Tell me some visual novels that are enjoyable, sad or mindblowing. i played steins;gate...

tell me some visual novels that are enjoyable, sad or mindblowing. i played steins;gate, danganronpa 1 & 2 and im playing 999 right now

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saya no uta
katawa shoujo

Finish 999 fox!

Play Fate/Stay Night

The first route is kind of slow but the second and third are great, my favorite VN

i was planning on playing katawa shoujo and muv-luv, not really interested in erotic content i'm more for the depression or story i gain from them
i'm playing it don't worry i just like making a schedule ahead
i'm presuming the vn came first then anime but didn't read/watch either

Well don't ignore your backloggery.

Saya no uta is incredibly dark and depressing with an interesting story. The so called erotic scenes are disturbing and twisted.

Yeah. Play the VN first, then watch Fate/Zero. It's a prequel. After that watch the ufotable UBW anime

i'm not, i got it today but was interested in vn for some time now seeing all the recommendations from steins;gate steam page. is clannad any good?

Clannad is ace.

999, vlr, ztd. It's one series. Ztd is weaker.

Umineko, the anime is 3 outta 10 while the vn is 9 outta 10.

Saya no uta. 6 outta 10, but if you like Lovecraft shit it's probably 8 outta 10.

Sorry, Unlimited Blade Works is the name of the second route, and the only worthy anime adaptation is of that route.

but the other routes are good right?

Is Steins;gate good? I've seen the anime and enjoyed it, but the game itself is pretty expensive on steam.

If you want to cry for reals play House in Fata Morgana
If you want more danganronpa play Ace attorney
If you want a deconstruction of the mystery genre play Umineko

Yeah I think they're all good, the first one is just a bit slow to start.

the game is much better, the alternate routes spice it up but the ending will still make you tear up even if you know it. it will be strange to you the vn's artstyle since the anime downgraded it a bit

I have seen the art, it looks really nice, so I will probably pick that up at some point, even though when it's on sale, the price doesn't drop a whole lot

pirate the game and then buy it if you wish to support the developers or you just want the achievements its your choice

Grisaia no Kajitsu

The Silver Case

I'm still lost as to what happens in The Silver Case.

At least now I understand more about Flower, Sun, and Rain.

Kara no shojo

why the fuck does he look like that one detective from monogatari series

Ever 17 and Remember 11, if you liked 999 these are right up your alley.

Is this a straight up VN or more of a game like Ace Attorney and 999 ?

Tsukihime is a fantastic psychological thriller. The routes are all amazing and all have their own twists.

ever17 and remember11 are must play mind blows, author of 999 worked on both.

Starless is good

Play Muv-Luv.
It starts off slow but it really ramps up and gets exciting.

There's some walking around and very light puzzle solving

Currently going through Yu-No, myself.

I've gotten two endings already, and it's a unique game that I can't really explain to well. I still don't know what exactly the goal is, but I'm having a lot of fun with it. Main character is a pretty hilarious dude, and all the little tidbits and things in the environment are fun to interact with and listen to how the main character describes them. Plus, he breaks the fourth wall a lot and speaks to the player whenever you try and do something stupid in a serious situation.

It's got a great soundtrack as well, and has several renditions of the soundtrack to boot. The Saturn one is really interesting.

I guess you could say it's similar to Steins;Gate, since it involves time travel and saving people to a degree, although the MC never really reacts to replaying the same scenes again and again.

kara no shoujo
infinity series

Playing anything right now anons? Started up I/O and I enjoy the aesthetic

>Visual Novel



Just finished House in Fata Morgana and it blew me away. Can't recommend it highly enough. It's honestly probably the best VN I've ever played