Did he really do anything wrong?
Did he really do anything wrong?
It depends.
>Loyal and faithful companion that was recently turned vampire doing everything he needed without question because the recently sired was too ignorant and new to understand the powers that play.
>the player Literally holds all humanity, and masquerade all to himself without breaking it once, singlehandedly takes out the last of a long line of vampire hunters after his boss for decades.
>finds the nosferatu and sets them free and keeps them safe and stops all the kaiju from doing some pretty low level bull shit.
"Durr Hurr, better betray the player for no reason by throwing him to the dogs."
Lacroix was a fag.
Fuck that faggot. He is a stain on the ventrue name. Betraying just for the sake of betraying.
He deserved what he got.
Anyone with the name Croix can do nothing wrong.
>He is a stain on the ventrue name
Ventrue is just one big stain of a clan though?
Only thing keeping the Camarilla together to be honest.
Stupid motherfucker, all he had to do was change the way he presented himself and his ideology.
Nothing worse than a hamfisted politician.
>implying that's a good thing
cammies leave now
In the world of darkness, no.
>anarchist savages think their opinion matters
Go back to juggling dumpsters
>already itching to replay vtmb but it's full on summer now
>gotta wait for rainy fall nights to set the comfy mood
He was doomed the moment he accepted the title of Prince.
yes neonate, remember to protect your local chantry from those mean old antihermetic tzimisce.
Employing a literal negro Tzimisce as his sheriff
the sabbat aren't that bad desu
they were formed at the same time as the camarilla
>the sabbat aren't that bad
They're the literal dindus of the vampire world. Prove me wrong.
>they were formed at the same time as the camarilla
How is that a good defense?
Not upholding the masquerade is bad for everyone. If too much attention is made, eventually someone on the outside will find out about the truth.
Do we really need to have again the number of vampire hunts we had in the middle ages?
Are any of the antitribu not completely psychotic and evil?
Hell toreadors in the sabbat are basically dark eldar. At least most of the camarilla aren't full on deviants.
It wouldn't matter if you were allowed to sire whoever you want. There'd be more vampires than kine.
Then the cainites would starve out and everybody would either have the final death or take a permanent nap.
Then what?
Well, you can farm humans like we farm cattle.
also you could just farm cattle since they also have blood
He only did one thing wrong
he opened it
Weeeell. I guess that would fuck over Ventrue ... dont they have feeding restrictions? Dunno if a cow is posh enough for their taste.
and nothing of value was lost
>Did he really do anything wrong?
He actually believed he could diablerize an ancient and get away with it.
rly makes u think
>There'd be more vampires than kine
>It wouldn't matter if you were allowed to sire whoever you want. There'd be more vampires than kine.
Probably not, siring a vampire requires a significant investiture of your personal power. It's not something that should be done lightly, at least not by a vampire that values their self-preservation.
Hey dont slander the poor guy. He wanted to discuss problems facing the vampires of today and get few pointers how to solve them. Drinking blood was not on the agenda.
Also wouldnt the ancient just eat anyone nearby anyway, if woken up?
Did no one play a game during the medieval portion of V:tM? When humans knew about Vampires, they were getting fucked up on the absolute daily. There were far more faithful and True Faith npc's that would just teleport out of danger or toss your ass into a fire.
Is the ocean hotel the only spooky thing in the game?
>Did he really do anything wrong?
Yes, he was a fuck boi who wheeled and dealed his way into power just to pull a cataclysmic "Fuck you got mine".
>fake vampires too retarted to keep their magic thinking they're hot shit
There's at least two spookier bits later on, Ocean Hotel is babby tier
There's only two VTM video games and only the much less popular one had a dark ages section.
No, the dino is.
fuck, I don't think I'll be able to handle it
Which ones do you mean? Grouts crib and the sewers?
If you put it in third person and RUN instead of crouch-walking slowly along it loses the spookyness. That being said, they bring the spooky back later on with the Tzimice creatures in Hollywood.
I was thinking Andrei's house (snuff film quest in general really) and the werewolf,
even though it's more terror than "spooky"
Forgot about Grout's mansion but yeah that too
>If you put it in third person and RUN instead of crouch-walking slowly along it loses the spookyness.
You can also skip the entire basement section by getting close enough to the breaking stairs trigger to activate it then using the "go faster by running forward and strafing into a wall at the same time" thing to outrun the spot that pulls you into it.
