Was it rape?

Was it rape?

Can't rape the willing.

>sleeping and helpless

Just being unconscious wouldn't make me not want to give Tharja the dick.

Use this handy guide to help you decide:

>was the victim male?
It's not rape, it's funny.

>was the victim female?
It was definitely a rape, always.

See, when guys get raped it's either "funny" (dominated by a hot sexy woman) or "justified" (raped in prison because he was a bad guy.)

Women? Always rape. Never deserved and never EVER funny.

Sucks to be male, I know. But at least we can take a quick piss anytime we want. Any time, anywhere.

Who cares she's hot? Attractive women cannot rape. Only fags will claim otherwise and everyone has is worth a damn hates fucking fags.

I love tharja so no

You passive-aggresive retard. Men literally cannot be raped. No pussy, no rape. Did you fail your middle-school sex education class or something?

>not having her get chrommed in the desert
You deserve it


No-one else give them any. He only deserves one, if that.

but user.

you've left out a crucial detail. the boipussy

So grabbing a guy in the shower and fucking him up his ass without his permission is what exactly? Hijinks?

>Men literally cannot be raped

Male power fantasy.

>He never pranked anyone in the ass in the high school showers
What was it like not having any friends?

>Isn't this stupid comedy skit rape?
You faggot that would never happen in real life. It's just comedy shown on movies.

Literally a meme. There is no "boipussy".

Literally a reaction image. Still no argument. Keep trying you butthurt man-children. This is why no self-respecting woman will ever touch you.

Honestly if your ass wasn't pegged with no lube or something and all she did was to slide your dick in her slit, I don't see why you would be opposed to it.

Maybe she has aids, maybe you don't wanna cheat on someone? Who knows.

>overpowering and raping men with the knowledge that they'll never say anything to anyone about it
feels good

Are you actually saying that in real life, no man has ever forcefully put his penis inside another mans ass without him consenting?

Daily reminder being pegged isn't gay.

Only fags do that. Men are supposed to be strong. If you are so weak that you get assfucked by other men than you deserve to get "raped".

I mean obviously, a man having sex with a woman can never be gay


Been raped by a woman before, it fucking sucks and you feel like shit for a long time after.

So you're obviously the strongest person on earth then since it hasn't happened to you, right?

I find this strangely arousing for some reason.

Imagine being so fucking paranoid about shits like this.

When you fap to hentai does your dick go limp as soon as you find out it's a rape doujin? Ease off on the tumblr newfriend.


I fucking hope so

I'm a woman. It sickens me when pathetic men try to get in on the rape issue just so they can play victim. Only women can get raped not men. Go whine somewhere else you sissies.

adorable, i bet your butt is cute

you need a good spanking on that cute butt of yours

Nice try user.

Story? I give you permission to blogpost.


>ITT: Low test beta males whining about "women priviledge"
I'm so glad my kind leaves you bitches so thirsty and desperate for us. It gives me a twisted kind of joy watching you pathetic "men" whining and crying like the children you are.

user, female (male)


Fuck off /fit/

Trying way too hard user, real women don't put effort into anything

waddup Sup Forums is this the JoJo thread?

So you're telling me raping someone in the ass is not rape?

mmm, dat ass of yours needs a good thick dick to chill you out

I'm at work but when I go on break sure, it's not crazy hot or anything.

A couple of weeks ago a girl got in jail for faking.a rape.

Something is starting to stir up, my friend.

>Implying any self respecting high test male would settle for the inferior sex

The final redpill is the man pill

was it rape

>Not giving your girlfriend a good dream

It's like you don't want her to return the favor.

boy, do i love nintendo video games

So if a woman can't protect herself same goes? Cool. I mean; we're all 'equal' now; right?

>he doesn't pretend to be asleep when his sister walks into his room at night for "bonding time"

This made me laugh and reminded me of THAT gif. Good post user.

Whatever you like to imagine.


Well that's more or less true unless you are ugly or fat.

>So you're telling me raping someone in the ass is not rape?
Only if it's a man. Obviously if it's a woman it's rape on top of being horrifically deviant.

