All Style No Substance : The $60 Expansion Pack
All Style No Substance : The $60 Expansion Pack
>physical expansions are back
He has no style
He has no grace
This sequel is a fucking disgrace.
Why do they think they can con people again with this shit?
Worst part? That $60 is just the starting fee.
>streamline entire game and cut content
>call it a sequel
Where the fuvk did it go so wrong for Bungie?
The price doesnt matter, how good or bad it is does.
Bungie has a year to get Destiny 2's shit in order before Anthem arrives to challenge it.
definitely a kek there, FPS doesn't really have substance, they're entry level af honestly.
I'm short, and the mech suits having stilt legs makes me feel like I'm insecure and overcompensating. So I Wont be playing it for that reason
How the fuck do I summon my bike?
That game should be melee focused. There's no excuse to using power armor and have the game be yet another shooter. I want to pick up fallen tree bark and throw it at giant bear-like creatures or use a rusty long ass pipe against dozens of assassins.
>add custom matches in the previous game
>remove them
>kept audio options and cutscene skip though
i expected those to be gone too.
Not sure how many people will line up to play a Bioware game at this point. But at least they have Karpyshyn doing the writing so it shouldn't be a total disaster on that front.
And Casey Hudson, the director of the original Mass Effect trilogy, is taking over as project lead.
>There's no excuse to using power armor and have the game be yet another shooter.
Using high caliber weapons that no normal human could carry or handle is why they're using powered armor.
>How do they think they can con people again
>Throw money at big reviewers
>Rely on their rabid fan base who defend it as something more than a loot shooter
>Rely on the fact that most people on consoles are fucking retarded and accept getting hardly anything that was promised then defend it with "THE DLC FIXED IT!"
Really all they have to do is shit out something similar enough to the first and most console tards that kept playing it will shell out money without thinking.
>Loot shooter.
Just curious, what other fps games have skill-intensive raids?
Are you guys talking about the beta? Is it really that bad?
You can do that with doom, serious sam, every just cause game after the first, fucking god eater and and plenty of other games I forgot about. Anthem isn't even trying to be different.
Destiny 2 actually seems good though
that's because you're a stupid cat
It's more of the same, and Destiny was mediocre as fuck. I've never played a more sterile FPS in my life, even Call of Duty feels like it had more soul.
No shooter has caught my attention like Destiny did though. I agree that the story got fucked by activision a year before launch but Bungie is just really good at making the FPS gameplay feel really solid.
I'm not even in it for the story anymore, just want to play some PVP with my friends during the weekends.
This game is really good if you enjoy good FPS gameplay but if you're looking for RPG, story or MMO aspects you're not going to like it.
Just take it for what it is instead. Cause the few things that Destiny do well, it does really good.
God damn dude, fuck off.
120 if you play on consoles :^)
no thanks sir i already ate pasta at lunch
Just finished the tutorial, the strike and a PvP match and its literally Destiny 1
Which is actually not a flaw, the problem is that there will be way too little content and the worthwhile shit will be released as overpriced DLC
Probably not going to buy into this scam again. I stopped playing after the first raid in Destiny 1 because I wasn't going to give Bungie money for shit I should have got with my original purchase.
I got the complete edition of destiny 1 for 40~ dollars and I enjoyed it.
Had I paid the asking price of buying everything at full price though, that would be a way different story.
lol autism
Yeah the problem isn't that it's a bad game, it's that Bungie is asking way too much for it. Fool me once etc.
I bought the base game with the second expansion bundle at a decent price, but didn't get any further because the bundle with everything was cheaper than buying a single expansion. Fuck that bullshit
>Why do they think they can con people again with this shit?
Because they can. Have you not seen the Destiny general on /vg/? Those people would literally eat Bungie's shit if they could. Destiny is huge despite how awful it was, unfortunately.
>60 dollar starting fee
Im honestly gonna wait until they release the complete edition before I try this game out.
Every time a game has dlc before it's even released, it's fucking obvious they cut shit out and are gonna charge you for it.
