How do we help him Sup Forums?

How do we help him Sup Forums?

Also MGS thread I guess

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Pro-tip: We can't. The butterfly effect won't allow it.

First of all he needs some better friends


I don't know who is a bigger dick out of the company Venom kept. Best buddy Big Boss for using him as a scapegoat, Miller for only working with him out of resentment, or Ocelot for going: "It's a miracle he's alive, boss. BUT! Considering he almost died for you, I'm SURE he wouldn't be mad about being brainwashed into thinking he's you and that he never existed."

>"... The boss is with me."

I wish the character creator was a bit better. I'd totally keep a pic of me and Boss somewhere in the house.

>One person on the entire base who loves Venom for who he is inside not who he looks like
>Leaves forever


>MFW Eli's DNA doesn't match

>tfw Venom's only been loved by people that tried to kill him

This desu. It's weird having the vector for the player in my game look nothing like me.
>Ishmael says "You're pretty good" if you kill both of the first targets in the prologue
>AI doesn't recognize Snake
>Eli's DNA doesn't match
>Venom didn't know about The End or the Les Effants Terribles project
I can't believe they waited until the end to come out with that secret.

Big Boss wouldn't be seen with a cuck like you

I can't believe I had no idea until the reveal. People had that shit figured out before the game was even released.

>"snaku, do rike the pussy?"

Joke's on you, buddy.
I am Big Boss.
So are you.

>Big Boss never had a shrapnel on his head.
They made it too obvious.

>This desu. It's weird having the vector for the player in my game look nothing like me.

Somehow, I managed to get pretty close to recreating my face in MGSV. Of course, like the vast majority of games with a character creator, there was still the issue of the actual head shape not really being changeable.

I had my doubts too, but got spoiled.

I made him look like big boss because I couldn't recreate my face.

Just finished 4 today

Nearly cried when Big Boss came to the graveyard, he was too pure for this world

He went astray but came back to his senses eventually

"This is good... isn't it?

But D-Dog never leaves you.

Wasn't it zero who brainwashed venom?

Many people hate it but I love that part.

D-Dog is not a person

Zero came up with the idea of brainwashing Venom, but Ocelot carried it out.

Remember that time Snake swallowed a pack of cigarettes


To be fair, even if you manage to recreate your face somewhat well, there's still the issue of the actual head shape not matching up. My Venom ended up looking more like a long-lost half-brother or cousin than me.

Venom was too pure for this world. He tried his best but the legend of Big Boss made him a demon eventually anyway.

It was a fitting end to the story. All the original characters from 3 are dead and snake is free to live his life.

The only part I didn't understand was Liquid Ocelot - was ocelot aware that he was Liquid?


It's unclear. One side implies that he was just a really good actor, but the other implies that he hypnotized himself like he did to maintain the ruse with Venom.

Ocelot hypnotised himself into thinking he actually was Liquid to throw the Patriots off his trail. I think he probably had moments though, like I'm pretty sure by the final battle with him he's actual Ocelot and not brainwashed in any way to believe he's Liquid.

How come they could surgically enhance Medic Boss to look exactly like BB but couldn't give the poor man some chest hair?

how exactly did Ocelot brainwash Venom?

D-Dog was conditioned from a child to love Venom. Its manufactured like everyone else.



>chest hair

aaaaaaaand the barafags have arrived

Did Paz deserve it?

Chest hair offers no tactical advantage on the battlefield.

Remember that time Snake totally fooled us by pretending to have died on that tanker two years ago
Good thing his buddy Iroquois Pliskin helped out on the Big Shell.

Rememeber that time Snake remembered the basics of CQC

Remember that time Snake went up against deadly poisonous Zanzibar Hamsters

I want a cardboard tank

If Miller took the serum that made everyone infertile in Mother Base, how did he end up having a daughter?

Remember when Snake hatched an owl egg in his pocket to make a guard think it was night time and turn off the laser grid


remember that time snake got his sack grabbed by Volgin

>Miller got cucked

How much more suffering can this man endure?

She's adopted.

Miller didn't need the serum thanks to his strict no kikongo policy.


>My Venom ended up looking more like a long-lost half-BROOOOTTTTHHHHEEEERRRR or cousin than me.
Kino as fuck

He didn't take the serum. He lynched the Kikongo strain he was infected with for being from Africa.

What's his name again

His name is Kazuhira "If you fulton a coon, I'm shooting the balloon" Miller


>Nothing will ever make you as hype as the Nuclear trailer again

Kazuhira "every nigger I murder, Codetalker gets another burger" Miller

Kaz "Kikongo and Stay Go" Miller

After he ensured everything was in place following the events of Shadow Moses, Ocelot saw the opportunity to create some uncertainty in the Patriots system when he used Liquid's arm for a graft.

He was probably just playing during the events of MGS2 with the split personality thing, but at some point between 2 and 4 when he swapped out Liquid's arm for a cybernetic one, he went through with fully committing to it and conditioning his mind to manifest the merged Liquid Ocelot personality (that specifically acted towards the endgoal of discreetly helping Snake and Naomi along to get to hack the Patriots if his missile plan failed).

He believed he was "Liquid" just so that he wouldn't break character, and it wore off at the very end after Old Snake punched him in the head enough times.

Kazuhira "beating the kikongos like a pair of bongos" Miller

alternatively "Kikongo a No Go"



Kazuhira "if you Fulton a nig, I'll throw him in the brig" Miller

>Big Boss in fishing gear chilling with his bros

part of me wants to play SURVIVE just to get more MGSV



>snake is finally free to live his life.

That's a wolf

Kinda wish MGSV explored this bromance a little more.

No homo tho

What did she mean by this?

Is MGS3D any good? Can't decide this or MonHun3 for my 3DS

Retcons exist user
Plus how hard is it to take some sandpaper to that horn anyway?

>Huey losing his shit about D-Dog actually being a wolf and doesn't get that it's just a name
>no one even acknowledges his rantings
I couldn't help but wonder what the fuck that nigga was going on about at that point.

Just get a PS3 and the Legacy collection

wtf is wrong with his leg

Foxhound survival instructor, Master Race Miller

best vidya quote


>but with a smile on his face

Solid was the original Punished Snake before it became cool.

Huey literally would complain about anything at all if you gave him enough time to think up something


You wake up and see this, what do?

Honestly, if there was ever a karma system that should've been in place, it should've been Venom choosing between Ocelot and Miller and trying to keep a balance between the two. Honestly, it would've made Miller finding out about the phantom experiment all the more heart-wrenching when he realize he bro'd it up with an imposter.
Probably very hard. It shifting in the wrong place caused him to go colorblind, so it's probably not a good idea to fuck with it.
The mental gymnastics are god-tier.

Quiet make my cock so hard

Venom was a better Big Boss than the original Big Boss.

Ask if I kept him waiting.

am I black? this is important

This desu
If you were black, you wouldn't have woken up.

I dunno

Venom was definitely the more relatable person

Yes, she deserved every second of it.

>Being Big Boss sucks
>I want MSF back
>My feet hurt
>Didn't even get to break bad
>Was already a demon