Why don't you run back to your mother? You really shouldn't be posting on this site at your age.

We're only equal where it counts smart-ass. Gib more money and priviledges. You can keep all the unpleasantness that comes with being a stinky male.

My favourite fetish is women raping men.
But if that happened to me would that really be considered rape?

Shenanigans, apparently.

Dude, I also browse Reddit!

Consider the following idea

ah, your so cuuute

me wants that cute butt hard

>Not wanting to get gang banged by ladies
What a faggot.

imagine a fat, ugly and old woman trying to rape you on the tram

Remember that /cgl/ women image that gets posted every so often?

Imagine one of those women raping you and you might not be so eager.

I've never seen fat, ugly and old women in my city for my standards atleast so yeah, I'm still not sure.

I think the point is that sure you may want it to happen but if you decide halfway through this isn't what you signed on for it's no longer consentual, and thus at that point rape.

I know you are memeing but there are still those you will believe this.

God, I hope so

>Remember that /cgl/ women image that gets posted every so often?
Nope, I've never seen it.
Can you give me a quick rundown?

That lipstick is a nice detail, but honestly, did they jaws unhinge like a snake for turtle dick?

I googled "Sup Forums /cgl/ image" and it was the first result. ur welcum. Gonna go throw up now.

>we're all 'equal' now

>but if you decide halfway through this isn't what you signed on
Like what for example?
I'm a huge pervert, I literally can't imagine what would turn me off.
Weird? Yes
Crazy? Yes
Disgusting? Yes
Would I let her rape me? Yes

Then you're a more depraved man than I. Godspeed, you sick fuck.

They start doing something mid-coitus that greatly reminds you of your grandmother or something. Just generally something you find disgusting.

Well whatever it is it ain't gay, I'll tell you that.

>They start doing something mid-coitus that greatly reminds you of your grandmother or something.
What did he mean by this?


Any more?

Just search for Kloah, it's the only thing he does, for 10 years by now

That most user's hopefully don't think of their grandmothers sexually.

I just want to know what "doing something that reminds you of your grandmother" means

The slut wanted it, it wasn't rape

>most user's hopefully don't think of their grandmothers sexually.

So are we just posting whatever in this thread now?

>not playing as female Rufflet

Alright, back
>18 years old
>living with my parents, come from a poor ish family
>gf (now my wife) lives across the country
>scrounge up money to move her down here
>she's my second relationship, first and only person I've boned
>things are going alright but she has a lot of mental issues (I knew about this going in)
>her mom died giving birth and her dad handled it really poorly (molested her once, neglected her after that) so she's got layers of fucked up shit with giving birth and babies
>she's getting worse by the day, my home life isn't great so that makes things worse
>at this point she's obsessed with having a kid
>we argue about it everyday
>I'm barely keeping my neck above water with a part time job, and we still live with my mom, so I say no
>one day she gives me an ultimatum
>I can either knock her up
>or she kills herself
>I get a knot in my gut
>keep trying to argue, she won't budge
>I'm depressed and have low confidence, so I feel like it's my fault
>I say okay
>first time fucking without a condom, would've felt great if I didn't feel so bad
>finish pretty fast, not used to the sensation
>she plays around with my cum for a second, asks if we can do it again later since she didn't get to cum
>feel like shit
We're doing great now, she's seeking help and we've basically moved past it. It's weird because most of the time I'm fine but there's other times where I remember and I feel like shit/don't want to have sex.

Yes, and I would have had her killed if not for her getting hitched to the blond priest.

same senpai

let me tell you. the kind of girl that has to resort to forcing herself on a neckbeard like me is NOT the kind of girl you want to put your dick in

Um, wow. Can't say anything other than holy shit, dude.


Did you get her some therapy user?
I hope everything turns out ok

Any sex where the woman seduces the man in order to make him consent is rape. Any sex where the brain doesn't want to, even if the body is willing, is rape.

It's no different from a guy getting a girl drunk to get her to consent. It's abusing chemical interactions in the brain in order to create false consent.

But you said
>it's not crazy hot or anything
This story gave me a boner.

Meant for