>N64 emulation is still fucking awful
>N64 emulation is still fucking awful
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Call me a pleb, but until emulation past the SNES era is as simple as "load-the-rom-click" then I just won't bother.
Awful how exactly? It's been decent for the past year or so but retards like you keep using old builds and complain but that's not my problem
So get a real live-in one OP. N64-Chan has kept me great company. She is great. would you prehaps... like to meet her? She is Ovulating right now.
Let me guess, you play nothing but Mario 64
No way fag
Why not user! what's wrong user... don't you like girls? Go on, Tell her you think she is pretty user. She can be very... Giving.
There is, supposedly, a 64 Classic Mini whatever in future plans for Nintendo nintendolife.com
Playing Paper Mario? Yeah, it's frustrating that there are still graphical bugs
But it is, you dumb f*ck. Beetle PSX doesn't require any setup past the initial.
No, but seriously, I fucking hate N64 emulation. The fact that we're using plugins in 2017 is mind blowing.
You're pretty fucked in the head if you humanize and fetishize an N64 to the point you try whoring it out on a Taiwanese traditional carpet critique forum and claim it's ovulating. Keep up the good work user!
>Keep up the good work user!
I.... I have been here too long, i can't actually tell if you are being serious or not.
You're legitimately autistic if you couldn't figure out he's being sarcastic. Even through text that's the most obvious sarcasm I've ever seen. Literally starts the post saying you're fucked up.
It's better than the millions of false flagging threads you see day after day.
I wonder, can't you just build your own N64 with cheap parts?
a-are.... You, being sarcastic?
Is it okay to have a boner
Just never stick it in the expansion pack just because you got too horny and want a tighter hole, shit gets hot! You know what im sayin'?
Get a flashcart dog. Will save you a shitload, especially when it's the N64 we're talking about.
>trying to emulate Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon on 32bit Windows XP with the specs of 2GB DDR1 RAM. Pentium 4 3.06 ghz with hyperthreading enabled and a Geforce 6800 GT 256mb AGP
>have to apply all sorts of setting changes in Mupen64 to get it to run decently, though it's lags during the intro and some areas. it also has texture issues,
>try emulating on Project 64 in my unfinished 64bit Windows 7 PC build consisting of a 8GB DDR3 RAM, i5 4460 and integrated graphics
>runs and looks FAR better than it before
So how many of you are still using older PC specs?
>not emulating your games on windows 2000 for the authentic retro emulation feel
yup, and wii u emulation will be in the same state in 5 years
donating to cemu is absolutely unjustifiable
i'll never finish banjo tooie