Devil Survivor 2

Is this worth buying if I already played the ds version? Mostly I'm just interested in the new Triangulum storyline

The new arc adds like ~20-25 hours of gameplay and unlocks after the regular arc so maybe? It depends on when you last played the DS version. If it was a recent playtrough i wouldnt slog through it again

it was very recent and I have no intention of playing through again. I only want to try the new story out

Are you sure I have to beat the game again to unlock it? That would fucking suck

You don't have to beat the game to play the second arc, its unlocked from the get-go

but is it good

Yes, story isn't as good as the first game, but the gameplay is way better. One of the best SRPGs out there.

Can vouch for Though in OP's case since he played through the original one recently I'd give it a few months before considering getting it

devil survivor 3 when?

Can I still bully Makoto? This is important because I remember her being the cutest in the original one.

Yes, but at the very end she handles your bullying.

Soon. Considering they re-did both games i really think that next one is either on the waiting list or is already in progress.

Will it be for the Switch? Or are they just gonna rehash and do a 3ds version?

why does that womans boobs go upwards like eggplants? have the japs never seen hitomi tanaka and how gravity works with her?

>not rehashing


The DeSur games are pretty bad 2bh

Yasuda Suzuhito at his usual finest, ladies and vegetables.

it's DeSu faggot.

Because yasuda


Enough said

New arc is stupid as shit but it's okay if you just want some more gameplay. I wouldn't get it if the thought of replaying the main arc doesn't interest you at all.
But why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet?

That's impossible. How can she when she's like an infinite spaghetti machine?

>that Fumi

Because I have a new 3ds xl and they're a bitch to hack. I don't even own a screwdriver small enough to open the backplate so I can get to the sd card

After gettimg bullied she managed to prevent your bullying just once at the very end of her fate in triangulum.
You bullied her so much she learned to not drop her spaghetti as much as she used to.

The new arc is good, it was nice to see Daichi along with the other character actually get character development. The only real problem were Yamato and his twin.

Then I wouldn't bother at all, triangulum arc is oretty good and fun, but it isn't worth buying the game again for if you just played the original recently.
I would jut wait fir a while untill you ever feel like playing DeSu2 again.

Hope you enjoyed

>gameplay is way better
The first game had some missions with interesting level designs including varied mission objectives, how does the second game improve in that regard?

way more varied mission objectives

Bosses are super interesting too, they each have their own gimmick and the day revolves around preparing to fight them. No more "hp-sponge boss that sits in the middle of the stage and attacks with infinite range"

It was Madoka to the original arc's Eva, and it basically renders the entire first arc pointless. It doesn't even continue from a real ending, they made up a new one to shove all the characters in. The only thing it was good for was fanservice and it's why I hate seeing companies revisit finished stories years later to cash in a second time.

I thought it took place after the Alcor ending?

Both arcs of the game have terrible writing, the appeal is the gameplay

it's Alcor's and Daichi's fused together iirc

That's okay. Best boy got to become administrator and that's all I want

A shit administrator who couldn't do his job so you had to take over for him
And then he gets rid of your other fucktoy at the last minute so you're stuck alone with him for eternity