Or just play a Malkavian. For us mad people, shit like that is tuesday.
You gotta roleplay the state of mind too. But really, just mute sound- most of the spooky factor gone.
It's suppose to be spooky?
Honestly I was more aroused thanks to my ghost fetish.
Legit had a nightmare about the werewolf chase about a week ago for some odd reason. Haven't played the game in like a year.
So I haven't played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines in years. I'm also really fucking drunk. However, the game's fucking great. I remember it kind of falling apart gameplay wise in Hollywood, something about fireaxes and guns becoming really bad( keep in mind i'm just typing garbage) and that the ending's really cool but not very satisfying, so to speak. What I wanted to ask the people in the thread was what purpose were there for vampire clans and the hierarchy in game beyond class or race and the basic knowledge of big dude with bigger magic. I know that White Wolf owns the setting, or I think they do, and it was a really popular pen and paper set of games for a time or it wouldn't have had games made of it. Like I remember basic details, like gangrel being batshit, nosferatu being fuckugly, bruxa being the angey types, and then Ventrue being snobs and so on. Something about ancient dracula races bwing super grwat, which would bring armageddon to the world if awoken, etcetera. If someone could help me out i'd appreciate it. It's a cool game and I can't wait to get out of this desert and get a proper computer again.
I thought the horror movie mansion where you first found Andrei with the two legged bastards a bit creepy at times.
>what purpose were there for vampire clans and the hierarchy in game beyond class or race and the basic knowledge of big dude with bigger magic.
it's a cammie spook
I'm the drunk guy but yeah, it was. The game was actually pretty ahead of it's time in a ton of ways but god damn does Troika, or ex-Troika? have bad fucking habits when it comes to game design. I dunno if they EVER released a finished project. Sure there's the Valve business but still, there are companies around the world that shit gold on shoe string budgets. They constantly didn't understand milestones.
essential mods?
He wanted to open it.
>what purpose were there for vampire clans and the hierarchy in game beyond class or race and the basic knowledge of big dude with bigger magic
vampire generations mean if you make a vampire they're weaker than you and so on. different clans have their powers and shit from the ones who started their clans who are the closest vamps to the first one.
Is that DiMaggio's character? I don't recall. But seriously, does it have any value in the games? I know the clans, especially Malk which I misnamed as Gangrel for some reason get a ton of conversation options but what do the rest get? Malkavian dialogue is actually fucking crazy detailed.
Things like that shit me up good.
I just hid in one spot until the time elapsed then ran like shit
Unofficial patch, simply because it won't run without it.
Clan Quest is a good one to have.
Unofficial patch.
Well. Most clans differ in the combination of disciplines you get. As you mentioned, Malkavians are worth a playthrough just for the voices and the dialogue you get. Nosferatu are worth playing if you like spelunking.
Other than that, its mostly for roleplaying.
Each clan has a different ancestor they descend from and each have unique flaws and quirks that affect their character and abilities.
The generation thing is just for lore and plot and is a big part of the universe, it has no bearing on gameplay though.
Well yeah, there's some vampire council that has or had representatives from all the clans except some bad one that was outcast for fuck knows what and they're all scared of Dracula Jesus but what do the clans represent in game? Like i'm pretty sure you mever meet the Malk leader, unless that's cover-art woman and her sister. I think you meet the Nosferatu or Gangrel or whatever leader but they suck ass and have little dialogue. Ventrue is Lacroix if I recall and they all drink wine from goblets and shit roses but they're all local leaders, not the big ups SECRET VAMPIRE BASE types. Except maybe DiMaggio?
woah I've been playing the vanilla from gog for a bit, but does the graphics improve as much as this screenshot shows?
thanks guys, I appreciate it
You absolutely meet Grout. He is just a tad indisposed and crispy.
Are Antediluvians just edgier Pillar Men?
I wanna do a Toreador firearm build.
What stats should I go for Sup Forums?
I'm using reshade.
Don't Nosferatu start in the sewers or something? Or was that a mod? I know the NPCs that aren't meaningful and even some that are get mad spooked over your hideous mug. What's Gangrel? Is that a clan?
Well I know they all have certain clan +/-1s based on whichever you pick but from what I remember only Malkavians really got to have a COOL roleplay experience. Maybe Nosferatu, too?
