Post your gamefuel

>being so much of a foodcuck you have to pay overpriced reddit meme shakes to get your calories
LOL @ (You)'re life, OP

Is there soylent green?


When I'm being super cheap, I just have a cup of rice and a tall glass of milk for breakfast. Maybe some chicken breast. Then later in the day I snack on some peanut butter and more milk. It's not that thrifty, but fuck shit like top ramen or constantly eating pasta or potatoes. A boost in vitality is worth the extra $100 a month.

When I'm snacking and gaming, I think it's peanut butter and milk, but I don't typically snack and game





OP here, I'm also a tranny






>company makes a shitty protein shake that nobody wants to buy
>changes the name to soylent so retards will share photos on facebook and say "OMG ITS LIKE THE MOVIE"
>Sup Forums falls for it hook, line and sinker
Why am I not surprised?

Sometimes I like to add a few drops of lemon juice.
I'm such a bad boy!

>Always wanted something just bland and passive to consume so my diet is more well rounded and consistent without much effort
>Hear about Soylent, curious
>Its more expensive than most food choices

Then what is the fucking point!?



The only problem is that you need a towel by the side, as they have to be submerged in salted water to eat.

What the fuck man... what does it taste like?

salty coins and milk

fuck is this?

Homemade fermented kvass and not what you think it is.


dat гpиб

I just ordered a 12 pack of original Soylent. Shits cool, you just drink it and dont feel hungry anymore. I got a 12 pack for $16 though, so I wouldny pay $30 or however theyre asking for

oh hey I was thinking of making my own fermented tea.


Where did you buy it from?

Is Soy good for men? I heard it creates estrogen in men or someshit like it.

Aren't you supposed to take the bread out before you jar it?

How's your transition going user?

eat seeds

How are the new cafe flavors?

I looked up coupons for Soylent and there was a code where your very first order is half off or something. I also bought it with the subscritption to get the discount, then unsubscribed after I got the package. Theres no penalty for doing that either. So $16 total with shipping included

Not necessarily

What's kvass taste like, anyway? I've only seen the Boris video.

What's this? I swear my grandmother used to do this and I never asked why


That's some russian stuff.
Perfect for gaming.

sweet ganja lmao XD

You know hemp can make like a thousand useful things and is a better cloth and paper than anything else? Also it like cures cancer

turns out all the fermenting old civilizations did to preserve food actually promoted excellent gut health when consumed


It's not illegal to make clothes and paper from hemp.

Dude, chill out and have a puff. Stop being mad i'm enjoying myself


What a fucking hipster. Central Intravenous Ensure is where it's at.

it was a super common plant for farming until cotton showed up

Only thing I've got in the house atm

On any given day?
Green tea or water.
Whatever beer I've got on hand. Selection varies.

Exactly! Hemp is the best plant ever so why weed gotta be illegal too? it grows from the ground its good for u not like tobbaco which kills people. You know how many people have died from weed overdose? 0



I love cooking and my "gamefuel" is always dishes linked to the game I'm playing at the time.

For example. When I played Assassin's Creed Black Flag I had meals/snacked on tropical fruit, rum and caribbean style dishes that you either would get in a port town or stored on the ship.

When I played Transformers games I snacked on frozen grape juice in the shape of cubes

Witcher 3 had various roasted meats, root vegetables and vodka

It's what made cosmo the thing it is today.

mom's gonna flip

Is Buffy the Vampire Slayer a good show worth watching or is my time better spent elsewhere?

Is this a safer version of purple drank?

I want to say like beer, but no, maybe more mild? It really depends whether it is unfiltered or not.

Sounds like you're an independent guy with your own place, a decent job, and free time.

You need to understand that 90%+ of people here don't have those luxuries yet.

Holy Shit.

Probably the same delicious artificial shit they put on their stuff.

no that was HRT

>When I played Transformers games I snacked on frozen grape juice in the shape of cubes


Water coffee or tea faglord

Sparkling water if I'm feeling indulgent

Are you 12 years old and need candy liquor to get you drunk?


Why wouldn't you want a little estrogen, you faggot?

lmao im blazing it right now tbqh

Ensure actually tastes really good

Actually it was a drink invented by an engineer on a blog who was toying around with the idea of a complete meal replacement supplement that contained literally every nutrient the body needs

he called it soylent as a joke reference

the product was bought out and now it's retarded and expensive

Ganbate user. We're all gonna make it just don't give up. The reason I'm so financially well off is I don't have a girlfriend/wife/kids to drain my income and time. I'm no MGTOW, I'm just not ready to sign away everything that I am by starting a family. I work, hit the gym, sort groceries, cook, prep if I want something different tomorrow and game. I have a maid that cleans the house and does my laundry and a handyman that fixes any serious shit (which very rarely occurs) that happens on call.

I just like coke.

Regular fucking coke.

Preferably in a can. Glass bottles are superior, but cumbersome. Aluminum cans are definitely tastier than plastic bottles however.

Ours come with sugar rather than corn syrup however.


I ate shitpiles of spam while playing STALKER. Felt good man.

how is it expensive ? its $6.80 for a day of food and you need nothing but water, a drinking vessel, and something to stir with.

more like fermented piss

I gotta get some spam, thanks for the reminder.

is your idea of trolling saying true things

Hydrogen free water for me
Hydrogen has a ton of calories and makes you fat

As someone who is trying to cut soda but is addicted to the flavor, what is something to add to water to make it taste better?

>he doesn't drink sip
what plebs

This is the best Orange soda of all time. I pity the anons who never tried it.

Jenkem is top-tier gamer fuel.

What wrong with you watercucks? Water is so boring I cant bear drinking it for more than 2-3 days straight. Pepsi max is so much more enjoyable

Reminder that Soylent is full of soy which is in turn full of estrogen.
Soylent WILL turn you into a tranny. In fact, it's the only thing Cosmo eats.

Drink smoothies. Both healthy and tasty. You don't have to stop eating flavourful things altogether.

This shit is still around? Why? Have people never heard of protein shakes? Ensure, Slim-Fast? All cheaper and available compared to this shit.

Coffee and water

fucking underrated post

Hey man these things could save you during a disaster

It's twice that, unless you're not getting nearly enough calories.

everytime somebody posts anything weed related, there's always this straight edge triggered asshole.
It's fucking glorious.

By the way, it's already legal. No need to be so uptight about it.

cosmo stopped consuming it because of health issues :^)

The damage is done senpai


you can try any of the flavor concentrates in the cooking aisle. I use lemon juice personally. Lime works well too you can probably try vanilla and what not if you really want.

Also most of the squeeze things to make your own drinks are zero calories since they use artificial sweeteners.

Alcohol is legal, and people who brag about how much they can chug out of the blue are still annoying.