What the fuck

What the fuck

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meme game made by shitty youtubers

>Dark & Light
What the fuck indeed.

Humanity is fucked
Also it's a game by the Game Grumps, so their fucking gay fans literally are buying it on droves

how did trump let this happen bros? i thought he would save us from degeneracy

>we want the american audience

why can't you guys be okay with homosexuality.

it's literally ripping civilization apart

poes law: the post

Game made by game grumps. They are popular and have a following so even if they release a turd it will sell like hot cakes.
I wonder how long that pewdiepie game lasted on top sellers

Because everyone has an inner frat boy. And Sup Forums never learned to not listen to them.

homosexuality has been around for hundreds of years. civilization is still here.

Why can't you fuck off back to r*ddit with your dumb meme game?


im ok with it,just you fags cant stop boasting about it.

cuz it's gay

>yfw you aren't Randy Pitchford

It's a novelty meme game and nothing more. I know how these people think. They just point and laugh at how "quirky" or "queer", if you will it is, and then forget about it. I bet most of them won't even play it for more than 10 minutes.

Weren't pewdiepie's games more like "PEWD'S EPIC GAMER QUEST"? Dream daddy appeals even to people that don't watch game grumps, while a lot of pewdiepie's fans are probably too young to have money for it

but no one is Afraid of faggots.

Your post gets filtered as spam if you speak its unholy name.


His game is sitting at a 9.5/10 on steam or whatever so I doubt it.

>this excuse again

Also, man boy love has been part of European culture for a millennia therefore it should be legal.

Just know that no matter how annoying this cringey shit is for you, it's ten times worse for someone who is actually gay.


>man boy love has been part of European culture for a millennia
And white people wonder why nobody likes them.

Tag as degeneracy and alt+f4

Except before it was illegal and we didn't condone it. See the difference faggot?

So you want allowance to fuck children because two consenting adults can fuck each other?

Not true actually, given the modern definition of it. A particular subset of homosexual behaviours was accepted, but "homosexuality" as an exclusive attraction of males to other males (with adult masculine features) was frowned upon pretty much everywhere. Stating ancient greeks and the like were actually "homosexual" is literally history-altering propaganda.

>buying a gay game


And non-whites still scratching their heads when whites don't give a shit about your problems.

>with adult masculine features
Never has this been the definition.



boys are still male. therefore, the relationships in greece were homosexual since they took place between two people of the same gender. that is the definition of homosexuality. femininity and masculinity (not talking about the sexes) has nothing to do with it.


>shitty youtubers with millions of followers scam them out of money

i hope people like this burn in hell



Literally goat simulator 2
Meme game for lol so randumb streamers

its all part of the same problem

shit like this hurts indie gaming, good indie gaming.

Assigned Male thread?


I'm cracking up at this because I dunno whether the author is the biggest piece of satire or just totes cereal.

n-no please

As someone with a teenage girl sister, this is very on point. Part of me wonders if it's not some kind of internalized virtue signaling, like "look how tolerant I am that I'm playing this meme game semi-ironically! Look how casual I am about it!"


i cant tell if this says more about ddadds or battleborn

Homo are fine, fags should die. Being 'proud" of your sexuality is weird and retarded.


being proud of your race, heritage, or your sexuality is pretty retarded in my opinion

Quit cissplaining to me.

t. has nothing to be proud of

Well if I would go out and say that I'm proud o be white or proud to be hetero I would get chased by hordes of leftists, so yeah.

>You have a daughter from an unknown dead wife
>It's a random fat sjw black chick who just happens to be very similar to the main artist

This game is cancer. Every part of it is cancer.



The consistent complete lack of self awareness really makes me think it has to be a joke

USA gamers huh?

Race is retarded but heritage is alright as your ancestors could've done some really neat shit.


15 burgers for DOOM? shit, here in spicland costs more than that on sale.


>Spend over $800 dollars to build a PC
>get this


sounds like a good game. whats it about? ur wife died and ur looking for a new woman?

they're not you, though. its kinda like that thing where dindus say that whites should be ashamed because some of the evil whities owned slaves. your ancestors are different people and you have little connection with them beyond genes and you probably never met them

I really fucking hate PC gaming, it is turning into pure cancer with these meme games and streamer obsession.

autism: the post


You fucking faggots are so full of shit. Like you would even think let alone say that to a non white.Get the fuck out.

>when kids can't consent to sex
>But they can consent to change their gender or to be a cocksuckong faggay

stop advertising it then if it triggers you so much you faggot

You know about poe's law, and murphy's law, but have you ever heard of cole's law?

It's shredded cabbage mixed with mayonnaise or vinegar

reminder that this visual novel is only selling well cause of game grumps, not because its a good book


im not even fully white

No because I know people are braindead and I don't need to express my opinion to everyone that walks by like a faggot.
Also, fuck off Tumblr

fuck you for making me laugh.

Chris Chan is 1/16 Cherokee

Isn't "she" beautiful?

>This will be your average ""female"" in a couple of years
Are women, dare i say it, kill?

This one might actually be a parody, but I'm not sure.

>your ancestors

Nine times out of ten the people you think are your ancestors aren't really your ancestors, especially if you're American.

It seems to be the "in" thing with Youtubers at the moment.


you can review games without buying them on steam user

>it's okay when the west does it

Men casually having sex with boys while they also had wives is the reason homosexuality is so prevalent today.

If civilizations were more open minded back then, men could have just been with other men and not having to live a double life for the sake of apperances

Chances are you don't have to go up far in your family tree before you find yourself a direct descendant of a gay person. You wouldn't be here if they didn't have to live a sham of a life, and I think we can all agree that would make the world a better place

no that's the opposite of the thing that was said

>Whites are now KANGZ
My mom's family is all from Ireland, and my dad's is all Germany. I'm literally 50/50

You're welcome :)

lol yes i would

>twitch bait le ebin meme game xD
>surprised it's selling well

You must have missed when PC "gamers" became fucking faggots.

*blocks your path with beauty*

Well kneel down and praise whites that you even exist fuckface

>and I think we can all agree that would make the world a better place
This is the most reddit post I've seen all day. Keep it coming.