Best clan coming through
Who? Don't spoil nothing for new types because I have finished the game a few times but remember SFA. Is he Nosferatu or Gangrel? Why the fuck do I have Gangrel stick in my head? Are they even in the game? Is it even a clan? Also nightclub girl and her uppity sister are great and while there are better examples they really make a fantastic contribution to a dirty little gem of a game. Also some red headed hooker and Chinese peoplr.
Drink some water and lie down man
what's more fun in VtMB?
Melee or guns?
No thanks. I really wanna talk about this game. I'm still mad that there's no Deadlands game because I can't be assed to find like minded nerds here or even back home.
Why did they even choose to become vampires? Mages are way more powerful than kindred. It doesn't make any sense.
LaCroix is literally the best written character in Bloodlines and more than any other vampire, played his clan and the jihad perfect. His only real failure was that the game deus ex machina'd him by having literally Caine intervene to fuck him over.
You wouldnt know him.
>Mages are way more powerful than kindred.
Whatever you like. Guns are great midway but fall short late game until you get the Desert Eagle ( I think) but melee gets fucking silly mid to late game. I could be full of shit and almost certainly am but at the end of the day you have to choose which bit you wanna kill things with. The game isn't really hard, just janky and much like proper RPGs I think you can best the entire game using damn near whatever you want. Melee is easier, if I remember correctly.
Melee; especially with high strength. You can knock people across the room. Unfortunately melee is useless late game.
I've played the game once already, I just don't remember what I played.
Does the GOG version have the Unnoficial Patch built in?
guns are fine if u using a clan with auspex in fact late game they kill everything faster if you know how to aim.
Trying to get rid of you instead of getting on your good side.
You were certainly useful. A leader should be able to see this. Nines realised it, Max Strauss realised this, why didn't LaCroix?
What ends up making Hunters so much stronger than everything except Demons?
Is he a comic book character? I recall seeing a mark next to his name on comic books but I thought he was just a self insert using a clan as his name.
Well if I were a grizzled wizzled i'd want to have eternal life at the cost of the sun I likely so hate. I'm in no way familiar with the proper PnP RPG but typically eternal life in most games is a big fucking deal, even for magicians/witches/whatever. I'd probably want to practice my craft for a billion years too, if I could.
>bowing to Shai'Hulud
He uses you as a pawn sending you on suicide missions that the average newborn vampire would've gotten slaughtered the whole time then tries to kill you when you find out his real plans.
>tfw no vampire hunter RPG
Hunters are specifically designed to kill the other groups (except Mortals). Mid to late game, their powers are insane. Like they can just cut Mages off from magic entirely. Stop Werewolves from turning into Werewolves, stop Vampires from using Disciplines, etc. They can shoot fire like a D&D Mage, reattach their limbs, magically find anyone's chantry / lair / haven, etc. They can identify anyone of those creatures without them having done anything to identify themselves or realize that they're at risk from the Hunter at all.
Frankly, a Hunter can job a Demon in a straight fight too. The only reason the Demon stays just a bit further is the fact that it's the only splat where dying = not the end of the character. He just picks a new body and keeps going. Eventually, the Demon'll get the drop on the Hunter after enough times dying to him to be prepared.
True faith is OP as fuck
I dunno for sure but Hunters are probably just monster/vampire hunters. As such, you have a described list on how to kill the things you hunt. A typical human you can kill in a billion ways but a vampire, werewolf or demon? Those require precision. As you eliminate potential options you can simply become better at the options that remain. If I had to be staked to die and that was the only way I guarantee you some son of a bitch is going to find a way to stake me from orbit, because that's easy, clean and definitely messless ( for them). A specialist is always the winner in these settings, typically.
>True Faith =/= Hunter
Any mortal can technically hunt any splat and call themselves a hunter, and that includes ones with True Faith. But in this case, the chart refers to the actual line of books called Hunter: The Reckoning, where they have powers and abilities that make the True Faith ability from earlier VtM books look garbage.
Not only did I respond later than you but your response was much more accurate, probably. Since you use the term splat i'm guessing you actually play or have played the proper games. Can you tell me what Gangrel is? Can you speak nerd to my lonely ass?
Hunter the Reckoning is the surest way to get any Mages in a cross-venue game to have a conniption fit and quit playing for good.
>what do you mean i'm cut off from vulgar AND coincidental magic!?
Are you talking about NWOD with the shit like the guy who can wave the camera and scream "You are being recorded!" in order to counter supernatural powers?