nerd culture was a mistake
Nerd culture was a mistake
>inb4 neo/v/ neogaf starts unironically defending this
I tolerate most shit, but what really bugs me is how simply referencing some sci-fi movie, item, character, vessel, etc is somehow funny. I don't understand at all.
I mean, I'm a big football and Miami Dolphins fan, but if I'm watching a show and they say
>hey we need to go to 13 fake street
>oh wow 13, that's Dan Marino's jersey number
>*character looks at the camera and winks*
I'd fucking want to punch someone instead of clapping at the screen. Shit's annoying on normie websites too where people start randomly quoting scenes from movies or tv shows in long fucking chains. What the fuck?
Why won't they call him Doomguy? That's been his name for decades.
These are retarded
People who buy them should have their gamercard revoked
Well, on the plus side.
>what really bugs me is how simply referencing some sci-fi movie, item, character, vessel, etc is somehow funny. I don't understand at all.
You've just described memes.
nerds dont buy those. retards do
>nerd culture
>not a capitalist society that takes advantage of retards who are begging to part with their money
fukken where
>that body
why, just why?
Gaming Heads had a preview on their twitter back in June. The Prototype got fucked so they couldn't show it at E3.
Faux-nerds sure seem to love them.
>those fucking eyes
Why? For what purpose?
too irreverent. bethesda wants it to sound more metal
>"Only @ GameStop"
GameStop was a mistake.
I don't see any difference between this or any other figure. They're all equally shitty in my eyes.
Serious question: who buys this shit? I work and live in downtown San Francisco and have never ever seen any in anyone's office, house, or apartment.
why do people collect these worthless plastic pieces of trash? they look like shit and are cringe tier decor. what a fucking waste of resources.
>Shit's annoying on normie websites too where people start randomly quoting scenes from movies or tv shows in long fucking chains. What the fuck?
Dr. Pavel
nothing is wrong with nerd culture, he real culprit is star wars. that movie single handily put something nerdy into the mainstream, starting the whole "being a nerd is cool" meme
Only normalfags buy this. I have a semi normalfag friend who bought this shit tho.
Other than those type of people, its universally seen as fucking ugly
C Christian
I for
A life
I understand furry culture, I understand Otherkin, I even understand Trannies... as in why people do it / are into it.
I can't fathom what would happen in someones life to be into this POP shit...
>space marine
>not Doom Guy
One job.
Was doom guy always a SPESS MAHREEEN?
at least it's not as bad as the whole beanie baby shitshow
>they actually had classes teaching people how to inspect and invest in beanie babies
>people were flying to foreign countries to get beanie babies sold out in the US
What a fucking shitshow
something to put in people's monthly nerdbox subscription. side question: who the fuck subscribes to those fucking nerdcrates filled with worthless trash?
So they get the coloring/visor tint right in the illustration on the box, then proceed to have the actual figure be 'iron man with beady eyes and a shotgun'
They've probably already made their money back 5 times over, but jesus christ that's low effort as hell
They don't even sell very well.
It's basically a scam to trick retailers into buying these up and holding on to shit worthless product that nobody wants.
I go to swapmeets and anime cons all the time and they have tons and tons of these things from every western franchise imaginable and they're not selling, certainly not to the point where you'd have an 10 FOOT HIGH WALL of these shitty figures at your booth.
t. buttmad poorfag who doesn't have TARDIS cufflinks
I have a friend who collects these and I just dont understand
>tfw I call it the 'retardis'
>unironically piss off dr.who fags
>go into toy/nerd hobby store
>aisle of boardgames
>aisle of gundam model kits
>aisle of plushes
>one nendoroid, two scale figures, a few supersonico's turned around so the titties aren't on display
>massive double aisle to the ceiling of pops
Yup. At Gamestop 1/8 of the store is this trash.
But user. It made people a lot of money. And that's all that matters.
Now it's time to double-feint, get jacked up, and put all the idiot hipsters in camps before they can readjust.
I never understood why they didn't make the jump back into selling used games from legacy consoles instead of NERD GAMER MERCH.
POPshit was a mistake.
I remember these reddit chibi figurines being spammed extensively on mgs threads
This place is a shill central
that's not what neo Sup Forums means
pop! Brand recognition
Smaller market fro older games than retarded statues sadly.
Don't you have any vidya trinkets?
The entire back wall of the local EBgames is pop figures, T-shirts and blindbags of western franchises
I guess they have to do something that Steam and Amazon don't, and that thing is impulse buying shitty toys
t. neo Sup Forums
Kill yourself and never come back.
>For $10-20 you can buy a slab of immobile plastic that serves as nothing but a memetastic paper weight
>Or you can buy a fully articulated model you build from scratch that can be painted, detailed and customized to your liking
The West needs to catch the fuck up with Japan when it comes to physical merchandise.
