Do you throw competitive match making games?

Do you throw competitive match making games?
What is your opinion on throwers?

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they should all be killed

Never, even if I'm about to lose. I can't tell you how many times I've re-captured shit in Overwatch by playing mei or dva and getting on the point at the last second. If you give up you're just lowering your chances of winning being a little bitch about it. If you just played the game and tried you'd win more often.

Throwers are the worst.

I'd like to throw that controller at her face if you know what I mean

Not bad, nakama

Whats your rank?

Around 2800.

Only under certain circumstances. Am I playing that awful GTA:O mode dawn raid? And I have two less people on my team than the other one? Yeah. Fuck it. Fuck that game mode and fuck having to stay in the game or else you get punished.

Also Rocket League if someone from my team drops. Because who cares.

I try to win. If anyone on my team is goofing off, I team kill the faggot. Skip the drone phase? You're dead. I got a deep voice. Helps me intimidate beta males.

Just to be clear, I look at profiles before team killing. I won't team kill a newbie for being retarded.

No. I think they should be banned.

I have a deep voice, too, but I like team killing and pissing people like you off.

ACTUAL "throwers" are exceedingly rare. Sometimes you get matched up with a teammate who isn't having a very good game, and rather than take personal responsibility and play your role as you should in any team-oriented game, you whine and place the blame on your teammates, really on anything or anyone but yourself, like a little bitch.

Why do people only complain about throwers in overwatch, anyway? Why is this phenomenon limited to this particular game and very few others? My guess is the young average age of its player base means you're more likely to hear people whining about nonexistent "throwers".

>team is being a bunch of faggots at me for no reason
>say I'm not playing in meta
>don't give a shit, start throwing hard
Meta is fucking retarded in games. I play to have fun, not stick to some autists meta shit.

You were in the right until you started throwing. Then I'm in favour of you being banned.

>actually in favor of faggots being banned
If I'm gonna get banned for throwing then the whole team should get banned for "toxicity"

There is nothing wrong with throwing.

I only "throw" by being terrible, never intentionally.
>tfw I got permabanned in League for repeated poor performance in ranked despite trying my best
Not my fucking fault your league system doesn't work at all and I get put against bronze players in promos and plat players in the real games.

>muh fee fees
Fucking christ you're pathetic

I rarely throw in the sense that I sit in spawn shooting at the wall, but if I become so upset I have no motivation to continue I just rush every round. I'm a terrible teammate.

>muh rank
Fucking christ you're pathetic.
Fact: esports and company organized competitive cancer is the worst thing that has ever happened to gaming.

fuckin hell you can get perma'd for that?
good thing i never fucked with that shitty meme game

how can anyone be that bad at fucking League, especially in watered down modern League

Ok, so report them then play the game out if you want. I've been on plenty of teams where one or two guys are dicks then a third spergs out and throws the game. At that point I hate the third guy more than the first two.

Yes there is, don't waste my fucking time. When you throw you're wasting the time of the whole team which is definitely more important than your own time.

If you can't carry a team with a person throwing you suck and should be perma'd.

Kinda related:

Remember "competitive hiding" in halo 3? Like playing team doubles and getting 1 kill before running off and hiding from the other players for like 15 minutes till you won? I don't know if that would be considered throwing, but this thread made me think of that relic from my past.

Good counter argument. Why don't you just have some emotional control and not throw a shitfit when someone says something mean? Luckily throwers usually get banned pretty quickly.

They accused me of doing it intentionally, because appearently a gold player can't be as bad as I was. YOU GAVE ME THE GOLD YOU TWATS.

I had a very specific set of skills. CSing was not among them and ADC/supp pairs made me miserable.

Can you have some emotional control when someone isn't playing the game the way you want?

when playing smash online, if I fuck up an easy win or the opponent gets an impressive kill on me in some ungodly stroke of skill, the only honorable thing to do is to take my own remaining stocks in a grand display of online seppuku.

Look man, when you queue up for a game you're implicitly agreeing to at least try to win. I'm not going to bitch at you for playing off meta and I think the guys that do are shitty, but if your reaction to them being dicks is to throw and make it unwinnable for the the guys on your team that didn't piss you off then you're a piece of shit and I have no sympathy when you get banned.

This desu fampai

>riot bans supportbabbies
This is fine.

>caring about OTHER people getting banned
go back to your safe space faggot.