Defend this, Nintentards

Defend this, Nintentards

That picture is so badly drawn I cannot possibly defend it

Yea, well lets see you do better.

It is impossible for the Switch to slide out from the joycons due to the way they latch on.

Dude those joycon shits will never come off unless you press the buttons

Not an argument


It's actually somewhat difficult to get them off on my Switch. They're kinda stiff.

Defend this

funny gif

no need to defend anything though, the tablet locks into place.

> using voice chat at all
baka famicom


The way it's designed that's not possible.

Please explain why you would need a second monitor for the Switch, or even any console.

Sorry, but it's a Wojak. Can't defend the usage of such an awful meme.

How about you first defend your stupid thread.

Love that people even on Sup Forums don't realize that Nintendo doesn't give two shits about your epic gamer party chat. The chat app is a deliberate
middle finger at muh hardcore pro gamer community. The games they make require absolutely no vocal communication and it should stay that way. Last thing I want is moba garbage shitting up the Switch.

the screen needs to stay on just like a real phone

Honestly, Splatoon doesn't need voice chat.

Of course you don't have to use the voice chat, but having the option to do so without resorting to crap like pic related shouldn't be this hard.
Any other platform gives you the possibility to use it and any other platform gives you the possibility to mute other people

>what is gradual wear and tear

OP must have never even seen or touched a Switch himself.

i've never heard of a moba with voice senpai

so plug your phone into a charger? Or just don't use voice chat, why does everyone feel the need to be heard in a kids game that is entirely noncompetitive at its core? Don't fall for the ad spots, Ninty just made those to get more of the XBO/PS4 marketshare to buy it.

Pre-made team with voice chat will always have advantage.

Look at the fucking lip on the bottom of the joycons. They're fine.

Point taken, however what I was implying was that in pretty much every moba/tf2 clone game tight team coordination is required at the higher levels of play, while Splatoon is a fun but simplistic paint shooter that is directly aimed at children.


Dota 2

>I can judge someone's art expertise without being able to show OP what good art is through my own hand so he has a point of scale to go off of.

Voice chat is also only for a private lobby you set up. Presumably you would be talking with friends.

Something that happens to fucking everything.

In fact, that old school nostalgia machines you have bought years ago are rotting away right now.

your skin will eventually rot too by the way

>I'm PROUD to pay money for less features

Make some real life friends.

It's Nintendo

>multiplayer games
>no voice chat

so there really is people who will defend them over everything. kek

They can use a voice chat on their phones that's better than Nintendo's mess of cables

I'm PROUD that I don't have to listen to fat neckbeards choking on mics in every match.

>Me when it comes to voice chat on Nintendo systems

>I don't want multiplayer in MY Nintendo games
>I want rehashed single player titles that have a plot as deep as shallow puddle

>Nintendo drones don't know that mute exists

Mine are pretty fine off the switch but everytime I detatch the grips I feel like I'm breaking everything

The guard on the switch is metal and the joycons have some nice, strong feeling plastic that connects to the switch.
If someone manages to wear and tear that down then I'll be genuinely surprised, but it's a pretty smooth mechanism so I doubt it'll ever happen.


>he dont know

RIP in Peace Switch, Soon...

t. nervous autist

>My console being a useless overpriced piece of shit is fucking awesome because my autism prevents me from being able to use a fucking mute button

The point is that we don't want "pro gamer" whiny faggots infesting our console.

I'm a grown up I can't be hosting slumber parties with my real life friends.


You want another console no one buys and dies in 4 years like the Wii U?

do you have to be a video game designer to critique videogames now

>We don't want our favourite company to make more sales even if it doesn't affect us in any aspect

Twisted logic you got there

If you don't want to feel like your finger tips are imploding out of space and time when you take the joycons off, don't put this shit on them.

Get that gremlin away from my dog.

You don't feed them after midnight

voice chat on consoles is a gimmick

This gif came out when the switch was revealed
Nothing was known about the change, but they still wanted to misinform

>a smart person in this thread

Then why isn't Nintendo making a retarded console built completely around it?

lmaoing like a retard on this

Because nobody used the microphone attachment for the Gamecube

Because they're behind

Who uses headphones on their living room?