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Finished that game the other day. Not a bad game, but the story and excessive use of the Batmobile made it disappointing.

I won't
the port is still hot fucking trash
once you are past 80% in the game, the stuttering is surreal from districts

and it is all because of Denuvo

For what? It's a shit game for retards

nobody cares about pcbros. take a hint.

they shoved the batmobile down your throat because otherwise you would realize it's just the same game as arkham city

PCport still seems pretty shit.

the batmboile wasnt that bad. Apologize right now.

When do they release the version with all the DLC included?

The Batmobile controlled perfectly, but tank mode was lame and far, far overused. The story was fine but I don't remember Scarecrow feeling as important as he should have.

Pyg side quest was the best mission in the entire game. Prove me wrong.

I think it's called Deluxe edition, at least on Steam.

Batmobile was forced and comprised a lot of the game. I'd rather fight Deathstroke face to face instead of fight off a bunch of drones for five minutes, who line up their shots like pool, and then I move away at the last second. Then when they fire a missile you hit right bumper. It's so repetitive.
He needed more power tools, but I agree.

It really would've been a legitimately good twist that the Arkham Knight was really Hush, with Bruce Wayne's face. It would've been a clever reversal of the "twist" in the Hush comic book, where Jason's seemingly revealed to be Hush at one part in the story. Using it without the Clayface twist would've been a good surprise, as opposed to denying that he's Jason Todd and then revealing it at the last minute by announcing Red Hood DLC before the game's out. As it stands, the story and gameplay's a disappointment with some good bits in between, like Pyg or Man-Bat.

It feels so weird to have all that Batmobile gameplay.

Seems like they decided they wanted to finally bring the game to Gotham, open world and all, and someone on the dev team said "Well, we need the Batmobile then".

Then you have a small team trying to incorporate the mechanic in the game for it not to be just a blander way to traverse the map. Lets face it, the game is better when you are gliding around gotham feeling like Batman,

Those tank missions and platforming witht he Batmobile where horrible and out of place.

He felt like a bargain Joker.

What they should've done is find a way to make the grappling mechanic more fun, as opposed to just mashing R1 and X or A repeatedly. Or work on gliding, as well. The Batmobile is a dumb gimmick, few people play a Batman game to shoot at things.

Yeah, but I guess traversal is just not Batman's thing.

Hard to make him feel fluid and still feel like a tank. High hopes for the new Spidey game to get their swinging right.

>don't actually fight Arkham Knight, just have vehicle battles with him and a glorified predator section
>don't actually fight Deathstroke, just have the exact fight you had with Knight before
>Two-Face is a predator section and goes down like a normal goon
>Firefly is just 3 QTE sections
>Man-Bat is just a puzzle
>only one to have a proper boss fight is the Pyg and the literally who giant nigger Joker
I enjoyed Arkham Knight but what the literal fuck? The Most Wanted DLC added some much needed confrontations but that came way too late.

>that shit story
>that non existent ending that concludes nothing, even if you get 100%
>those hamfisted Batmobile sections
>that lack of boss fights
>those fucking Riddler trophies

I apologize for nothing.

I got it for 10 buck yesterday, was I scammed?

>play game till 240% completion
>unlock the prestige suit with gold lining
>game can't be restarted on that file
>only choice is to start a new save file where you don't have the suit
What was the point? Fucking piece of shit.

Apologize to her.

its still pretty fun dude just that the batmobile sections are pretty off putting at times. theres some pretty cool new features to combat and gadgets. if you like the challenge map portions then you'll have alot of fun with that. personally the predator ar challenges are one of my favorite things about the arkham series.

map gud?

what do you mean?

i paid 4 bucks for the game
and I could even refund it if I wanted too

It's okay. Definitely doesn't feel like a city though. Everything is just so densely packed that it kinda feels more like a theme park.


>Batmobile fight

>giant nigger Joker
Yeah, oddly enough the best part of the game.

What is the best ending to this questline?

I enjoyed Arkham Knight. It might not be as good as City, and is on par with Asylum, but I liked how they ended everything and it was fairly solid overall.

>destroy the tank
>awwww yis here comes the REAL fight
>Deathstroke is knocked out and you just take him to GCPD

Ditching the tank mode and keeping the Batmobile as a way to quickly traverse the city would have been fine. Rolling around in the car was really fun, it handled like a dream. The battank felt out of place because Batman doesn't shoot real guns at people, the Batmobile is an anti-riot vehicle, not a literal tank. If Batman had to fight tanks and shit in the Batmobile it would be by sneaking around and nonlethally disabling them, not blowing them up.

i just did that part for the first time last night an yea it was pretty poorly handled. wasnt he at least main villian in Origins though?

