Do the 8 bit castlevainia games still hold up?

Do the 8 bit castlevainia games still hold up?

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They also still trigger childhood rage

Castlevania 1, 3, and Rondo? Absolutely. 4 isn't that bad either. The future of the series after Rondo is pretty sad though. They completely missed the point of Super Metroid and seriously dumbed down the series as a result.

CV3 is one of the best in the series

Play the nip version for an ear feast

fucking nope
super, rondo, bloodlines and adventure rebirth are the FUN classic CVs


Pretty recently got into them.

They definitely hold up in the art and music department. It takes a lot of getting used to difficulty wise, that's for sure. I like the design of having to be deliberate about how you place yourself, but it feels like there's a lot of unnecessary difficulty that could be resolved with slightly faster walking speed. I've really liked everything in 1 and 3 besides that.

With the translation hack of course.

The Japanese Famicom cartridge of Akumajō Densetsu (Legend of the Demon Castle) was installed with the VRC6 coprocessor, the western equivalent, the NES wasn't compatible with the VRC6 coprocessor so Castlevania 3 had to downgrade all the music to work with the MMC5. Luckily there are translated rom hacks of Akumajo Densetsu so you can play it in English.

>using crosses against Dracula
Well, of course you'd rage if you used the wrong weapon.

The original has some of the best level design and enemy placement ever. Literally the entire game is designed against someone being able to just steamroll a level blindly.

>Literally the entire game is designed against someone being able to just steamroll a level blindly.
You sound like you're comparing the game to I Wanna Be The Guy.

the nes Castlevanias are an odd anomaly where they act like they are janky and awkward to control but know exactly what they're doing.

is adventure rebirth a good place to start with Classicvania?

I maintain that Castlevania was one of the first survival horror games, in a way, because design choices used in it were similar to those from Alone in the Dark and Resident Evil.

This man speaks the truth

how do you guys feel about Simon's quest with the dialog patch?

>survival horror
>with lives system and infinite credits

Can't beat this track, had me hyped up as a kid

I recently played Symphony of the Night and I absolutely loved it. I had only played Circle of the Moon and Order of Ecclesia before, and now I feel like going through the entire series.

Is there any of them that I should just avoid, or are they all worth checking out?

Can they all be emulated on PC?

I recently got into the serie, Castlevania 3 is a masterpiece.
>mfw they took the good ideas they had in C2, The Adventure and even Kid Dracula
>mfw the game has every meme trope I love
>mfw you enter the castle and this starts playing

avoid Harmony of Dissonance

It's a piece of buffalo diarrhea

You should play them in release order, even the worst castlevania games are worth trying.

*tips fedora*

Hell yeah, 1 and 3 still hold up well to this day.

I like the US version better desu

I said with the dialog patch you meme loving fuck.

Simon's Quest Redaction actualled fixes the game by removing the lies, and clarifying the hints and adding new hints

its actually pretty fun wehn you dont actively NEED nintendo power

Castlevania 1 is legit one of the best games ever and I'm not even in the nostalgia camp.

1 - Everyhting is great. Except for some cheap death traps.
2 - Gameplay is ok. Progression is dogshit.
3 - Definitely better than 1.
4 - Okay. Kinda easy desu with the whip control. My only issue is screen is too zoomed in.
Rondo - It's like 3 again but even better 10/10


why are christcucks so easy to trigger?

yes 100%

Anyone else think Dracula X is unfairly shit on? It has better graphics and difficulty than Rondo

seriously, you'd think they would turn the other cheek

Rondo was good but could have definitely used more variety in levels. The fleamen on boulders and the river raft ride on alternate stage 4 were a cool ideas, but most of the levels were just flat with the occasional stair or platform to jump across.

that they wanted to fix CV2

>better graphics
highly debatable

16 bit is where it's at

I only ever played 1 and Bloodlines.

bloodlines is the most underrated vania.

whys it never been rereleased?


>16 bit is where it's at
>btw, I never played the best 8 bit one

Stop pushing your shitty meme


its not a new meme

Keep fighting the good fight, Creaking Skull.

Should I play US of JP version of Castlevania 3?

Jp with english patch

>start series with AoS since it was what i was recommended
>beat death after god knows how many tries
>keep dying trying to progess and me trying to get the burtang weapon in the area because everything does crazy damage
>i literally cant do anything because im out of potions and medusa heads/harpies come out of every direction meaning im taking damage somehow

also i fucking hate how getting enemies powers is rng. who thought this was a good idea? I've restarted my save more than 5 times at the point and each run i either get no powers or ones that are from different enemies

Both. The differences are enough to justify playing both of them.

>>start series with AoS
found your problem
AoS is overrated by handheld babbies. It's a decent game, but SoTN is by far the superior game.

death's soul should help deal with most encounters for a while

Here's a tip, if you ever come across a flaming horse, farm that shit

i started with aos and didn't have any problems, it was fun

1 > Bloodlines > Rondo > 3 > 4 > Sharp > X > 2 >>>>>>>>> any metroidvania

I played the classicvanias some years ago for the first time and I'd say they hold up extremely well. You just gotta remember they're a different type of game than the metroidvanias

If you're playing Castlevania 1 for the first time you'll probably be getting pretty frustrated for awhile. Once you're good at the game it is pretty fun, but it is really short and inconsistent.

Castlevania 3 is still really punishing for a newcomer, but is a lot meatier and more well-designed. I fucking love this game.

Save yourself a lot of trouble and look up exactly how subweapons work. Triple shot holy water is your best friend in both of these games.

