OO OO OO AW *murdered woman shrieks*



>Man: Kilimanjaro!

>Woman: There’s nothing bigger. You’re as big as a mountain! Now, dress like one! Gain the confidence and freedom to really eat again! When you were little, your mom got you clothes you could grow into. The same applies here.

>Man: Kilimanjaro!

>Woman: Because she -loves- love handles. If eating for you means nine trips to the buffet, if exercise means picking up the remote, if making love means eating three hot dogs, if you’ve got bigger breasts than your wife, then don’t walk- and especially don’t run- but drive... very slowly... down to Kilimanjaro.

>Man: Kilimanjaro!

>Woman: We’ve got the clothes for you. From romper suits for wearing around the house, to outsized Hawaiian shirts and elasticized trousers for the office,
there’s nothing better! There’s nothing bigger! Kilimanjaro! The clothes shop for enormous men! Celebrating no diet day! Fat liberation is here! At Kilimanjaro!

>Man: Kilimanjaro!

>Woman: We’re fighting to end hunger- yours!


The hood nigga

he ain't the smartest nigga though

Grove Street.


>tfw there won't be any GTA as comfy as SA

I mean it's objectively the best 3d GTA. The activities, the cities, rpg elements all that freedom is what does make SA so great.

NO shit he ain't the smartest. Sweet is the most unlikable retard in the series.


the best thing they could do with gta 6 would be to set it in the 70s

prove me wrong

At least he was not a manlet.

Reminder that Big Smoke did nothing wrong

>Literally everyone from Alderney in GTA IV


I want it

I just want a GTA set during prohibition where you play as mobsters. It seems like such an obvious idea but nobody will do it. Fucking make this game already Rockstar.

I would give fucking anything to experience SA for the first time again. Staying up all night, just driving around. It blew my mind. Now it's just boring and dated and I can't have fun with it at all. I want to be excited by games again, but it's impossible.

If only there was a game set in that time period which, while superficially similar to GTA, would be linear with much bigger focus on the story, realism and attention to detail. We could probably even call it "Mafia" since the idea is so obvious.

You lost me after Lance. You mistyped "back stabbing" Michael (and every member of his fucked up family), "no personality" Franklin, FIB Chad......actually everyone in V except Trevor and his posse. Lamar was a faggot. Crack head Tonya was absolutely horrific.

The most annoying person in IV was Manny, but you get to bury his dead ass after Elizabeta blows his brains out. So it's all good.

Wow, it's almost like it's literally not GTA.
>linear with much bigger focus on the story, realism and attention to detail.
This is where it goes wrong. I'm not looking for Godfather Simulator, I just want a fun sandbox like GTA with that setting.

>I'm not looking for Godfather Simulator, I just want a fun sandbox like GTA with that setting.
Funny that you mentioned Godfather.

Why did SA feel so much better than V?

Not even nostalgia, go back and play it and it is still far more fun

>Reinstall SA
>Get frustrated at how much of an obtuse clunkfest it is

>Reinstall VC
>The mechanics are much simpler so there's not much to age and the story, atmosphere and soundtrack are leagues ahead.

VC>III>SA in terms of aging

The yay leavin fo San Fierro right?

I'm playing through San Andreas for the first time actually. I still am really enjoying it. But occasionally the age comes out to play
>Mfw chasing the gay hispanic with OG Loc on the bike
>After the mission you still need to get OG Loc fucking halfway across San Andreas (Died twice on the way to his shitty little burger shop)
Fuck that fucking mission, I never want to hear Loc say "Hygiene Technician" ever again.

>no right stick camera
>not clunky
Sure boyo

>San Andreas
>Right stick camera keeps autocentering at ridiculous positions that make you see as little of the road ahead of you as possible

Sometimes less is more.

>Playing VC on console