>all DLC for free now
>free weekend too
All DLC for free now
Other urls found in this thread:
>DLC is all multiplayer
>no single player expansions
What's the point?
>got the season pass for 10 bucks on some keyshit site
>only the Pinky demon was actually a good dlc
I wonder why they did this season pass to begin with, most of the good shit was the basic unlocks.
how is the multiplayer now?
Can't say because still downloading update.
It was fun and hack modules seem to be gone, chances are many are trying it out now
>steam need to download 34gb
Fucking why?
I hope i can play tonight
>60gigs download
Because they had to, marketing research shows that announcing past launch support through season passes and dlc makes more people want to buy the game.
>download 60GB
>just play 2 shitty campaign levels and then can't play it anymore
Free DLC
can I play the whole game? or is there some bullshit level lock
Now I'll finally know if this game is shit or not. The Steam reviews are 42,000 positive and 3,500 negative. But I bet most of these fags never beat the original Doom or even tried Brutal Doom.
>Le epic demon shooter game with metal music and great checkpoints!!1!
you can only play 2 levels senpai
Full game
It's a great doom game
it could of been much worse
You sound like you are a real blast to hang out with.
iktf bro
got memed on as well. This is a fucking Halo not doom
>brutal doom
You have to go back
so which one is it?
who cares... MP is dead
>Brutal Doom
>We're thrilled to announce that our Free Weekend for DOOM on Steam has begun! Play the first two levels of the campaign, plus all of multiplayer and SnapMap game modes. That includes the brand new Update 6.66, which unlocks all DLC content for free, revamps the game's progression, and adds bug fixes and improvements.
>80gb install
>living in Canada
>3MB download
There's not a worse place for downloading.
fuck that, 60gb for two levels
Im downloading this to benchmark my toaster, for future purchases
42,000 positive reviews.
Probably 30% of them played the original Doom for more than 10 minutes, much less beat it and Doom 2
Probably only 10-20% of them played and enjoyed Serious Sam
And here they are giving glowing reviews. I'm going to ignore HALF of these reviews and say that Doom has 21,000 positive reviews and 3,500 negative reviews. Which is not the greatest.
You haven't played Halo if you think D44M plays anything like it. For starters Doom Guy doesn't feel like he's running through treacle and can carry more than two guns.
>1000 GB download
>These reviews aren't legit because of my arbitrary standards
Literally kill yourself.
>2TB uncompressed trash
no thank you.
it feels like console faggotry and is designed like console faggotry. you can shove it up your ass console dick sucker.
Why the fuck is disk use twice as high as network?
>666 GB download
>beat em up genre of games, dead
>shmup genre, dead
>JRPG genre, dead
>RTS and tactical RPG genre, dead
indeed the fall of the industry is powered by the collective retardation of millions
>that filesize
What the actual fuck.
>playing a ton of wads leading up to doom 4 release
>having a fuckton of fun
>realize I had more fun playing the wads for doom1/2 then I did doom 4
It's still a great game and the sequel should be just as good
Ah I see, you thing JRPGs and RPGs are dead probably because you look at only AAA releases. Probably not even keeping track of Divinity Original Sin 2 which is shaping up to be the greatest CRPG in over a decade.
how is level lock bullshit.
it's a short singleplayer campaign
Too bad the game is shit unless you're a PUBG loving normie.
I'm sure you're just fucking with people, but to even mention Brutal Doom when dissing DOOM is an embarrassment. I can't believe how much people force themselves to believe their own opinions sometimes
>All that extra shit for the terrible multiplayer
>Game comes out
>Sup Forums loves it and was surprised by its quality
>Now whenever it's mentioned you get nothing but contrarians saying it was always shit
TOR ruined this board.
>not just pirating it in the first place
The multiplayer fucking garbage so if you pirate it you get the actual good content immediately.
i fucking hear you.
>oh cool, i want to try the game
>that size
i dont fucking think so
The developers of this game....
They make a great single player game but put a ton of pvp content nobody cares about.
You know what would revive these genres? If people actually played them and they weren't for a niche audience. The RTS craze was killed because there's nothing to gain out of new RTS games when they're all the exact same game reskinned and tactical RPG's are more popular than they've been for a long ass time.
>Game comes out
>Sup Forums loves it and was surprised by its quality
It's almost as if the game company hired some marketing folks to shill their game on the internet.
Did you seriously think someone would even ironically like a brown'n'bloom wubstep shooter where you run around performing epic cinematic QTE fatalities?
A lot more frustrating after the update. The new unlock system is bullshit. Not to mention harder.
10MB/s wireless here. How is that even still possible? Are you out in the prairies or something? If you're Ontario based; gotta hunt for the good deals. If they have to advertise it; it's probably shit.
Is it good?
nigger, nobody thought this shit would be good after the multiplayer open beta. bethesda didn't give it any marketing budget.
Serious Sam is retarded and has NOTHING to do with Doom, OG or new one.
They should have seperated the multiplayer and single player like Call of Duty so that we didn't have to download 60TB of game content where half of it we don't really care about.
Yes. Sound editing sucks but apart from
that it's a great shooter. Great contemporary update to Doom 1-2.
I didn't think it would be worth a shit, and I was very pleasantly surprised by it.
This shit ain't worth it even for free.
Fuck Bethesda, fuck Zenimax.
You'd be very wrong there, mate.
SS are some of the most blatant "Doom clone" games out there, to the point of being literal tributes. SS3 literally started as Croteam's pitch for Doom4, which Bethfucks shot down simply because they're such a small, European team.
