Awful physics

>Awful physics
>Linear as shit despite being touted as a "return to open world"
>Generic NSMB art style
>Saturday morning cartoon theme song
>Realistic humans, not fitting the Mario series in the slightest
>Generic looking HUD
>Moon hunting looks bland as shit, does not look anywhere near as fun as star hunting or shine hunting
>Appalling music
>Shit plot
>Bowser is the villain yet again
>Peach is a damsel yet again
>Pauline got in instead of Daisy
>Broodals are just bunny Koopalings
>Yet another Mario game when we could've gotten Melee HD, Super Metroid 2, Mother 3, or a new F-zero game.

People don't really expect this to be GOTY, do they?

Other urls found in this thread:

These are some really weird complaints, and some of them even contradict each other.


I do

shit bait/10

next time you're trying to bait somebody, don't use so much greentext. I can literally smell the summerfag.

when was the last time anybody got a game over in a mario game? lives stopped meaning anything since SMW/Yoshi's Island

thats your smell


>Pauline got in instead of Daisy
stay buttblasted

Even if you did get a game over in Sunshine, 64, or any other main game, the only problem it creates for you is having to go back through the intro menus.

This game looks like hot garbage, I agree. Thankfully though I wasn't a retard and didn't buy a Switch since Nintendo are talentless hacks with no third party support, so I don't have to worry about it.

how LITERALLY SEETHING do you have to be to post this?

Oddysey is more BK than a fucking 3d mario and this is a fact

>Samefagging this much

>when we could've gotten Melee HD

Stop trying to reinventing the wheel.
The Game Over and Lives systems work at a very simple, visceral level.
Losing currency when you die a fucking terrible game design decision.
When you lose a life, generally you are just punished by having to redo parts of a level. Depending on the level, that can be rough. Generally a fair trade for losing a life though.
Losing currency can be hours of backtracking to recoup the loss. It's fucking detestful

Someone post the webm


>melee HD
okay I see what kind of person we're dealing with.

>Melee HD
>Super Metroid 2
>Fzero game

Lmao, how autistic do you have to be. Wanting another FZero game when the series has reach a point where it can't go any higher. You have to be pretty autistic if you want another melee

>3 of the listed criticisms are about the music

Neck yourself

is luigi in this? no luigi no buy

Who is this ejacula spatula?

Melee fags are the worst. Remake an actually good game that has other appeal other than shit comp matches.



It's been pretty much confirmed, along with Donkey Kong. Koizumi hinted it in an interview with Game Informer.

Then git fucking gud

>Pauline got in instead of Daisy

Now we need a Pauline version of this.

>Realistic humans, not fitting the Mario series in the slightest
Agree with this

>Shit plot
It's a mario platformer not an rpg. I prefer it this way. To hell with plot-fuckers, you and your ilk can go masterbate to "deep" walking simulators.

>Bowser is the villain yet again
Kind of agree, it doesn't really bother me but I wouldn't mind seeing an original enemy.

>Peach is a damsel yet again
She is a ruler to a large, essentially defenseless country. """In real life""" kings would be waiting in line to invade her country and pantaloons IF it wasn't for the walking force of destruction that is Mario.

>Pauline got in instead of Daisy
Daisy is a spinoff garbage and will remain that way forever

>Broodals are just bunny Koopalings
Agreed, but it's still better than just having the Koopalings

>every journey brings a new romance
Who was Mario's best love interest?
>Princess Peach
>Princess Daisy
>Captain Syrup
>Lady Bow

>Awful physics
>Linear as shit despite being touted as a "return to open world"
>Generic NSMB art style
>Saturday morning cartoon theme song
They're good too.
>Realistic humans, not fitting the Mario series in the slightest
This is your only legitimate point.
>Generic looking HUD
Looks fine to me.
>Moon hunting looks bland as shit, does not look anywhere near as fun as star hunting or shine hunting
Shine hunting wasn't fun in itself, you were always pigeon holed into doing one shine per mission instead of having some non-linearity.
>Appalling music
Sounds good to me.
>Shit plot
>Bowser is the villain yet again
>Peach is a damsel yet again
Let's see where they go with it. If Mario really does die at the beginning and it ends with some kind of status quo shift, to allow room for more opportunities, it will be a good story for a Mario game.
>Pauline got in instead of Daisy
It makes sense.
>Broodals are just bunny Koopalings
No, Koopalings never really appear together, they do different things in different worlds. Broodals are devil weddings planners, Koopalings are koopa generals.
Game overs are pointless.
>Yet another Mario game when we could've gotten Melee HD, Super Metroid 2, Mother 3, or a new F-zero game.
It's not this game's fault that we aren't getting any of those. We already got Mother 3 anyway, play the translation.

>along with Donkey Kong

>>Awful physics
You don't list your reasons and/or examples for making this point, so discarded.
>>Linear as shit despite being touted as a "return to open world"
First off, linearity isn't bad. Second off, you're not demonstrating your justification for even thinking this, so I'll assume you're talking out of your ass. Third it's not being touted as a "return to open world", but a return to the format of 64 and Sunshine, which it is, and you have no reason to think otherwise.
>>Generic NSMB art style
Not a negative point. This has been the artstyle for years. Different doesn't automatically mean good.
>>Saturday morning cartoon theme song
And it's fucking good too.
Different doesn't automatically mean bad either.
>>Realistic humans, not fitting the Mario series in the slightest
It's not supposed to fit, dumbshit. It's supposed to be a weird and strange world where Mario doesn't fit.
>>Generic looking HUD
What would make it look "not generic"?
>>Moon hunting looks bland as shit, does not look anywhere near as fun as star hunting or shine hunting
Not stating your justifications for this, so I'll take this as a subjective point and discard it.
>>Appalling music
Not listing your reasons based on music theory, so I'll take this as a subjective point and discard it.
>>Shit plot
Mario games aren't about the plot.
>>Bowser is the villain yet again
Not an inherently negative point.
>>Peach is a damsel yet again
Not an inherently negative point.
>>Broodals are just bunny Koopalings
You complain about the same characters returning then turn around and complain about new characters returning. Nice consistency.
Game overs are archaic and the new system is better.

