Days until Mania: 25
What are you guys hoping for from the panel? It's been confirmed that no new zones will be revealed, but what about some music for a new zone? Hydrocity?
... Please? :(
Days until Mania: 25
What are you guys hoping for from the panel? It's been confirmed that no new zones will be revealed, but what about some music for a new zone? Hydrocity?
... Please? :(
nobody cares classicfaggot
enjoy your Force prequel
There is a god because this game exist.
We also know there is a devil because this game exits too.
I wish they finally show the special stage. We still don't know what it was.
I just want them to release high quality rips of the music, I can only listen to Studiopolis Act.1 for so long and like Mirage Saloon Act.2's music has been updated since we originally heard it, there's also the mini-boss & boss themes which sound sexy but no one has made a clean rip of those yet. I know it's only 25 days but I really am yearning for that music now.
I want them to release more of Stardust Speedway just already.
Daily reminder that Sonic 06 Episode 2 WILL outsell this just because it has a physical.
This will probably be the case but I still feel it'll sell decently due to it being $20 and I'm expecting better review scores than Forces which will influence others decisions on getting it.
Anything to discuss?
Discuss "The Hole".
Why will Forces outsell Mania
What's the probability of Hydrocity Zone being in as of today, July 20th, 2017?
We'll probably get it unless Labyrinth gets in, so I'm going to say it's a 50/50 chance.
Doubt they'd use two zones from the same game.
dude, what? how the fuck will they maintain a 60/40 ratio of old/new with at least 5 new zones + new boss zone if they don't double dip?
>waiting for Mania news
>Forces reveal gets all the oxygen
>Linkin Park bullshit guarantees the Forces garbage will be talked about longer because 'memes xD'
Saturday night. Be patient
What's with that hole?
There's something in it.
Mystic Cave Zone is in it.
no physical = no buy
>people who still won't accept that physical media is already obsolete and it's not going to come back
>Linkin Park
Well you don't have to worry about that anymore
Hey Arin
That was exactly what i meant by 'Linkin Park bullshit' though
My mistake, I misunderstood
no problemo
Alright people, how will your first play through go? Will you get all the emeralds? Will you go for best time? Best score? Exploration? What character will you choose?
Explore, all Emeralds, Sonic + Tails.
>Mania has alternate routes
>If you break the capsule you go to Chemical Plant
>If you fall down the hole you go to Labryinth Zone
It'd be pretty neat.
I'm gonna explore, get all the Emeralds and go with Sonic solo.
All emeralds as Sonic only. I'll do a second playthrough as Knuckles for exploration.
Sonic & Tails. Will try to get all emeralds but won't reset if i don't. Probably headed for the bad ending in that case. Gonna explore as much as i can too.
When are they gonna unveil Marble Garden Zone?
Sonic & Tails playthrough just to beat the game on first run, then every character solo for chaos emeralds.
Threadly reminder that Infinity killed Chester
nice joke
why would that be revealed when they said no new zones they'd have to tell what zone its from.
>...Please? :(
just die faggot
>tfw Street Fighter EX is dead
So does the Arika own the rights to Skullomania and Daruk?
Physical fags are the fucking worst
>Marble Garden
best remix coming through
any EX character that wasn't an old sf one
To make this sonic related new sonic fighters when?
But they just announced a new game
They always did, that's the reason Capcom never could add EX characters into later entries
They're part of Arika's canon
There's a bit they could show off, maybe they can show off the Competition Mode that the Steam page mentions or maybe how Special Stages are, maybe Bonus Stages, a new mechanic, maybe just a story synopsis even.
i didnt ask what they could show off
i specifically asked why they would show off music from a new stage.
I really don't like the chemical plant zone remix in this
Yeah, I misread your post and thought you fucked up what you were asking, my mistake.
>What are you guys hoping for from the panel?
A reveal of Lava Reef
If we're getting Icecap that's going to be a secret until release
play order is gonna go Sonic & Tails, Sonic, Tails, then Knuckles
This is fantastic news!
Which one
Do people really care about the Act 1 mixes?
Retards insisted that it was a stage transition to underground levels that aren't on the same island as green hill
That would shorten the play through length.
