Who is the worst character in the Sonic series?

Who is the worst character in the Sonic series?

Princess Elise, easily


This. Even silver redeems himself in the comics

The only terrible characters in this series are Big, and maybe MAYBE Charmey, that's it.

This but unironically

Either this or Charmy.

Big is tolerable, it's just playing as him that blows dick.


but...you were the one who memed that phrase into existence, silver

It's this piece of shit and you know it

Big the cat obviously

Ken Penders

Fpbp, what the fuck were they thinking?

The Deadly Six.

Damn, I forgot all about them. You're absolutely right.

Zavok is being brought back in Forces. I laughed when they showed Shadow, Chaos, Metal Sonic, and Zavok as if he's on the same caliber as them.

Big is a great fishing game and you have shit taste.

The fishing is shallow and mediocre, and fishing doesn't belong in a Sonic game in the fist place.



that disgusting 06 eggman

Chaos represents SA1
Shadow SA2
Metal represents Heroes

It's happening boys, Adventure 3 (Or rather 4 if you wanna count heroes) is coming after this.

No, but seriously, I want a Sonic game where you play as different characters with their own play style, gave some variety to the game and actually used the characters created for something other than the story.

I'd make Knuckles stages more like Mario 64 or something, keep Eggman in the mech, I liked that shit but maybe give tails some sort of flying stages... I don't fucking know, I'm tired of boostshit despite them being ok.

And give me Crush 40 for the final battle.

I still don't know why they felt the need to put Tails in a mech, his gameplay in Adventure was fine.

He wasnt supposed to be playable at all. They just copied Eggman's gameplay and gave it to him due to fan demand.

It's gonna be Infinite

Don't make me start coming at ya like a tidal wave.

Sonic 06 was Sonic Adventure 3, dude.


>No Emeral in the picture

Worthless trash of an OP

Yeah in the same way Sonic 4 was the sequel to Sonic 3&K.