Is the CoD WWII dev right, Sup Forums?

Is the CoD WWII dev right, Sup Forums?

of course not, nobody with a single brain cell would agree with him, get better bait

This reads to me "I am a cum guzzling faggot that gets off to posting twitter screencaps from literally whos ". Is that your position, OP?

this can't be real

>see bait.
>Want to take it.
>Sage instead

I guess it's okay to rewrite history as long as people's feelings don't get hurt.

Isn't pretending that the Germans weren't Nazis and that the Nazis didn't exist far more harmful than acknowledging them in a historical setting? Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it, yadda yadda yadda...

How are we to remember the 6 billion if we aren't allowed to talk about it?

Remember not to buy their shit, hope all these faggots die from aids.


>can put nazis in the game
>can't put nazi's most iconic symbol in the game
really activates my almonds

What the fuck is going on now?


>Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it

Why did he spell his name wrong? Its zach not zack. Its literally right there on his twitter name. What a fucking asshole

Historical accuracy is racist now. Okay, got it.

>can put nazis in the game
Half of them are niggers or women, at least in multiplayer.

>depicting actual Nazis in a historical context is racist

What the fuck is even going on anymore

the majority of white people are suicidal without knowing it.

i say this because they have no specific in-group preference for their own peoples intrests and will go out of their way to help other ethnic groups instead. White people feel empathy and pathalogical altruism towards other races and want to invite them into white countries and help them, then they will call you "racist" for opposing these views and will do what ever it takes to silence you and to ignore the problems we are facing with all the non-whites in our white countries.

This will destroy our first-world developed, low crime rate, white societies sometime in the future like it did with Haiti, parts of South Africa and parts of Europe and America, turning them into a third-world multi-racial non-white mess with high crime rates and a destructive degenerate non-European culture which is alien to us.

yet these are the same white people that love reading books, watching movies or playing videogames set in an all-white European society to escape the reality that they live in (which they also continue to create), and they fantasise about living in those European Disney styled societies even though they are opposed to having that type of soiciety in the real world.

Too much discussion leads to questioning, and the Jews certainly wouldn't want that.

He's already denying and trivialising history, not even surprised that he would treat another human being that way.

>San Francisco
This guy is a gigantic faggot and so is anyone that pays for this game.

>Historical accuracy means historical accountability
How fucking dumb are people getting? It's no longer obscure fan sites, but entire fucking dev teams going full retard. How much of a sensitive sad shit do you have to be that the very sight of a historical object makes you triggered and guilty?

That is quite bigoted.