Played castlevania as a kid (1 and Simon's quest)
Recently picked up SotN. Metroid did the genre so much better, alucard feels slow as fuck and I rather have effective upgrades that double as helpful in combat and exploration as opposed to stats. Do other games follow this style? Or did it get improved upon?

I don't feel that it improved much until OoE, and that's mostly because it feels like they went "fuck it" with the exploration and made it almost entirely about combat and made leveling up so meaningless that Hard Mode lvl 1 is an actual mode in the game and not a self-imposed challenge. Classicvania is still the best, though.

>mfw playing Castlevania 3 on my NES mini right now
This thing is simultaneously fun and bullshit. Fucking skeleton snake things. I finally got to the castle 10 minutes ago.

this man speaks the truth


Shit, I'm playing OoE now and I'm loving how it feels like such a throwback to games like CV2.

>guy who hates on the Metroidvania games doesn't recommend Bloodlines
What a shock

what did he mean by this?

I feel CV2 is not worth it, even if it has some funky tracks you rarely see elsewhere. And Bloody Tears

I really like it for the dracula fight, way better than the one in rondo and one of my favourite final bosses of the CVs I've played

Of course not, are you fucking retarded?

If you have experience with challenging games, play the original. It's still the best by far. If you'd rather have an "experience" than challenge, play SotN.

why is that retarded? are you trying to say the original is harder or less hard than Rebirth?

Kid Dracula > Everything else

my melanin enriched brother

AoS was my first Castlevania game after CV64

You have the actual originals to experience, so why the fuck would you play awkward approximations? CV Rebirth to CV1 and 3 is what Sonic 4 is to Sonic 1-3.

No. Pretty much all NES games have aged like milk. The controls are clunky, the games are short and lacking of content and the shortness is compensated with difficulty which is often caused by things like "one hit kills everywhere, no continues" or just being overly cryptic. SNES is where it's at as those games have often aged very well and can still be enjoyed by new players even without nostalgia. See for example Super Castlevania IV, A Link to the Past and Super Mario World and compare those to the first games of their series. The difference is night and day.

>difference is night and day

agreed, CV1 shits all over CV4

Yep, 1 & 3 are probably the best "hard NES platformers". The 16bit games are pure ludo, even Dracula X is pretty good.

my bad I should have explained that first
I'm holding off on the S/NES Castlevanias because all I currently have is a Wii and I don't want to buy VC shit when the shop could be pulled soon, so I'll get them on the 3DS instead

>difficulty which is often caused by things like "one hit kills everywhere, no continues" or just being overly cryptic
What the fuck are you even talking about? The games have a health system, infinite continues, and are strict action/ platformers. You're fucking stupid. Jesus fucking christ.

>not emulating the japanese version
enjoy your shit music my man

I have no idea how someone could claim that the original CV is so much better than the others unless they are really bad at the other games.

Castlevania 1 to Castlevania 3 is like going from Sonic 1 to Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

You are a fucking idiot.

I was talking about NES games in general but I guess that was too hard for you to understand so you had to go into a tantrum. In Castlevania's case tho the difficulty comes mostly from the lack of save feature since you either beat the entire game in one sitting or you don't beat it at all.

did you take Alucard route to Sunken City? The boss their is fucking bullshit in the American version where you can only hit it's head to damage it unlike Japanese where hitting it anywhere counts.

i beat super castlevania iv yesterday.

I raged so hard, was cool

3 is relentlessly hard and cheap to its detriment and Sonic 3 is very easy

he didnt say it was, he said it was shitty

and it is

How are you playing it on the nes mini? did it get hax

>implying I didnt
user, Castlevania 3 isn't on the NES mini unless you hack it.

>unless they are really bad at the other games.

called it. and nice job completely failing to grasp that analogy.

As someone who is actually good at CV3, the only truly cheap part of the game is the rising water segment in hard mode specifically. You basically need Alucard and you need to get lucky (ridiculous bat spawns on both sides). The changes to the bone tower enemies in hard mode also make a couple of stairs-focused segments sort of inconsistent to get out of unscathed. The regular game though is utterly fair.

Also you must be really forgetting how the death and frankenstein battles are. They are heavily, heavily luck-based unless you've had the prior knowledge necessary to freeze them with powered-up holy water as soon as you reach them. Those fights a certified bullshit without taking that very specific approach.

Speaking of Castlevania, is Castlevania ReBirth any good?

It is widely liked.

Its good

Better than Adventure, for sure. Only play it if you've gone through every other Classicvania.

It's really good but a bit on the short side. Music is the best in the franchise. Definetly get it.

Its very good. You can even use the wiimote as a whip too.

why's that?

no it isn't, the whole game is an endurance round which doesn't work well with how little life you have, and that's beyond all the death pits and stairs. the ninja gaiden type bosses and difficulty doesn't mesh with the movement mechanics either, it's the most memorization heavy castlevania. a it's not tuned at all and being more difficult doesn't mean it's better, see double dragon 3

How dare you

>just got my Sharp X68000 emulator up and running on RetroArch and will be playing some Castlevania later

Are you talking about CV1 Death? That's not bullshit. Even you can't get to him with holy water to cheese him, you can get the cross along the way from the checkpoint and the little sickles sometimes drop the II and III items when you destroy them. It's the kind of fight that gets easier the longer it goes on, since pretty soon you'll have triple crosses and will be dealing a ton of damage. It's the hardest boss in the game for sure, but there's no bullshit there.

The first one does.