>wasnt he at least main villian in Origins though?
Barely. I can't really recall since I last played Origins when it was new, but I think you only fight him either once or twice in the whole game. He remains in prison before reappearing in the ending where he's recruited into the Suicide Squad.

Speaking of tanks, why didn't they put at least a few thugs in those fucking tanks. Batman doesn't try to kill after all. It would've given him a bitch of a time dealing with them.

For what?
The combat was great, muh based tag teams, muh nightwing, Robin, and Red Hood were good

However, boss fights were terrible. It was literally a giant bat mobile simulator.

Yeah, think again buddy

for 10 buckaroos its a pretty fun game

I'm in this thread complaining about parts of the game but overall its fun to play just isnt what it couldve been. for 10 bucks its worth it.

>put thugs in tanks
>Batman just EMP darts or hacks or throws tank caltrops or remote-disables the ammo or drains their batteries with a bat tow cable or some other shit
he's batman

Can you imagine if they'd actually gave you a choice to either drive him to a specific arena location where you would fight him one on one because why not, it's Batman's last night as far as story concerned at that point. Or just straight to GCPD if you don't want to fight him because you're above this shit.
Everything in the third act was so rushed I'm surprised game actually had an ending.

If they didn't fuck up the Arkham Knight twist into being the most obvious fucking person then it would have been a lot better.

The twist with Barbara was handled fairly and you can notice it if you pay close attention to that particular scene.

And every single thing with Joker was great with him mentally stalking you everywhere and shittalking constantly. Being able to encounter him just hanging out on a rooftop was neat.

>you can notice it if you pay close attention to that particular scene.

Joker moving the pistol?

Absolutely not. They promised it was a new character. They fucking lied. Origins had a better story and boss fights anyway

>So who do you save, Bats? The incompetent friend who got herself kidnapped, or the incompetent friend who got herself kidnapped? It's a hard choice, I know, but I think you should go after Catwoman. It's not like you can save all of Barbara anyway. I killed half of her already!

>Put thugs in tanks.
>Batman has to take time to manually disable the tanks without killing the person inside, then potentially handle the thug inside.

>Make tanks with remote control.
>Batman just blows it up and goes on with his day.

One option seems more inconvenient than the other. I'm just saying.

Yep. That was the tell.

>Batman honks his horn or turns on a siren or something as he drives around Gotham
>thugs have time to dive off the streets in time to avoid the Batmobile
No need to literally run them over jesus, doesn't that kill people?

I do wonder what actually happened in there. Barbara had to be in there even if she didn't kill herself. Did Scarecrow just zap her with something?

I wouldn't have minded the reveal if they had done it sooner and made him Red Hood from the start. The point of Jason's character isn't Batman trying to figure out who he is, it's Batman struggling with the knowledge that he failed his surrogate son. Dragging Jason into the story doesn't work if you don't have Batman learn the truth only just before the whole story ends. It defeats the point.

This guy literally did nothing wrong. What was Batmans problem?

>charge into a thug with a tank at 90mph
>electrocute him on contact too for the heck of it
>"I don't kill"
Fucking hell Bats.

ok, Ill play it once I'm done with Nier A and Yakuza 0

>Lock up Robin in his cuck shed
>Tell him Barb is dead, destroys him
>Come back in the endgame, still locked up
>Tell him Barb is alive, destroys him a second time


I like how they handle the situation if you do decide to lock yourself up first. Fear is a powerful motivator.

It is a new character sort of. Arkham Knight is new, but not Jason.

Seems like such a way to handle the difficulty of how to clear the streets of thugs prior to Batman hitting them.

batham has never had good boss fights, even the ones in arkham city sucked

part of the problem is that the combat doesn't really lend itself well to boss fights

oh wow. i noticed that part at the time but it didnt click for me because i was getting nervous for Barbra. that was pretty cool now that im hearing about it again

>Origins had a better story and boss fights anyway


>Despite taking what could potentially be 20 years to develop and multiple in-game training sessions to earn, Batman has the Grapnel Shot. Not even a prototype, it’s just the Grapnel Shot.
>No attempt to improve combat like from City to Asylum. In fact, it’s somehow worse.
>Blatant reused animations.
>Different Robins fight exactly the same way.
>Killer Croc of all people is now an assassin.
>A potentially interesting plot involving an underrepresented villain in the series gets pushed aside for a really bad twist that takes those expectations and blows a runny dump on them.
>Deathstroke is hyped to Hell and back, yet you only fight him once as an early boss. All that’s left are the Deathstroke challenges, which would be much better if he wasn’t just Robin 1 ½.

