Now that the dust has settled, how was it?

Now that the dust has settled, how was it?

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I started it the other day, it's pretty cool

its OK


t. low iq

nothing in 2017 has come close

What's good/bad about the game?

It was good but it's kinda overrated

Much like every Arkane games, the writing seems cold and boring. But the gameplay is good, a proper casual version of SS2.

the station detail and the feeling that you can actually go and explore the whole thing including exteriors is great
but the weapons feel really lame

Really good, although I had a feeling this was just a Dishonored reskin.

Come on, they gave you few weapons but weapons that have actual use.

Todd dont you have more skyrim remakes to be working on

gunplay, enemies, small amount of weapons, lazy story, boring characters, repetitive fetch missions.

It's decent. I'd say worst thing about it is it gets a bit repetitive with limited areas and enemies.

pretty good but doesn't do anything amazing

>limited areas
Care to explain a bit more?
From what other people have been saying it seems like you can go to most places from the start.

There are areas gated by difficult enemies which you can outsmart or avoid but most later areas are gated by items you need to find/unlock

Its great, best game Arkane has made

Way better than that shit Dishonored 2

People having a differing opinion than you doesn't make it wrong you fucking cunt

>a predictable it was all a dream ending
>smart or good writing

>objective truth does not exist

so this is the power of anti bethesda shills

There's a fair amount of space, but it is a space station. Certain areas, like the atrium for instance, I found myself going through several times.

I feel like I'm spending hours backtracking trying to find a recycler to unload all my shit

>every game of this type
>can't decide what to spend upgrade currency on
>experience massive power boost when I finally decide

>cheese out the nightmare the first encounter
>last encounter has me leaping at him with a maxed out shotgun in max payne time

That Combat Slowdown perk was OP as fuck

My first playthrough was purely Human, and that shit made it a cake walk.

>He hasn't played Persona 5

>Persona 5 was good
Persona 5 was a slog man

The first half is a survival horror while the second half is an all out assault.
I love it, easily one of the best games of this year

Sounds like my kind of game.

Ummmm, sorry sweetie

It was fantastic. Amazing sense of player agency with tons of abilities and ways to tackle each situation. Great plot, good relatable and well written characters, amazing OST.

My only real complaint about this game is how the collision is fucking awful, especially when throwing objects or climbing things.

That and the obligatory name complaint. Obviously tried to profit off of nostalgic Prey fans, resulting in a game no one fucking cared about or was interested in. It should have really been called Psychoshock or something similar.

Can you open the panic room before he tells you to? There were recordings in there that made it seem like you could but I could almost swear I would have seen the panel beforehand

which room? the one you drag alex to?

Trust me, the alien shit is also pretty OP.

I've been doing alien on my 2nd playthough, it's strong but I find myself using less of it due to the psi costs.

Now that combat perk cost nothing psi and it blew everything up near instantly

Yeah, you find recordings and plans that imply you could end up there before certain events. I believe a recording that basically says what he just told you if you meet him and a plan for your key which you should have already by doing the zero-g stuff with the drives.

Well if it's your first time playing, you tend to amass a fuckton of those psi pots. I was just spamming abilities like crazy in my playthrough.

>rebooting the reactor
>find 4 packed turrets
>"oh shit"
>set them up, reinforce them, pre-hack them
>2 of those fuckers drop down and instantly incorporate them
>quick load

Where the fuck is my hardcore patch Arkane. You said there'd be a mode with the weapon degradation/limited O2/trauma systems that were taken out at the last minute.


I stopped bothering with the turrets the moment a fucker literally stole one out of my hands.

This game has nothing to do with the original Prey, and isn't anything close to cyberpunk. What happened to this game's development path?

Completely forgettable.

>yfw you recognize that volunteer Aaron Ingram you bump into and free is voiced by Walton Goggins


bethesda forced arkane studios to rename their completely unrelated game to prey

>making a sci-fi FPS/RPG hybrid
It's like you WANT to have meh sales figures at best and later on become a cult classic with a small but dedicated fanbase.

What a stupid thing to do.
Did Prey even have enough followers to warrant changing the name just to absorb those customers?

Did they do it just so they could go "see we didn't cancel the game it's being released hahehehahea"

Could just be because Alex had stole your original key from the beginning and it's just there for details sake. I had assumed he was hiding in that room the whole time

Overrated? No one even seems to give a shit about this game. I haven't played it, but if this already literally who video game is overrated then it must be complete trash.

above average


Fuck you Arcane. Great story you got there.


Did you play the game, retard?

This is its first thread in months.

It's not overrated.

Give it a shot.

Technically it wasn't

>It was all a dream
No it wasn't, it all occured, Earth is fucked and the events in the game happened

>Sup Forums
>playing games

It was a really good game up until the ending. It fell flat really hard.

Overall, 8/10 would play again.

Playing through it now, it struggles to keep my attention, I'll play it for 30 minute intervals.

Weapons and aim feels floaty and I'm not a big fan of the enemy design but its not that bad and has a few original ideas

Definitely should have called it SS3 or I like that name user said, Psychoshock.

It's ok if you don't pay for it, 7/10

Something happened you mean.
But nothing we did, nobody we helped or not did happen or matter at all.

What's the weakest moment and why is it when Steve Blum shows up and you start fighting laser operators

>Gaining Humanity to be the link between Humans and Typhoids

>We helped nobody and nothing matters at all.

Any section in 0g.
What a fucking chore to play through

This is probably the first game aside from maybe gears I consistently used grenades. They were a godsend against the weavers, psychics, and phantom variants

And the fuck does that accomplish?
For all we know that fat fuck might be the last human alive
Bit late to do shit

>you start fighting laser operators

How was that not fucking awesome, user? With hacking level 4, I became a walking apocalypse with my laser operator henchmen in tow.

no clue for the reason, some think it's because bethesda just wanted to shit on humanhead, the devs of prey 1 & 2 but really what I think it comes down to, is that they already had the name, and thought it would sound more marketable than whatever arkane had come up with.

weakest moment was when I used alex's personal escape pod and ruined the ending.

shut up you cunt


>bunch of military operators is approaching
>drop few EMPs
>proceed to hack them
>let your buddies wreck shit up