such a badass you die but hold onto your soul inside your rotting corpse until your complete the oath you made

Bruno was top tier bro.

not to mention he had the best fight in the whole goddamn series

It's not bad actually.


yes it is, emulate it on PCSX2 and have fun getting the bonuses for doing shit that actually happened in the manga. Plus there's a sort of NG+ game mode where you can fight the enemy stand users as different character, like fighting Polpo as Trish.

Isn't this also pretty much Final Fantasy X in a nutshell?


>it's a Vento Aureo thread

it has its flaws but it's in my top 3 parts of Jojo, the gang is great and the fights are amazing

Has it been retranslated yet

Part 5 anime when
Rohan OVA when


yes, just got new translations completely done, with colored panels and everything

>Part 5 anime when
Hopefully never, you secondary.

>tfw read the shit translation a few years ago and still loved part 5
I don't get it. I thought it was great regardless. Hope you guys enjoy the new translation

>party member from previous game has a hard life and then dies unceremoniously

also I like how they used his HTTF theme in the PS2 game

He was MC tho, not some "party member".

All of it?
Finally I can read it and move on to 7/8.

> Love JJBA
> Fandom gets popular but annoying as fuck meme spammers
> JJBA starts to be hated everywhere
> Normies start watching JJBA's anime
It's just not fair, I was happy with the series but I didn't ask this to happen

>best fight in the whole goddamn series
That's not C-Moon

enjoy user

Stop spoiling you faggots, damn even on Sup Forums I can't avoid the spoiler memes. Reading it right now.

Gay priest has arrived.


>runs a ruthless yet efficient gang where his officers operate outside of the rules and commit the majority of the crimes
>doomed to die for eternity


Normies don't read manga user, it'll be another few years before they take SBR and jojolion from us


Fuckin tell me about It.

ditching your buddies IS a betrayal, man

But Giorno was the final boss.

worst part
worst jojo

Reminder that HxH is literally jojo, but well written.

Joseph > Jolyne > Jotaro > Johnny Jonathan > Josuke = Giorno

worst jojo maybe but far from the worst part

sterg please go away


>Th-the scans are bad so it's bad!
>Part 3 is perfectly fine!

At least araki can follow his own damn in universe rules he established

> Johnny that low
> Jotaro that high

Go home Kakyoin, you're drunk

hows that hiatus treating you

he can?


>having a disagreement about something is betrayal
Yeah, okay.

now go

how does he work Sup Forums


It's not that hard. This meme needs to die.

Well you see

And that's how it works, glad I could help you.

it has the ultimate stand ability of Araki forgot

>muh chinese comics! nobody should know about them!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
why part 3 and 4 got memed the most?

Well it
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________JUST DOES________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

At the start of this part the MCs stand can reflect any damage done to the animals he creates.

What happened to that power?

If it's intentional or not, this is real funny.

araki forgot

No seriously, that's what happened.

Ariaki sure has short memory for someone who's forever young

lol wtf
he was overpowered anyway, how is stopping time for 2 seconds better than making any animal that can follow any trail and heal people from crazy wounds

>Was does this shonen manga do shonen things wah wah!!!1

fuck off

because they didn't have stands

>well written

Sure, I love how they stopped doing everything and spent chapters explaining how the retarded powers work instead of making them part of the narrative.

>just finished reading part 5
>this thread
I enjoyed it even though there wasn't really a single point where Giorno felt like the main character. As far as I'm concerned Bruno was the MC and Mista was the brojo.


>As far as I'm concerned Bruno was the MC and Mista was the brojo.

That was the point.

You can't fucking "delete time", that doesn't make any fucking sense. If you remove the action, then you're effectively changing the reaction too, you can't just say that sometimes the reaction remains, and sometimes it does not.
If you're hit by a bullet and end up bleeding in the ground, then removing the fact that the bullet hit you either means that you're still dead, or that you're not hit. But King Crimson does both whenever he fucking wants, that's not how it fucking works at all you can't just change the reaction at will.

is Eyes of Heaven worth 23 bucks in the flash sale? haven't read past part 3 but I watched part 4

I liked Giorno. He definitely takes a back for a large portion of it, but he steps more into the front once he learns his healing power. I really enjoyed his cheesy spiel about resolve and inner strength and all that.

It spoils absolutely everything.

>Why is the writing in part 5 so stupid

>can erase up to 10 seconds of time
>diavolo can use epitaph to see the near future and know when to start erasing time
>when king crimson is erasing time, only diavolo can move consciously, while everyone carries on unconsciously
>things that happen when king crimson is erasing time end up not happening when king crimson is finished because they didn't happen anymore because king crimson deletes it

>on Notorious B.I.G. arc right now
>this thread
god why

>how does he work Sup Forums
compare it to The World
>time freezes for everyone for up to 9 seconds
>can touch and attack things

King Crimson
>time goes on, but for 10 seconds everyone is oblivious to the passing of time except KC
>can only move around, to get himself in a favorable position

Only retards actually think King Crimson makes sense.

>there wasn't really a single point where Giorno felt like the main character.
they were all main characters, an ensemble cast if you will

>Mid boss can use saveslots

>a manga about teenagers using ghost versions of themselves to fight the mafia with the aid of a turtle and a frenchman in a wheelchair with tall hair takes liberties with how reality works!!!1


>manlet mafia

>SBR will be animated in our lifetime


Only 2 of them are older than 18 though

Skips ahead in a tape, everything occurs as it would, but he can act independently of the rest of the film skipped, this is combined with being able to see the future, sometimes Stand users can notice the skip but in turn they will not be aware of what occurred

jojo is literally HxH, except by a better artist with a work ethic.

Would epitaph be able to see Dio's movements during stopped time?

It's like a overly complicated version of The World
>King crimson enters 'his world' allowing him to the future traces of all actions that everyone does for a few seconds
>he then reacts adequatly in order to not get harmed and deletes that timeframe along with the memories and actions of it in every living being except Diavolo
Ariaki just wanted to force the lastboss having a time related ability meme agian

He'd just see him teleporting.