I like Green Hill's first Act music, Chemical Plant I don't care for and I find Flying Battery's to be weak & lacking it's I guess "oomph" the original had.
yes? they're still remasters
What's with the "no physical no buy" shitposts? I could understand if this was a gull priced game but it's only $20. Plus, going by Cave Story+ on the switch, a physical version would only make the price of the game increase.
Labyrinth was absorbed
This game has to double dip because what said. So consider hydrocity to be very likely.
Act 2. Act 1 remix is way better, feels closer to the original.
The bit at 0:33 is too high for example.
That's Marble zone. Marble Garden zone is even more hated and the music isn't great either.
so whats the deal with this? just took fanmade levels and made it into an official game?
they're not really interesting remasters, though, lopes only get crazy in act 2
i understand they needed to stay close to the originals for act 1 but i kinda wish both acts were in the style of act 2 for classic zones
fuck. i always mix them up.
No. Shut up.
I like the idea as a safety. If you like faithful music, you can listen to Act 1. If you want what TL thinks is best for the song, you can listen to Act 2.
The problem is I hope they didn't go out of their way to make Act 1 and 2 distinct from each other just for the sake of being different. For example, I like Act 2 of chemical plant better, but there's a few things that it should've shared Act 1's interpretation of. But songs could be so similar that it defeats the purpose of having a unique mix per act.
it's a game built from grounds up by people with strong positions within classic sonic community (pretty much the cream of the crop), being previously involved in shit like sonic 2 hd and official cd/1/2 ports; physics are more accurate to original than anything sonic team has done since advance 1 because autists got them figured out to a single byte
it contains new zones as well as original ones with revamped assets, where act 1 is closer to original in design and act 2 strays away from it
someone will probably post the huge ass inforgraphic soon but that's the gist of it
I know about the double dipping but I'm not fully convinced that having a mechanic or 2 automatically throws that level out, I sure hope it does though since I never liked Labyrinth beyond music unlike Hydrocity which is my favorite zone in the Classics.
>The bit at 0:33 is too high for example.
Like pitch? What do you mean.
I hear the new resonating trumpet at that part. That's the best part of the remix and it's so good I re-imagined that it was in the original track and was surprised when it wasn't.
>alex kidd
true sega mascot
gives no fucks
bad response
good response. i think ill pick this one up, thanks
Infograph you say?
I liked Marble Garden Zone
I feel the same way on a case by case basis. Some gimmicks are a big part of a level's identity and they would only use it in a stage we've seen so far if we weren't going to see it in another part of the game.
As far as labyrinth is concerned, the only other thing it has is water slides and the part where the current grabs you sends you through obstacles. Both of those are in hydrocity and it's one of the most popular zones ever, and one of the acts has top tier music. Meanwhile labyrinth is the most hated zone in S1.
Maybe, just maybe, the 60/40 ratio information was wrong, outdated, or changed over time.
Not if they force you to backtrack!
It's only been 4 months since that news was revealed, I doubt it's outdated or has been changed over time. I guess the Sega rep could be wrong on that ratio though, but I doubt it since the ratio seems fair to me & goes with what Iizuka said months prior.
He's saying "about: so that implies uncertainty, or maybe some one-act levels like Sky Chase are returning.
It's from destructoid's article dated March 10th
>The Sega rep told us that the game is about 60 percent remixing levels from past Sonic games and about 40 percent using ideas that are new or that were never implemented back then.
If it's 1 new zone for every hard boiled heavy, excluding the possibility of a 6th new zone as the final zone, having 1 remixed zone from each sonic game is 50/50. And "new ideas" is vague and could apply to new ideas added to old zones.
Anyway if the sega rep was wrong, they need to clear it up at the panel this weekend because right now 2 returning classics per game is cementing in our minds.
>Sky Chase returns as the level transition to Flying Battery
>Hidden Palace returns as some story-related shenanigans occur there
>Final Zone returns in the middle of the last world for shits and giggles
Well we already know how imperfect this information is, so will you tell us why you doubt they will be using 2 zones from each game?
When is summer of sonic?
check Sup Forums
not this year
>so will you tell us why you doubt they will be using 2 zones from each game?
I'm really just speculating possibilities.
>last SoS was already a year ago
I want off Father Time's Wild Ride.
Wtf why not?