Not really sure myself. Bats is already well fucked up already not just from getting gassed in that room but from his previous bat family failure with Jason. It probably wouldn't take a whole lot to shake him up over that.

Not to mention he took a fucking massive amount of liquid fear serum straight to the veins back in Asylum in addition to the gassing. That plus the Titan exposure from City has surely fucked him up over the long term.

>I'm the Riddler, and I just so happen to have a master plan for the exact same day as the Joker.
>I'm Anarky, and I just so happen to have a master plan for the exact same day as the Riddler.
>I'm the Mad Hatter, and I just so happen to have a master plan for the exact same day as the Anarky.
>I’m Calendar Man, and I DON’T have a master plan for the exact same day as Anarky, even though I’m fucking Calendar Man! (Don’t give me that, “He just got out of jail” bullshit; this was an obvious addition that they completely dropped the ball on.)
>Characters are criminally underrepresented aside from Bane and Joker. Hell, even Black Mask doesn't get enough attention, and he's SUPPOSED to be the main baddy.
>Glue grenade.
>The Riddler's data packs end with no proper resolution. He just leaves; no capture, no “I’ll get my revenge” one liners, he just fucks off before you show up, and you get a little "fuck you" Riddler trophy. IT'S NOT EVEN THE ASYLUM VERSION. They just copy pasted the more modern City version, even though this game took place nearly a decade ago.
>Prior to the city's lock down, there were NO CIVILIANS. No late night workers, no Jews, not even people to save.
>No online for the Wii U version. Online was buggy as hell anyways, but that’s beside the point.
>DLC cancelled for the Wii U version.

>NO CONDIMENT KING! Which unfortunately is a fault with all Batman games. I blame Nolan.

>tell him Barb is alive but don't let him out
That shit was hilarious.

I know and this game was likely the last time for them to get it right. Instead they didn't even try.
>that the combat doesn't really lend itself well to boss fights
I disagree. The times where you actually do have a proper fight like Pyg, the nigger Joker and Killer Croc in the DLC were great. They didn't do anything spectacular at all but at least they were fights.

I honestly kinda disliked how hallucinations worked in this game. Like when you have to look other way for shit and characters to appear, even though there isn't anything to look at and it's never communicated. I think I stood a dozen of times like retard thinking why isn't anything happening for it to click later on that "oh yeah, I have to turn around for it to spawn."

AK is severely underrated. The details in this game are amazing and the graphics are top notch. Story is cool and there are a lot of nice characters. Yes the batmobile was a little bit too much but I liked it because the thing felt so nice to drive and shoot.

How does Sup Forums feel about AK ending with Tim and Barbara getting married, and Nora Fries getting unfrozen?

>story is fucking retarded
>writing sucks ass for everything but the Joker
>combat introduces so many enemy types that all look to similar and can't be attacked from the front it becomes a hassle
>there are next to no predator rooms
>60% of the game is Batmobile when it should probably be around 20%
>introduce too many characters that disappear quickly just so they can resurface at the end
>scale of the city is somehow fucked up, although the tallest building has like 200 stories, it's still appears small as hell
>main story is too long, more than half of it is filler (it's like 5 filler missions, 1 main story mission, then 5 filler missions again, 1 main story mission)
>side quests are too much, did it really have to be 30 firefighters, 10 penguin vans, like 200 towers/blockades/mines and about a thousand riddler trophies? game is already too long for what the gameplay offers
>season of infamy DLC (got the complete edition in a sale for 20 bucks) is fine although it makes an already too long game even longer
>other DLC missions are a fucking joke, who wants to play 10 minutes as harley quinn, 5 minutes as red hood and half an hour as batgirl? what's the point
>challenge maps are somehow worse than in every other Batman game

I'm sorry you were given a shit PC port as I really enjoyed playing you... yes even the fucking Batmobile.

I was fine with how Fries played out. All the interactions with Fries in City wouldn't have meant much if they just went with the same thing about keeping Nora on ice forever in the next game.

Gives them both some closure and was a good scene. Shame Fries will almost assuredly kill himself when Nora dies but at least they have the end together.

driving around at max speed with the thursters active and ejecting yourself into the sky with the max upgrade is amazing.

