What do we think of Dream Daddy?

What do we think of Dream Daddy?

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deep as a puddle

Very bare bones for a visual novels. No CGs, really?

>alcoholic I didn't ask for this dad,
>fujoshi fetish dad
>modern cool asian dad
>vanilla dad
>nigger dad
>poo dad
>bara dad


give me the dad (mom)

>pc gaming

>not wanting vanilla dad to fuck you all night


>Only one ending is a spoopy Satan cult sacrifice ending

I would be all over it if it was a milf fucking stimulator with some decent CGs. As it stands this shit is gay as fuck.

$15 for a shit game riding on the gay as fuck daddy meme

>bara dad
>implying thats a bad thing

piece o' shit game that will do unfathomably well due to its backing by ecelebs and its status as a joke game rather than any actual merits, of which it has none

What's the lore behind it? What made all these dads gay? Do they all live in an area where the government is experimenting with hormones in the water supply? Do they all live near a nuclear power plant that has been leaking small doses of radiation into the town? Is the town built on an ancient Indian burial ground and they have been cursed?

Was gonna make a thread asking but looks like OP beat me to it

So, is it bad by Sup Forums standards because it's popular or is it legitimately terrible



White dad made a contract with demons that feed off of the sexual energy of single gay dads. He keeps them single to keep his demon fed. The one time he engaged in a relationship with one of them they discovered the truth and are now a ranting cryptid hunter that stays in town to try and warn newcomers away

Or something, people still haven't found the true ending being referenced here outside of datamining

If Joseph's datamined ending turns out to be canon, I will hate it. So far I like the game, cute for what it is.

speaks for itself

nobody asked for this drivel

i havent even played the gam (yet) and i already knew brain was daddyfu

i gave it a try, i finished the game in litterally half an hour, the story is extremely simple, it is still buggy after being delayed and the save system sucks.
the only good thing was brian's bare chest at his second date

How does a fucking VN manage to be so buggy?

On the contrary, I've seen it's popular with gays who's absolutely ga-ga for the dad archetype in spite of the actual quality of the game

as well as several youtubers doing it for the lulz, and white fujos doing it for the cuteses

Motherfucker it's a Dad dating simulator made entirely by a team of four e-celebs with 13-15 year old redditors
What do you expect?

arin tweeted about this secret ending but was incredibly vague and was like "maybe it exists maybe it doesnt, yall will never know" (not ad verbatim)


I'm tired of seeing it in my recommended videos on youtube, despite the fact that I keep clicking the three dots and selecting "Not Interested". Is there a way to block shit you don't want to see on youtube? Because that would be fantastic.

>3483 owners
>advertisement by one of the biggest gaming channels on youtube
>meanwhile no name shit thats had no advertising sells more

oh good about twenty people liked it great to hear

>No effeminate daddy who is actually dominant
>instead we just get boring cardboard cutouts who appeal to the lowest common denominator just so tumblr takes this meme game as legitimate
>no fucking CGs
>routes are short as fuck
>Nothing interesting happens beyond fucking your daddy

White people are stupid

Horror movies/movies don't lie I suppose

if you just keep clicking not interested then refreshing and saying youre not interested repeatedly a few times it'll go away eventually. though im not sure why you're so buttblasted over this

good bait

Honestly a good to honest psychological horror ending might be worth spending a couple bucks on but I feel like it'll be a huge letdown when it's revealed

>none of them are black

>though im not sure why you're so buttblasted over this
See? white people are stupid

I think the artstyle is ugly and I think I'm not going to help enable eceleb degenerates.


Fuck no, please tell me there's some kind of opposite ending when Joseph is not a demon, Mary is a bitch for no reason, Joseph dumps her and stays with you, fucking in his yatch like bunnies.

>goth dad is a tranny
who does this benefit

I like this game because it triggers the annoying gay furshits on this board since there's no fat animal men in it.

Would you a demon anons?

probably not. It's implied that Mary was never actually the one cheating, and has been playing a role of a bitchy wife all along so that Joseph has a cover and she can survive.

Hot garbage. Julian of the OneyPlays "funny men" trio said it himself
Literally just piggybacked Game Grumps for recognition and put no effort into the actual game.
Oh yeah, it's progressive. Fuck that.

Reminder that he's right.

it's funny how some gay furry dating sims are way better written than this

damn son if you wanted to fuck botabu already just tell him

trannies, probably
i still like his route though, its one of the better ones. it was cute to see him scared at the movies and him as a "normal" person working at the shelter

Kinda gay

The game grumps made this, it's in the office episode.