It wouldn't surprise me if they pull multiple season passes for destiny 2.
I can see them doing a "year 2"pass or some shit and charge another 60 bucks on top of that
I'll just get Monster Hunter for my looting game.
>Why do they think they can con people again with this shit?
it worked for the what, 4 dlcs the first game had? why wouldn't it work for another game?
>complete edition
it's almost like... those games... were going for a different style... and art direction... woah...
not defending anthem cause it looks shit, but thats the last reason on the list of things to hate about it
>2017 thinking Bioware can do better after Andromeda
Nigga you crazy
>skill-intensive raids?
playing with shitters must've warped your view greatly
nothing in D1 was skill intensive at all
I wanted to buy it on PC but after seeing the Beta I might not purchase it
>Skill intensive
Are you pretending to be retarded or are you a shitter? Destiny's raid "puzzles" are mediocre at best and only require you to not be a shitter to figure out. No real skill involved, then again with CoD being such a huge thing anything beyond point and shoot is seen as skill intensive to consolefags.
At least Destiny 2 won't run unchecked.
The only reason I can see people holding out hope for Anthem is it isn't some B team that feels procedural world generation takes priority over making a decent story then shitting one out in 18 months.
>New Warlock super is literally Hammer of Sol but with a sword
>still p2p
>still shit
It's a hybrid of P2P and dedicated servers
I'd like to talk about how uninteresting the new supers are, actually
why the fuck are they just glowy melee weapons, can't they find something more interesting to do with their characters, especially considering that one of them is a literal fucking magician
Its a material representation of their powers, they don't always do weapons. Art designers love being able to do shit around something physical. The Sentinel titan not only gets the shit, that lets you throw it at enemies and bounces, and lets you move while having a mini-shield infront of you, you can still use the ward of dawn bubble shield.
Warlocks new Super is literally the Titan Solar one, which funnily enough will probably get reworked since they are only launching with 2 subclasses per class.
Hunters got shafted since the poledancer is just the bladedancer with some combos, without the invis and with alot less movement possibilities even with unlimited dodges.
Nope they fucked up hard with vague as fuck "story" so they want to abandon it to try and actually make something. I don't know what's more hilarious, the fact that they think their fanbase will actually give a fuck since the people who actually want story stopped playing long ago or that they admitted they had no fucking clue what they were doing and their fans are still willing to suck the farts from their anuses.
Either way Destiny died the moment Bungie had to partner with Activision, they'll only keep milking because just like CoD people keep buying it and it's cheaper to just recycle assets.
I just played the beta and it's still as laggy as D1. shot a guy and he ran behind a corner...just to die half a sec later to my shots from before.
also in the few matches I played I had multiple situations where I killed a guy and got killed by him simultaneously because the fucking delay between pulling the trigger and death is fucking huge.
you can play the game and have fun but don't pretend it has a good connection system. 4v4 might help to reduce the problems a little but it still sucks.
What sucks is you can't see every bodies connection bar so you can tell who is a laggy piece of shit and report them
>reporting people for a bad connection
yeah, I'm sure that would do a lot.
Currently at the in game 'installing screen' for the beta where the music plays over concept art. OST is fantastic again, can tell it will easily be the best part of another disappointing game
my buddy from Scotland got banned from PvP for week back in Destiny 1 for having a shit connection so yeah it would do a lot
>slow as fuck cool downs
>"new" sub classes are just retconned ones from the first game
>shit weapon balance
>PVP pandering
>no rumble
>pulse rifles still OP
>same engine from D1 causing more content droughts they promised to avoid
For me, its DOA.
Why am I seeing so many Filthy Frank and Idubbbz reaction pics lately? Have I just not been paying attention?
I heard Destiny 2 was supposed to had a lot of changes from the first game? What differences are there in the beta from the first game?