Yea, it just feels amazing all around. The gameplay is topnotch and it sounds like a meme but you really feel like you are batman and that's right.

>Story is cool
The story of Arkham Knight was very muddied. It was so unfocused. What is the main conflict of AK? Is it Scarecrow and his fear toxin? Is it Todd coming to fuck Batman's shit up? Is it the Joker fucking Batman's mind up? The story can't make up its mind, and the whole thing suffers for it. For example, Scarecrow's role in the story was to be a vehicle to get Todd into Gotham and the Joker into Batman's head. That was his big contribution to the story. After you BTFO his plan in chemical plant, his job in the narrative is done, and all further involvement in it just distracts from the big conflicts he helped set up. It's especially egregious to hear him keep mouthing off at Batman over the city's TVs even after Batman foils 3 of his master plans all in the span of a single night. Similarly, Todd feels very impotent -- he's meant to be a big threat to Batman but because Scarecrow won't shut up and go away he can't do anything. He spends the whole time yelling at you COME FIGHT ME OLD MAN I MEAN IT I'LL FUCK YOU UP I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU FAG TRY SOMETHING but he never fucking DOES anything until after Scarecrow gets BTFO for a second time, at which point the game is 70% over. Think about how much screentime that stole from him. We waste so much time stopping Fear Toxin plans #2 and #3, when we could have been fighting Todd and whatever his master plans would have been. Actually make the fact that he dragged a whole fucking army into Gotham matter and be the focus of a masterplan or something. His questline is never actually resolved, either. The reveal that he's Todd happens way to late in the game for it to be meaningful in Batman's struggles with keeping his family safe, and it never gets closure. He helps Batman escape Scarecrow's final trap, and then what? Where are the scenes of Batman and the others meeting up with him, deciding what to do with him, reconciling with him? He just fucks off and kills Black Mask. Lame.

I want to know how they have still have yet to make the port not complete shit.

>Batman turns on a siren when he drives into a populated zone
>"Sir, what's that for?"
>"When they hear this, they know to get out of the way or I'll hit them with the microwave cannons."
>Batmobile rounds a corner to find all the would-be rioters standing nervously on the sidewalk as he drives past
What would the Batmobile's siren sound like?

>let Firefly in
>nothing wrong
He would have burned down literally the whole city. I can understand working with someone like Penguin or Twoface in "renovating" some old buildings in order to unlawfully expedite the process of building fresh mob-controlled properties or something, but Firefly's deranged.

Honestly, it was incredible. Not perfect, but the whole experience is so goddamn immersive. The atmosphere and "feel" of it all is spot on. Nice variety of side missions and abilities. They did well.

thats a scary clown

>He just fucks off and kills Black Mask. Lame.
Doesn't that happen prior to the main story? He did that so that Black Mask couldn't leak out at all that AK was really Todd. Tying up a loose end since the dude didn't want in on the master plan to take down Batman.

>you really feel like you are batman and that's right.

I hate this retarded meme. This is exactly what the arkham games get wrong unless youre a retarded casual. Not a single actually good portrayal of batman shows him as the batgod that you find in the arkhamverse. Im still waiting for the day where I get my ground zeroes/ chaos theory with batman and a lieu of well designed missions in asylums, prisons, sewers etc instead of an empty open world

Motherfucker let Firefly loose in the city and it almost got his entire crew killed. I mean, he's no supervillain but that shit was still wrong.

how did it play out again? its been a while since i played so all i remember is some kind of deal they made. i think. where did he let him in?

I already said it may sounds like a meme.

And the games make you feel like batman. All those gadget and tricks you can do. the fucking batmobile and detective stuff. How is this not batman?

>I want the Christopher Nolan fight scene experience -- user 384720703, who has no taste

If I remember correctly he told Firefly which buildings to torch, then made sure there weren't any people in it and that any fire suppression systems were deactivated.

>How is this not batman?

Batman is human unlike the thing in the arkhamverse that can take on 50 thugs alone. The gadgets are a neat gameplay element but they are glorified combo tools 99% of the time or are used in riddler puzzles (which never actually has anything to do with figuring out the correct gadgets yourself). The games feel extremely floaty and actiony and the environment is merely a background instead of a gameplay element (like in a proper stealth game, here the stealth segments are just particular encounters with gargoyles littered around the room)

I dont hate the arkham series and I regularly replay them all but they certainly arent the optimal batman experience for anyone that actually cares about the character

I guess the animated series came out before you were born? Although Id gladly take link related over whatever the arkham games are offering


Completely disagree, it's faithful to the "feel" of the universe and I was not even expecting that before diving in.