Cool asian dad looks alright.

>3483 - 2784
It's 699. Learn math, user.

The only good one is Robert. Although I don't appreciate that you can't fuck on the first day and just have that sort of relationship rather than your faggot dad being hung up about it.

It's also on the steam page you fucking neanderthal.

Fuck off homo.

>bara furry image
Didn't even read the post. Opinion disregarded.

western degeneracy at it's finest. the fact that this is shilled by e-celebs with a kid audience is even worst

...+- not -

You actually went to the steam page for it? What are you gay?

You underestimate the populace of gay twitter and fujo tumblr

Wow you actually screencapped your own post, every reply told your ass off but you had no response to any of it.


Since when do gays own dad jokes?
And since when do the opinions of furfags matter?

They're all pretty fuckable. Lack of porn however makes the game pointless.

I do my research unlike faggots like you.

its the margin of error, user

it's estimated 3483, give or take 2784

>ree it's like blackface for faggots
Don't be such a fucking faggot, holy shit.

Wrong. Most people who replied to him completely agreed with him.


Watch the commas, I mean't that I would like an alternative and cannon ending where the demonic bullshit is fake and Mary is a bitch not because being married with a demon, but just because she is and Joseph is good.

Apparently the amount of foreshadowing pointing to the reveal is astounding, and if it was a joke ending, it would be frankly brilliant. But a canon true ending? Where is stated that Joseph have ruined all the dads relationships to feed the demon he's summoning? Which implies that no matter how happy you are with your dad, he will eventualy destroy your relationship or kill one of you? Which renders all of the happy endings in nonsense?Fuck that.
He was my favourite. I just wanted a comfy game and porn of the characters. Instead, we've been mass'effected.
Sup Forums will sure have a blast with the shitstorm.

the satanic twist is specifically there so people can go "see this happy gay dad dating game? it's dARK AS SHIT SENPAI"

We think it needs a furry option.

I want this fictional physique

>that entire post
I guarantee you that faggot browses tumblr.

Why is DD higher on the sellers list if Kingdoms and Castles sold more...?

Nah, I think you need a bullet in your head.


The most problematic think about the game is that there is nothing that will make my dick hard. No hot husbandos.

Don't shitpost with Kotobuki.
He is too perfect for that.

that's a dad (mom).

Sold really well but seems like most people are quite disappointed by it.

You need a therapist.

You're telling me he has no dick?

nah, probably some poltard falseflaging.
Sup Forums only cares about misrepresentation and racism when they can use it to shit on some game. After that, it always return to nigger this, jew those an MUH SJW.


So the game is basically gay hatoful boyfriend?


I would personally accept a twist on the ending where Joseph's not possessed but his kids are, and he's become obsessed with keeping said demon alive because he feels the need to protect his children. In his good ending you exorcise his kids or something, and both he and Mary are freed from a hapless marriage.

Though that still renders the other routes a little bleak it fits in more with the tone of the game.

huh? ive seen practically nothing but positive responses on it everywhere except here, except for some nonbinary fem leaning polysexuals on tumblr that dislike it because the game grumps are homophobic and transphobic, supposedly

some dev on twitter even confirmed that shit. Apparently the biggest hint is that guy uses a binder.

I had my fair share of boners, especially when things became juicy. Shame that game literally ends 1 chaper after.
Both Mat and Craig had cute stories. But cute is really different than sexy, which is the problem.

Suck my dick and I'll think about it.

Most people actually familiar with vns are disappointed by how incomplete it feels.

People with daddy fetishes are the worst.

the only hint, actually. he briefly mentions it when hes talking about his obsession with goth and victorian shit
>select all images with dresses

>best boy is actually not a boy

Now I know how people feel about the draw a girl, call it a boy thing. Fucking hell.


dating sims were meant to be nutty, it's the true calling for the genre

2short. Like 2 hours a route

Amanda is cute! CUTE!

Apparently the kids are vessels or pieces of him.

I mean, It all depends where you go
I think the very nature of the game makes it hard to really criticise
I would be interested in knowing where you went to see all that positive press?
From what I've read some (maybe most was a little exaggerated) felt the game wasn't quite what it was "advertised" to be.
Its all about a game by Game Grumps but misses the humour and doesn't actually have much substance.

I've not played it but I'm just telling you what I've heard.

You know I'm under the influence,
So don't trust every word I say.

I agree it was too short, but that doesnt exactly warrant being entirely disappointed with it. a lot of people acknowledged its lack in length, but were still positive about the game overall. that was my point