>>slow as fuck cool downs
The armor in the beta has no cool down recharging perks we're basically running around with a Lv1 character in the beta
>>"new" sub classes are just retconned ones from the first game
what? The only super that plays like one of the old ones is Dawnblade
>>shit weapon balance
The build of the game is many months old and most of the weapon re-balance that they've made didn't make in to this build
>>PVP pandering
I agree with this Bungie is trying too hard to cater to the PvP minority that thinks this game should be a Esport
>>no rumble
That sucks
>>pulse rifles still OP
see shitty weapon balance
>>same engine from D1 causing more content droughts they promised to avoid
Source on that? I'm pretty sure its a new engine.
Joji's been doing a lot of stuff lately that doesn't involve the Frank persona, so maybe that's why.
But that's 90% of of all AAA western games these days
Huh I'll have to look into that
The beta is more of a server stress test so it's not good for comparison desu
Confused as to how people don't expect to put more money than the purchase price to play an MMO. People aren't throwing fits like this over other MMOs. Doesn't make sense.
I thought it was compared to ff14 and WoW raiding it least from vanilla to cata, and this is from someone who saw most of vanilla Naxx too as well as doing Shadowmourn hm requirements in icc.
>destiny 1s skill tress are lack lustre and needed work
>destiny 2 removes them completely and gives you two pre set builds with no customisation
That's just fucking insulting.
>Source on that? I'm pretty sure its a new engine.
Not that user but its all but confirmed to be the same engine as the infinite super bug from D1 still exists and behaves exactly as it did before. Very unlikely for that to be the case if it were a new engine.
Nice bait
If Destiny isn't an MMO, what is it?
Couldn't balance it well enough so shitters didn't cry about op this or op that so they just gutted it.
A fps with some crudely bolted on MMO elements
A co-op shooter. Same way that The Division is not an MMO
They gutted it for PVP? The PVP that only 12% of the player base played due to how awful it was. Fucking wew, let's just rip out the core of the RPG side of the game for fucking PVP. In that light I'm not even considering this shit pre owned.
I'll be honest I have no smoking gun on this but based off the way Bungie kept trying to "balance" and Activision knowing how to keep kids and shitters hooked. Who knows they might do a 180 down the line, everyone knows that's what they did on almost everything they promised with D1.
Also should add this has been a big complaint with the balancing changes, they revolve around the PVP, the nerfs and buffs weren't because of the story side but because people on the forums whined and moaned about this or that. Anyone who was playing it simply for the story and raid side were at the whims of PVP balance changes.
Wait, they removed the skill trees? Jesus.
You must not play that many FPS then, because the movement and gun handling is top notch.
It's just the fact that there's never enough content being utilized well that's always the issue.
Would be nice if Bungie could actually explain any of this stuff in-game
Get ready for the same game with half of the shit missing. wew.
>The armor in the beta has no cool down recharging perks we're basically running around with a Lv1 character in the beta
>recharging perks
They dropped this model though. Strength, discipline, and intellect is gone. The cool downs for abilities and your super are too fucking slow and need to be improved before launch
>what? The only super that plays like one of the old ones is Dawnblade
Arcstrider is literally Bladedancer but with flips and shit. Sentinel is just ward of dawn and plays exactly like a relic shield. Oh but you can throw it, so it makes it new right?
>Source on that? I'm pretty sure its a new engine
More like paying Bungie sixty US Dollarydoos to nerf Titans and remove Rumble.
>Bungie: "You'll be going to all kind of cool new outer Solar system destinations Destiny 2!"
>Go to Nessus
>The Vex have taken over so it looks identical to Venus
Nessus assets were part of original Destiny's plans for Venus. Calling it now.
Reminder do not preorder from best buy, you will be charged fillprice if you cancel
>The cool downs for abilities and your super are too fucking slow and need to be improved before launch
Armor now has perks that reduce cooldown on your abilities but by how much we don't know. I agree with you though abilities need to be on a faster cooldown
>not one but TWO Vex planets
Nessus at least looks different but IO looks almost identical to Venus. What the fuck were they thinking?
>reminder to never fucking pre-order unless you're a massive faggot