I hate playing apologist but OP's points are so fucking shit that I had to.

>Instead of getting a new game we could have gotten Melee HD!

lol Melee fans are delusional as hell

I hope it's this version of Donkey Kong.

nope, it will thankfully be Bayliss's Kong

can you count?

>Pauline got in instead of Daisy

No wonder this post is so incomprehensible and retarded, it's written by a Daisyfag!

Imagine being this new.

>>Saturday morning cartoon theme song
>>Appalling music
That's 3.

In unrelated news, Mario plotfags should go to the guillotine.


>Generic looking HUD

Literally the best designed and non intrusive HUD in years

Daisyfag here. We like Pauline. I like her more than I like Daisy and also at least it ain't Rosalina

Lmao Pauline is even MORE underrated than Daisy. At least Daisy gets mentioned in those stupid mario waifu fagging threads. Pauline is only getting mentioned by sleath Rosafags to bootyblast Daisyfags. Stupid Mario manbabbies think Pauline looks like a whore or something when she's easily the most attractive character in the series

Why is everyone mad about humans. They don't exist in the Mario Kingdom. Mario used the odyssey to travel to the human world

How do you know he is wrong? Did you played the demo?

You complained about the music thrice. That's three times too many.

Daisy, Pauline, and Peach are Mario's only canon loves. I hope Mario ends up marrying Pauline and having kids while Peach dies

>while Peach dies
Nah she will marry bowser for once and everybody wins

F-Zero GX HD on the Switch would be pretty cool though.


Played it last weekend.
Buildings don't reflect Mario and the HDRI used is jaggy as fuck. Maximum shitposting potential.




Why do Nintendo fags think their games will ever be GOTY again? It's not going to happen. The player base isn't what it used to be and no matter how many flood critic sites with unrealistic reviews for 10/10 ratings it's just not going to happen.

>generic NSMB graphics

just look at the game. OP is either a dumbass or trolling. And its probably the first

>being this delusional

well done OP, you baited everybody.You'd think they wouldn't fall for it after seeing that Melee HD comment, but I guess I forgot it is summertime, meaning all the kids are here.

>can go masturbate to deep walking simulators

So botw, thanks.

>59 posts

Daisy is the original princess faggot.

>sure is summer meme
Hate to break it too you but traffic does not increase very much during summer
This forced meme is getting out of hand and actual retards are starting to take it seriously.

>he plays a shitty fifteen year old party game """""competitively"""""

>spouting shit without playing the demo is okay when it's negative

True but Lady Bow has a crush on him, Mario is attracted to Captain Syrup in the official SML3 guide and they have chemistry in KC Deluxe, and Wendy likes Mario in KC Deluxe.

>unironically posting about himself

Meleefags are the absolute worse.

>Daisy is a spinoff garbage

Found the underage faggot.

Except Peach and Mario because Peach hates him and Mario would be a failure of a hero if that happened. Kill Bowser, have Luigi marry Peach, let Mario be free to have various romances for his various adventures.

Yes. It feels much better than Sunshine and Galaxy.

>Mario is attracted to Captain Syrup in the official SML3 guide


>Melee HD
wtf, just play it on Dolphin


>tfw Mario likes Captain Syrup, Peach, Daisy, and Pauline

Why doesn't he like Rosalina?

>have Luigi marry Peach
Just let Bowser win for once then him and peach can fuck off and M&L can still have various adventures

>no u

>Daisy is a spinoff garbage
Fucking peachfags.

You forgot
>cultural appropriation

Poll of the thread

you forgot harriet

A correct theory.

Surely you understand how bad your idea is. You can't have Mario fail and Peach get a bad ending. You can't reward evil and render Mario's last few decades of adventures pointless. Even without shipping stuff, kill off Bowser and the Peach cyle takes care of itself. She's not obligated to return or to spend any time with the Mario bros and there's no motivation to rescue her, so she can just show up as a friend sometimes like in SMB2, or not show up at all while Mario is off kissing other princesses like in SML.

because Rosalina is his daughter

He does love her, she is his niece.

>complaining about bowser and peach returning
>mad daisy isn't returning
>mad pauline, an underutilized character, is getting more facetime

fuck off faggot

>>Pauline got in instead of Daisy
Cool, I didn't know!


she isn't

>shit plot
what did he mean by this?

> deep

>he doesn't know

Sorry man. Pauline is the only mario girl who looks like a GROWN WOMAN not a KID.

>he doesn't know

y'all niggas don't know

>we sonic now

Thanks for keeping my hype contained, OP.
I'm close to buying a Switch but I really don't want to do it for only one game until MP4 releases.

>I'm close to buying a Switch but I really don't want to do it for only one game until MP4 releases.

Mario Party 4 is a gamecube game user.

This is how Daisyfags and Peachfags look when they try to insult Pauline

>having a city level means sonic 06 now
Sonic 06 sucked because it was a buggy unplayable mess not because the hub world is a city

I guess the new Spiderman in sonic 06 now

Mario Party 4 Deluxe.

Fucking hell you're right.
Wait where would this leave Jr. and friends if you killed off Bowser?
Press X to Spiderman is shit but im sure it will still sell well