Games only you played

games only you played

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Fuck yeah Bumpy Trot

ITT: games with the top 10 worst voice acting ever

Get Ready For...

Some of those instruments were impossible to play.





And man do I need to play it again

It's a goddamn shame we won't see another. Probably the most comfy game on the PS2
>playing in a band with your friends
>customizing your steambot
>traveling the road with your waifu and your harmonica
It's a shame there are so many emulation problems with this game. There are some hacks and ways to get around a lot of the problems, but definitely are some big issues with emulating it.

I could legit buy this game for £20 or so, would that be a good deal?

It's CiB, and the seller is telling me it's "rare"

Rune Factory Tides of Destiny for PS3 gave me similar vibes.




Tides of Destiny is by far the worst Rune Factory

it's uncommon and 20 quid's an alright price for it.
game has a very healthy amount of content, variety and customization.

my bad user i thought you were talking about steambot chronicles


Ephemeral Fantasia, also has the honor of being one of the worst non-shovelware games I've ever played.



really like this game. great atmosphere and interesting concepts. sequel's kind of trashy though

It's hardly that bad.

does anyone know if this emulates well? wanna play it but never released in europe

Loved the shit out of that game.

I don't know if this was exclusive to the psp version, but
this shit triggered me so fucking much

played it at my friends house then slept in the same bed as his sister who was 6 years younger than me



Yea, shit like the accordion was a nightmare to play even reasonably well.

Meanwhile, trumpet and harmonica were easy-mode.

Too bad the Wii sequel sold like 10 copies in japan so it never got an english release

>PSP version
There wasn't one. There's like 2 spinoffs, one of which was an arena game. The other was this.

Still, the title screen was nice in the original game.

This garbage. It has some neat designs though, especially some of the heads.

There a very few games where you can truly do whatever you want, and steambot chronicles is the prime example. All it needed was some bugfixing, performance improvements, and lack of loading screens and it would be a true classic. Definitely worthy of a remaster for modern consoles.


really underrated GBA game

>be bad guy
>fuck over the entire country buy invading oil refineries and driving the prices through the roof fun times.

I played some of this but never finished it.

All I remember is Vanessa being hot though.

What's wrong with that? You could do quite a bit in the game.

nigga are you crazy. i loved that game

than i replayed it and realize it was fucking shit.l

yea but whens the sequel?

Here's my pick.

This feels like an insult.

I hated those voices in the menus

didnt play it but I did watch the movie

I loved playing drums and piano

Developers went bankrupt or somehow went under during the development of it from what I remember.


oh fuck i just was getting a picture for this game, this game is fucking sick

it was cancelled after the tsunami happened, I think the company is still active tho

I still have hope. The head of Granzella mentioned he'd like to buy back the IP from IREM like they did with Zettai Zetsumei Toshi (Disaster Report). Maybe after ZZT4 comes out.

Such a charming, simple rpg.

Very fun platformer with action combat.

my boys

Actually, the devs formed a new company called Granzella and still have all the rights too Steambot and other games. They're making a new Disaster Report game and then they'll do Steambot Chronicles 2 according to an interview I read recently.

Why? They weren't that bad.

Loved this one.

Only person that played on Sup Forums currently.

>look up what happened to Irem
>stopped making games when the tsunami hit
>refocused to become primarily a slot-machine and pachinko developer
Even worse than bankruptcy

Well this is the first I've heard of it, but that is good news.

Don't think I ever bothered with drums much, and piano wasn't too bad outside of some songs where it was just a mess. Feels like they wanted to use the peripherals that were all the rage then, but couldn't be assed to make them compatible with the game.

Loved it to death when I was a kid

Speaking of, WHEN the hell is that supposed to drop? They got the rights to that thing like 3 years ago.

It's a solid wipeout clone. Miles better than Formula Fusion. For some reason when I don't use the default controls, menu navigation spergs out.

I got it for 50p, it was awful and the servers were already shutdown when I got it

fuck yeah nigga. i remember asking for it on my 14th birthday just from looking at the game on a gaming magazine.

money well spent.

I spent about a decade and a half trying to figure out what this game was in my memory. Likewise with Heart of Darkness

Guess you haven't seen many of the SC threads that crop up here, almost every one of them usually mentions what happened to Irem's game makers.

Sequel never

and the second one.

My only problem with the game is that the X360 controls for navigation spergs.

Im with you, still have my original CD.
Though i saw they did a port/update for a Steam version. I almost want to give it a go again


Go for it



I played that! It had a hot chick in it swinging a big sword, fun as hell.

I also played pic related - same deal.

XBONE has the same issue. Sometimes the options menus will freeze or the game won't let you select certain parts of the grid.


Never could beat Toad man though.


Also this.

loved these games

Yea I would but that's just me. Games fairly simple and might be described as babbys first rpg but I found it very charming with it's own style.

Would you believe me if i told you this game is nothing but a giant commercial for skittles?

I somewhat interested in this game but I heard it some what difficult. Is it worth the track down price range of $16-$20.


my first PS2 game

Why not just emulate it?

Oh and I wouldn't pay much attention when a seller says a games "rare" as they almost never actually rare.

sometimes I feel like I'm the only person that's ever played it.

Not a pc gamer and I don't have a decent pc for the matter.

I played it. I always preferred this boxart

Well, they started from scratch. They're also making City Shrouded in Shadow and since Bandai Namco is footing the bill , that's where their focus is.


>what should we put for the cover?
>just put a bunch of sprites of a character and call it a day

Geez, they started working on more than one game after just forming? I hope they don't screw themselves over with that. I want to see the DR game, and hopefully get THIS fucking back on track. Or at least a spiritual successor.

They must have confidence on the games they are making if they are working on two games at once, also they probably are being backed by Bamco bucks

Still, you'd think they would have just committed full force to one then go onto another. And I thought they were using some of what they had from the original DR4, just remade for a new engine since they switched to PS4.

>And I thought they were using some of what they had from the original DR4, just remade for a new engine since they switched to PS4.
They probably did but im not sure