Why don't you own a Playstation Vita Sup Forums?

Why don't you own a Playstation Vita Sup Forums?

I do.

I have one but what games are there to play?

Also is henkaku even worth not updateing the firmware?

i do have one cracked
now with psp spoof i got everything i wanted

did not play it for 3 months. lol.

100% is.

yea man nothing says quality like Japanese vita games

Looks better than SMTIV desu

the 3ds has shit hardware, vita is bretty good but half the games are shit like this

>half the games are shit like this
They're not though.

I wanted one when it was first announced, but was too poor at the time.

I loved the Vita more than the 3DS but nothing worth playing has come out on it in ages, and on top of that the games I'm apprehensive of trying have got almost full AAA price tags.

Like how is persona 2. $40

Switch is going to replace it

Overpriced Memory cards
No New Patapon

It was an easy choice for me

>playing ps1 games in 2017
not worth it

Most likely, theres just the price tag holding it back from really pulling hand held fans. Sony might also release a new handheld to takes it's place

>but nothing worth playing has come out on it in ages
If you don't know japanese, sure.
>Like how is persona 2. $40
Fatlus gonna jew, nothing new.
All the Vita focused devs are migrating to PS4 and PC, Switch ain't gonna get anything but old Vita ports, JP third parties aren't interested in a platform with no demographic for them.

but i already own a switch

But I do.

I do. No games etc.

Why did they do that?
What the fuck were they thinking with the memory cards?

So you would give them more money. Isn't it obvious?

Because I bought a PSTV instead.

You overestimate the japanese library.

I only want to play about 10 games on it and it cost about £80. Too expensive.

To be honest I only want one to play P4G. I want to ask to borrow one from a friend but I feel like he'd be pretty pissed if I held on to it for too long.

Because the Vita's memory is dogshit and a good 80% of the library is digital only

i have a 3ds,maybe i will buy a vita just to pirate the games.
i have superior psp too.

because the price is too high, for $250 i can either buy a current gen console or a dead handheld.

Not even close. The Switch barely functions as a handheld anyway, plus paid online.

get an sd2vita and pirate everything

and one of the few games i want to play is disgaea d2 and laharl-chan,but i get the feeling it might come to PC.

I do and thats a very shit Yodobashi Akihabara picture.


Because the 3DS part is 2-3 times as big.

>Shows the Switch part instead

I know japanese, I do not underestimate what I actually play and know better than you.
Pic related is a 10-ish bucks budget game that also plays at 60 FPS, except when it turns into a SHMUP with a gorillion projectiles and enemies on screen.

You can get a new PSTV for $60.

Bowser looking nice as always

Because I don't want to buy a $100 memory card.

so buy an sd2vita

Softmoded PSTVs support USB memory.

Thats the main show area they dumb whoever pays them the most there.

Example of Sony VR

But I do OP.
>been streaming my pc games with Moonlight Vita
>almost no delay
Feels good.

I do and I'm still dissappointed p5 wasn't released on vita.
I tried cold steel but it sucks, I'm better playing trails in the sky 2nd.

No mainline Persona game has ever been released on a handheld first. Seeing as Sony is dropping out, P5G might be a Switch or Switch 2 game instead.

God I hope they never release p5g on switch.

fuck off fanboy

Why not?

because persona q and smt x fire emblem were horrible and I don't want an even more horrible translation of p5.

Literally playing the same game right now and I was about to post it.

the fuck is that

the thing you use to pirate

I own a Vita but kind of regret it because after I blasted through Disgaea 3 and 4, nothing else really grabbed my interest. NIS is putting all the games I WOULD be getting on my Vita to the Switch or Steam now, so after I finish P4G, I'm not sure what I'll be using it for after this.

If they port a game why the hell would it get an 'even worse translation'? It's a port.

It definitely is.Every single game (up to 3.60),overclock,translated JP games,homebrew etc

Because they had some part redone in P4G and new content added.

>N3DS with CFW and flashcard
>PSV with henkaku
>Switch too if they manage the same

I do. To this day I ask why.

I want to move to japan

In the west we have nothign like that

Is installing games on the vita as much of a pain as it was when henkaku first released? I can't even be bothered to pirate.

where's the xbox area

you're a moron
it was never hard to do and it's only gotten easier

Yo where the fuck can I find a big list of games to download? Every single megathread/link I find for Vita is totally dead

Remember to get Rean if you haven't already.

I do, couldn't be happier with it.

It takes forever and doesn't work a lot of the time.

what part of it doesn't work?

>all the vita games have flat surfaces like that
>vita is stronker than 3ds!

I do unfortunately, I paid $130 for a 3.60 model with 8GB card, I wish I hadn't.

There isn't even anything worth pirating.

Like after the install same games just don't work. It's been a long time since I tried though. Also I'm not really interested in any vita games.

The Vita isn't much stronger than an original Xbox.

You can copy them much faster using vitashell and with maitools it takes like a few seconds to install.

>all the vita games have flat surfaces like that
They don't though, especially PSNOVA.
>vita is stronker than 3ds!
It is.


Everyone knows the Vita is stronger, I think he was comparing it to a nigger.

Niggers are strong, but have no other positive traits.

that wouldn't make sense because he himself is a negro

I just bought one off jewbay.
What are the must get RPG's?

>I think he was comparing it to a nigger.
That makes him dumber than a nigger since he lied about something he knew nothing about and got caught.
>What are the must get RPG's?
Learn Moon.