Why doesn't the west play vidya for 16 hours a day like these guys...

Why doesn't the west play vidya for 16 hours a day like these guys? It it impossible for a western person to have this level of dedication?

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Without porn, it is our only form of escape.

Koreans can use a VPN for porn though

그 느낌 언제 직업 있다지만 뿐 비디오 게임을 하고 싶다.

you mean addiction.

>he doesn't know how to find the top notch amateur korean porn on tumblr


the non-trap porn is even better but I'm not giving you that good stuff yet

what the black bars mean?


>dude looks like an lady
>is popular with women
>prefer to get fucked by men
>dudes looks like an men
>is called a homo by women
>have to go fuck the fembois
asia is strange

What do you mean?


You have no idea what you are talking about. People actually have easy access to porn in Korea. Videos are maybe hard to come by, but they have plenty of porn magazine and porn doujins.

Come on give me the non-trap please. Although I'm fine with trap stuff.

Teach me your ways. What exactly do you search for to find this type of amateur porn?

good shit

Isn't it because the only options for fun there are getting drunk or playing video games?

I'd play games for 16 hours a day if I didn't have to work for 8 hours.

Because Sup Forums is more addicting

don't these people get arrested for this?

No. How would anyone ever find out?

well isn't producing porn in korea highly illegal or something?

Nigger, are you retarded? They're small time.


Professional porn, this is amateur stuff that's hidden away via webcamming. It's impossible to track unless someone rats you out.

Unless you live in Detroit or Malmö the West isn't nearly shitty enough to drive people to that level of desperate escapism.


wwow most of these look masculine as fuck. Are you gay or something?

>You become a registered sex offender if you get caught looking up porn in south korea

who the fuck thought that was a good idea

They are more disciplined as a result.

>16 hours only