My bf bought the Soul of Cinder one for his desk at work. I think it was just called Red Knight or something stupid, didn't even have the firelink greatsword. Looked better than the OP's pop though, no stupid eyes.
or you can spend $0 on useless plastic
Actually painting the shit yourself is autismal.
Painting is literally 40% the fun of building Gunpla. Don't tell me you buy Warhammer/Airfix and don't paint them?
Does Sup Forums hate Nendoroids?
No that was Big Bang theory
Sup Forums is just mad they have no artistic talent. I would paint figs if I could but I don't have the time or patience to practice and learn how to do it well.
I'd rather just buy figmas and nedos like a good little weeb.
Don't buy into that shit, user.
I suck at painting so even though I want to build models, I can't
>missed out on Popuko.
At least I got my shit together compared to back then, but fuck me. I hope more's coming, with the anime and all.
You're fucking autismal
He's officially unnamed. "Doomguy" is an accepted thing, but it was fans that came up with it.
Seeing this, I wondered if it will ever be just "quirky" to collect naked anime figures and other full weeb stuff.
I actually think we're already headed in that direction.
Weird because it totally wasn't in you know Quake 3
Q3 is where Ranger had his name, though.
I hate all plastic nerd shit
That's my point. Quake 3 seems to be a credible source coming straight from id. Doomguy was not called "Doomguy" and Ranger was called Ranger. Doomguy is a fan thing.
That shit is happening with pop, except its easier now due to internet.
I shit on these but I buy Amiibo so
The same dude that was bullying you in elemntary school for liking video games now is wearing mario Ts and posting here
Wannabe nerds. They're the only figurines you can buy at Hot Topic. Real autists like me shell out hundreds on imported scale figurines.
Its like an infection that grows
Well, at least Amiibo aren't always butt ugly. You have to have some sort of mental illness to find POP aesthetic.
Better than Nendos
T. poorfag
If you're talking about build quality and QC then that is objectively false.
That's what I tell my friend who buys Pops when we have this debate. They actually look like the character and they have NFC functionality
So what, his name is Doom? Yeah, ok. Everyone calls him Doomguy.
The animal ones can look ok. That new Shenron is tempting
>Doomguy is a fan thing
>Everyone calls him Doomguy
We are basically repeating the same thing, glad we are in agreement
objectively wrong.
Amiibos don't have the problems funko pops do though, so you're fine
Isn't Doomguys name officially Doom Slayer now? Thought I saw that when I booted up nuDOOM yesterday. Could be wrong.
Most of the normal sized pops look like ass, and most of them can't even stand up outside of their boxes. The big ones are even worse, they somehow fit less detail onto a larger thing. Only ones I've seen that are at all decent are the Overwatch ones, but I'd rather just save the money for the really nice Blizzard made statues.
That said, I picked up one of the little keychain pops of Batman on clearance somewhere for like $2, looks okay on my desk at work, but that's the most I'd ever pay for one.
>coworker i don't talk to makes fun of me for having a nendo on my desk at work
>pass by his desk just one time
Fucking retard.
Fuck this 70+ post thread
I know there isn't a single faggot in here with the self-awareness to understand "Doomguy" IS nerdculture and REEEEing about this misnomer is QUINTESSENTIAL bazinga.
This board is a never-ending fountain of The Cake is a Lie. Your culture, your opinions, your sexual fucking fetishes.
I don't mind sifting through it for something interesting but fuck me have a little self-respect and OWN it.
The eyes make sense for any animal or monster because it lends to their monsterousness or soullessness. It's really creepy on anything that's supposed to be human or intelligent.
This is mine same sentiment. Building gunpla is fun as hell and HG, even most MGs are reasonably priced.
What the fresh hell is this abomination
Biggest problem with the human ones is the no mouth. It adds to the souless of the eyes. You draw a mout on one and it looks better
He says while spouting memewords out the ass
I like the Zorak one.
See you say that, but there isnt many good shenron figures out there. You search shenron figure and the main one is this thing with an oversized head
>nerd culture
>doesn't like chibi
I guess you are 40 or more.
>having toys on your work desk
where do you work?
I really want to come back to times when nerd shit wasn't that socially acceptable.
Theyre barely chibi. Chibi's ment to be cute
do you work at a cubicle farm or something?
Every company that's not run by boomers has an open air layout now.
I bet you have a dress code too.
> when you always wished for a hot nerd girl when you were growing up
This is some monkey paw wish shit
It's actually a great depiction of geek culture.
Nothing to do with video games huh.
I love it
First season maybe and thats a big fucking maybe