Where did it all go so fucking wrong?

Where did it all go so fucking wrong?

You posted it, pal. WoW was the beginning of the end.

Vanilla, TBC and Wotlk are the holy trinity of WoW


With WoW
Playing MMOs tuned into "I like Blizzard games" and then into "I suck blizzard's cock", liking MMOs in NA no longer came about people who were usually introverted finding a social outlet in a very fun to play and niche genre such as MUDs and early MMOs, but more about being super overtly social and was also when it started to really suffer from "Female who fucks shit up to get laid because she's just BARELY cute enough" syndrome. WoW did this in droves.

Right here.

The answer is the end of WOTLK.

When they started pulling people to work on Titan.

when arthas died

When they nerfed the shit out of Warrior and Healing Druid in ca-TAK-alism.

It's hard to give an answer to questions like these, not only because they bring up disagreements about game preference that can't be won, but because everyone's idea of "where it went wrong" are influenced by personal factors like age, situation, etc.

But to answer your question: The end of Wotlk, like he said.

I played wow for years before switching switching to ffxiv, whilst I really enjoy ffxiv I get left pretty bored after I've completed my weekly end game shit, do it Sup Forums convince me to try Wow again.

WoD simply.

Cata wasn't even bad, it just wasn't better than wrath and they made deathwing and his raid uninspiring compared to Arthas.

MoPs only flaw was the dailies in the beginning and the jade forest. Other than that the expansion was as good as wrath. Siege of Ogrimmar lasted for 14 fucking months and the game had more people playing than legion has ever had.

Legion doubled down on all of the shit in WoD that people hated. No flying, massive pruning, homogenization, timegating everywhere, loot pinatas, gear inflation every patch.

Blizzard doesn't want long time players, they want you to quit every 3 months and go play hearthstone or Hots where they can MTX fuck you.


no its dead, especially now with the artifact mechanics, you have 0 chance to catch up

For me it was half way through WotLK.
For all the nostalgia most have for it, it was very poorly designed, and still is if you don't believe me.

>Caya wasn't even bad
Please die.

So Felmyst TBC private server was supposed to go live at 3pm EDT. I'm assuming launch day overload, even the site won't work for me. Anyone get in?

Cata was way better than legion and WoD

That's bullshit. I just came back from a 6 month hiatus and made a completely new character and now I'm raiding HC Tomb. It took me about 2 weeks in total to level up and to gear up enough for HC.

By that metric getting raped in the ass with a chainsaw is not bad.

casuals who didint have time for all the farming but still wanted everything the game had to offer with no effort.

also cross-servers.

Patch 3.2

If you do not LOVE Cataclysm may be WoW not for you.

I mean Cata was based and fresh breath to old wc3/wow campaign.

Plus who the fuck was a Draenei? Didn't Blood Elves leaved Azeroth with Qael and died after Arthas? Fake races for more races.
On other hand you can play a greedy goblin from lore. How many elves did you met in Vanilla and how many goblins, which races were actually alive? Worgens? Furies? Yes. Humans? Yes. Well at least they not aliens. Which membership in factions make more sense - Goblins (old Orc's ally) or Bloody Elves? Aliens from Bogdaplanet or Humans with werewolf curse?

why is the forsaken in the horde?

Just for """Balance"""

Where's MoP

Activision bought Blizzard

Cataclysm was the first time where I began to doubt my time was being well spent

The enjoyment was being pulled away and replaced with the illusion of enjoyment

And then somehow MoP was engaging as fuck..
that trick is what keeps giving me hope each expack

goddammit blizzard just fucking kill the game already, put us out of our fucking misery


Vivendi took over activision and blizzard and forced them to merge. When blizz bought themselves out from Vivendi, they realized their scummy practices could make them swimming in money, so they stayed the course.

Redpill me on this patch, Why did it ruin everything?

When the lich king died

BG's and Honor system killed world pvp.
cross-realm LFG killed server community

Thats about it, games been a diablo-instanced game since later Vanilla.

"Oh shit, we just killed off our biggest bad guy in the game, what do we do now?"
"What about that deathwing guy from warcraft 2?"
"There was no deathwing in the second expansion"
"No, warcraft 2 is an RTS"
"What the hell is warcraft 2?"
"It's that thing that came before world of warcraft"
"There was a game before world of warcraft?"
"I know, crazy, right? This deathwing guy was in it for the second half of the second expansion"
"Wait there's an expansion to that game?!"
"Crazy, right!?"

And thus Deathwing was born

Eorzea is better than Azeroth

And thus a shitty expansion with even more casuals was born
Cataclysm was very bad it was not shit like MOP,WOD or Legion but it was the starting point for the fuck up we know today

I think one of the biggest problems started in TBC which was bringing back lore characters so you could have them as a raidboss.

Cataclysm wasn't particularly casual though. It was far more punishing than Wrath ever was when it came to dungeons and raids.

Why does your game look so good?

What the fuck is that sentence.

That started with vanilla patches. Kel'Thuzad?

You know exactly what it is.

tell me your thoughts on worgen and pandaren porn.

Instanced dungeons/raids and emphasis on kill quests as the primary method of leveling.

this, there's even a fucking crack on the world to indicate that's where it was broken

The same question would be about why the Night Elves are in the Alliance despite having a military might bigger than them, warriors that out-savage Orcs and nature's wrath that will tear you a new one before you even realize it. Not to mention Ultravision.

Which was gutted and turned in OW

Still mad.


It was the first big step from "You're a guy in the world of warcraft"..


The world of warcraft is a lobby screen, and you wait for your match to be ready like dota. You press the button.. play the game with strangers for 1 hour... and then never see them again only to re-queue for the next game.

EXCEPT... instead of like in Dota where you actually communicate with allies to fuck over enemies and think about shit (or just insult each other)... Wow dungeons require absolutely 0 communication or team interaction. If they replaced your team with 4 bots in some instances... you'd not even question it and never notice.

This funnily enough lured a casual audience that made numbers spike up... but traded it's hard-core section for it.. time passed the casuals did what casuals do.. (They casually left the game).. and the hard-core players left too..

Thus the image.
Steady natural growth until WOTLK.. then a sudden spike as casuals come in... and a slow bleed out as casuals leave after their 1 month sub runs out only to return maybe in 2 years time for another month.