And not surprisingly, Sam3 was way better "Doom4" game than the real deal.
hey now, i enjoyed watching Tidus chainsaw orcs in half before D44M invented glory kills
Exactly. I played the campaign several times through, really liked it, but had no urge at all to play the multiplayer. Then the game just gets multiplayer packs out the ass with no story expansions or even confirmation on a sequel.
I have to wonder what the flying fuck Bethesda expected from the game. It's like they had no idea the devs were actually making a good single player game.
>live about half an hour out of london
>2mb/s download
when I saw the 34gb patch I just uninstalled the game
I don't have the time for a full day of downloading
To sell a sequel?
>68 gigabytes
even if it didn't take forever for me to download, there's no way i'm devoting that much hard drive space to just one game
I haven't played since I beat it around launch. Did they fix the fucking load times?
>It's an "Anonymous says Serious Sam is more Doom than Doom 2016" episode
>that feel when american
>tfw a few miles outside second largest banking city in US
>tfw best internet available by any provider is 3mbps
>tfw the companies fix their prices and cap the data at 100g/month for everyone
my neighbors and I have enough guns to lead a revolt at the AT&T corporate office. maybe we should try and see what happens, because this internet is trash
>that belly
>le greentext meme & furry reaction image reply
Yes, you read that right, dear Zenimax shill fucker.
Nuduum is absolutely disgusting shitstain in the series history.
>brutal doom
Good b8. Made me mildly upset.
So what's in those 60gbs?
Hard drive space is cheap as fuck, senpai. Like 50 bucks for a 2 terabyte 7600 rpm hdd.
uncompressed MEGATEXTURES.
Was the loadtimes bad? I got it in the summer sale and the levels loaded in like 3 seconds for me.
On the other side, I tried it after people literally called it the second coming of Christ and got very disappointed.
I found character speed to be decent, but the movement options are next to none.
Actual gunplay was weak as well. Shooting didn't didn't feel satisfying and the punching gimmick got old and disruptive after the first level.
Do you think the continuation of DOOM will be an expansion pack or a full blown sequel?
It's worse than brutal doom to be honest. You don't want to experience QTE fest with terrible soundtrack.
You're a fucking retard and don't know what youre talking about. Around the release, there was nothing but shitposting about the game because people didn't like the multiplayer beta.
Some guy that does janitor for zenimax's office leaked that it's a requirement for all games produced by the company to include some kind of dlc/season pass if it exceeds a specified budget limit. Prey apparently had a huge AMD backing in order to promote the new processors so it avoided going over zenimax's own allocation.
The DLC was already free, if you count the dozen NuDoom inspired mods for the older Doom's.
Suprised Zeminax didn't sent DMCA to Doom modders, since D4T's multiplayer is what NuDoom's multiplayer should have been.
>tfw the multiplayer is kinda fun now
>minimum 6gb
soz brah didn't realize you were such a gl game jesus
There was nothing but "Sup Forums was wrong" posts and praising the game to high heavens because of you shilled the game. Sorry to blow your cover, shill.
nuDuum is designed and aimed for the Xbox crowd, a generation that literally has never even heard of DooM before necessarily. To these people, any shooter without a reload button is ground breakingly innovative, no matter that it plays almost like a glorified Battlefield and FC in every other way.
DOOM 4's OST is the best in the series. DOOM 1 and 2 were nothing but literal midi covers of popular metal songs of the period, and DOOM 3 is absolute garbage across the board.
>no matter that it plays almost like a glorified Battlefield and FC in every other way.
I swear you're just spouting absolute shite at this point and hoping people don't think you're utterly retarded. The closest comparison to D44M is Painkiller.
>free shit
>people complain
every single time
this shows the board is contrarian by definition
but i am not complaining in any way: i prefer this skeptic nature over the blatant shilling of other websites
what does the DLC add? is it worth downloading if I already completed the cracked game?
>literal midi covers of popular metal songs
there were like 2 covers and they weren't singles
Just pirate. The repack is just 35GB
it is an aditional 36 gigs download
i don't know what is in there
no man
only you and a cadre of just the most prestigious individuals ever got to play the original games
it's not like the iwads have been easily available for free for decades, and new engines to run the game are released every now and then and also mantained
I know you're baiting, but I also know for sure there are people around who kinda think like this and rush to earn some e-cred by mentioning they played the originals
I want to bite it
Game is shit mate.
>have 1tb hardrive for games
>only 103gb free space left
>open steam
>doom wants to update
>delete game instead
>now have 186gb free space
>can never redownload doom since it would take way too damn long
>can never replay doom again
No son. I just happen to have too much experience with games of all sizes and shapes.
Upgrade trees, QTE finishers, literal cinematics, around ten enemies on screen at once, and cookie cutter MP. NuDuum is not even a PainKiller-like. It's just another modern console shooter amongst others, a case of wasted opportunities and blatant lies, that still managed to be successful enough because of gullible fucks falling for aggressive marketing.
nudoom is a great game
kilk yourself
>around ten enemies on screen at once
I believe the limit is 12.
Would it surprise you that, on average, most enemies on screen in the original Doom is around 10?
Save from a few exceptions, of course, and it also appears to ramp up in Doom 2.
>Upgrade trees
The vast majority of which are alternate fire modes for your weapons, with nearly each one having two swappable alt fires. You're literally complaining about being given options.
>QTE finishers
Completely optional and will get you killed on anything above Normal.
>literal cinematics
Altogether less than a few minutes long, stop acting like this is Metal Gear Solid.
>around ten enemies on screen at once
There were a handful of cases of there being more than ten enemies on screen in Doom 1 and 2, funnily enough those were the garbage wide open levels where enemies often served as glorified turrets on high points.
>and cookie cutter MP
Nobody cared about the multiplayer.
post speeds