This. I don't know what people want. It felt like it was made with a lot of love and dedication to the series. Such a great game.

>Batman is human unlike the thing in the arkhamverse that can take on 50 thugs alone.
Yes, and he is portrayed like that in every fucking media.
Are you mentally challenged?

>link related
First off this is almost literally a predator sequence from the games, just from the perspective of the thugs, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. Second, unironically linking fights from Nolan's films kind of invalidates your opinion because Nolan is fucking terrible at them and it means your taste is garbage.

Why should i?
i didn say anything bad of the game first because i didn had a good enough pc to play it, after i got one i got the game for a fraction of the fukl price and it was a fun as fuck experience, i like it more than than city or asylum. and it runs perfectly fine now

>Batman is human unlike the thing in the arkhamverse that can take on 50 thugs alone
That's what batman is like, senpai. What are you thinking.

>Yes, and he is portrayed like that in every fucking media.
>Are you mentally challenged?

No he isnt fucking retard. Almost every batman story/ continuity worth anything portrays batman as a flawed character. The batgod meme is a new thing and mainly spawned from crossover comics (see: justice league) where batman needs to be potrayed as being on the level of metahumans. Every single high profile batman comic (the killing joke, the dark knight returns, the long halloween, arkham asylum, year one) he is mostly hiding and running away/ outsmarting his enemies instead of being able to take everyone out with his fists. 99% of the fights in something like the animated series are him struggling with even two thugs. I fucking hate this board

>First off this is almost literally a predator sequence from the games

Somewhat agreeable but with all the "gamey" elements removed from it, which is exactly what serious stealth games tend to look like in action

>Nolan is fucking terrible at them and it means your taste is garbage.

I dont give a fuck about fistfighting because its not something batman should be primarily focused on. if its going to be in it should be something akin to CQC in MGS4/ GZ

You are a fucking idiot. Batman pretty much always is a batgod.

>fistfighting people isn't something that Batman is focused on
What did he mean by this?

>"""gamey""" elements
What did he mean by this?

Also I'm loving every laugh about your insistence about MUCH DARK AND GRITTY REALISM. You are aware that this is capeshit, right?

Well for starters, he's a nog.

>Not a single actually good portrayal of batman shows him as the batgod that you find in the arkhamverse.

The only reason of why arkhamverse Batman could be considered a batgod is because of his endurance, but hey, he's still a superhero, it's just another depiction of Batman and i think it's valid.

>well designed missions in asylums, prisons, sewers

I agree mostly with Origins, the open world was horrible, the worst i've seen in my life for several reasons. Knight open world was necessary, for the Batmobile, and the city was lively and fun to explore.

The Batman 1989 theme.

unplayable at release. I'm glad I was able to get a refund and then buy it later after it was fixed for $10. Pretty good game.

give five portrayals of him that didnt come out in the last 10 years where that is the case

>What did he mean by this?

so confirmed for not knowing anything about the character? stick to watching snydershit and playing arkham games fucking kiddo

>>"""gamey""" elements
>What did he mean by this?

conveniently placed gargoyles, completely unrealistic environment in proportions and looks

>Also I'm loving every laugh about your insistence about MUCH DARK AND GRITTY REALISM. You are aware that this is capeshit, right?

where did I mention "dark and gritty realism" you fucking idiot? However, dark and gritty is exactly what batman is and has been ever since he stepped out of the silver age. Realism on the other hand is the one thing that potentially separates him from the average capeshit. Youre a retarded clown who actively opposes a character/ a brand growing and improving because your brony tier manchild brain wouldnt be able to handle adult entertainment. No wonder youre defending the arkham games as an actually good potrayal of the character

>I dont give a fuck about fistfighting because its not something batman should be primarily focused on.

He fist fights all the time. One of the few times he didn't was in the animated series, and i bet it was just because censorship issues, he started punching people in the New Batman Adventures and even before in the more violent Mask of the Panthasm.

Did you play the game? It's mostly about how flawed Batman is. They basically say it outright, over and over again. He fucks up several times. The whole thing practically revolves around this concept. You missed that?!

Also, bat mobile missions aside, for at least the last half of the game, you're mostly hiding and outsmarting enemies once they start getting stronger. Much like the comics...