THAT level

THAT level

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You stop that right now

This isn't right... THIS ISN'T RIGHT

Even after cheesing that level a few times in long war to make it a joke, this image still caused a panic reaction. The first time was so traumatic that I almost suffer from PTSD flashbacks

This level did Overwatch better than Overwatch


This level taught me that life is fragile, and that one soldier is not worth the wellbeing of the rest of the team

I've only played XCom 2. What was it that made OP's level so infamous, anyway? Was it just a meat grinder of advanced units, or was there some bullshit gimmick to watch out for?

chrysalids x1000 + turn limit

Could they still burrow and make coccoons out of fallen soldiers in the first game?


>first game
They made zombies
You will be missed Major Rhino the Assault.
Going down fighting the fuckers off.
The map starts out with chrysalids and zombies.
Those hanging wish birth chrysalids randomly.
Theres a whale that spawnes infinite chrysalides.
And once you activate the mission objective you have limited time to run back to the skyranger.
People generally get this early on and it can squad wipe like nobody's business.

no, but they did tons of damage, could poison, and if they killed a unit, the unit became a zombie, if the zombie wasn't killed in a few turns, it became another Chrys.

Yes, I know that Enemy Unknown is like the sixth game in the series if you count the shitty spin-offs that came after UFO Defense, but you know what I mean, and everyone else knows what I mean.

Okay yeah, that sounds like hell on earth. I thought that the Ship Defense missions in XCom 2 were bullshit.

My first time was actually too successful, but on returns... so many good men lost...

honestly the only way to get by early is to save scum like scum, use meld solders, or use a flame mech. Otherwise its bad times unless your past the point of difficulty

All my years of playing video games, and nothing frustrated me more than this shit.



I'm sad that I didn't get that mission during my XCOM playthrough, not even once.



The entirety of Skellige in the Witcher 3


I think it's from Enemy Within.

If you really want to play it turn on save scum, go through the game, and when you get a counsel mission just keep reloading in-till you get it.
Have fun in hell.

This shit was fucking impossible

always stops me from replaying


The closest ive ever came to breaking my controler against the wall

This and the part where you're in the desert against three bosses, shit is frustrating without save scumming

pretty easy desu

I started playing FO2 today first time in years and I just remembered the first level. I have no idea how I got pass this when I was a kid, goddamn this is one though level. Of course you can just run past everything and avoid conflict by lockpicking every door if you're skillful enough

>tfw didn't get this panic mission until already had mechtroops and plasma guns
My second playthrough was disastrous though

Is there a game where the entire game is "that level?"

Half-Life 2. I remember the game being pretty fun when I first played it, but on my later playthroughs I realized it's a chore to play.
>that boat mission
>that long-ass roadtrip
>that bridge level
>that lighthouse and helicopter level
>that don't-touch-the-sand level
>that prison level
>that follow freeman level
>that citadel level

Every now and then I remember some fun part like Ravenholm, and just when I'm about to launch HL2 I remember all the boring shit. At least Half-Life 1 is all about fast paced shooting and will thus forever be remembered as all time classic.

>always get this mission before I even get lasers
>always skip it because the rewards aren't worth it
I feel like I should play it one of these days to see all the hubub

Half-Life 2
Jak 2
Sonic 3

remove ayy