Dislike nu-WoW, my guild quit cataclysm, game is too old and ruined by thousands of patches

>Dislike nu-WoW, my guild quit cataclysm, game is too old and ruined by thousands of patches
>BDO too confusing for my taste
>FFXIV played for around 100h, only lvl 50 so far, don't really want to renew sub plus buy the new expansion
>TES:O dislike Skyrim, dislike medieval western style.
>BnS played it religiously when it came out, kinda cool but tried to get back into it, was overwhelmed by all the new content, disliked that they were shitting out content to catch up with asia servers
>Tree of Savior can't into, just weird, don't like the skill system
>Tera, played it on release took them too long to add content so I quit, dead game now also shit on EU.

What the fuck do I do? I need an MMO in my life... a weeb one preferable, bonus points if on steam.

FF14 is your only option.

well if I renew my sub, can I play to 60 at least without buying stormblood or am I locked out without owning all current expansions?





>paying monthly to play the game
might as well use a chastity belt

Did you get heavensward previously? If so then yeah, you can play until the point where stormblood begins. If not then I think you need to get stormblood, I'm pretty sure heavensward is just part of it now


Yup I bought the base game plus heavensward but couldn't finish both in a month.

Thanks christina

Then yeah, you'd be good for quite awhile just from resubbing. Unless you really want to play red mage or samurai, you should definitely wait until you get to stormblood before getting it.

Then naturally, 1D > 2D

Post an exemple of a 1D

Show me 1D girl user

gw2 i guess

that ain't how statements works fag


>gw2 i guess
Won't I be late to the party?

Thanks, I'm fine with my current job.

Here you go.
D must be a variable for a negative number for 2D > 3D to be true, and if that is so, 1D would be greater than 2D

>tfw actually decided to try Dr. Pepper after playing this and I actually liked it


>I need an MMO in my life
No you don't

no it's more of a __________________________


Hot, right?


That's still 2D.


I'm an expert on the matter and that's 2D

I am pretty sure that's 2D user.
>D must be a variable for a negative number for 2D > 3D to be true,

How can you be so new ?


1D is a point
2D is lines

That's 2D

thats 1x1 aka 2d

You only filled 1 box, failure.

>can't admit 2d's inferiority to 1d and has to damage control and shitpost by claiming newfag
2Dfags just can't compete.
>this is what 2dfags unironically believe

More like 2A

He filled 1 white box and 3 black boxes.

It's the closest you're going to get

There's no limit on the number of boxes you can make white.



There is no party, I was like you and thought why not try GW2 again (I bought it at the release and stopped playing after a month), the game is just about cosmetics or LARP'ing with furry faggots. The cancer I've witnessed LARPers with those goblin shits and furry fuckers is repulsive, just check GW2 general if you want a proof.

Also the game, for lack of better example,compares like Overwatch is to the FPS/MOBAs , it's literally casual and mind numbing both in PvE which lacks as fuck and for Brain Dead PvP which was and will be always broken since devs only give cosmetics and there were no fucking balance changes to the meta since Heart of Thorns.

What do I win?


>It's the closest you're going to get
Yet it's not 1D

Nonsense, You can't fill something that was already full

if you wanted 1D just look at your penis :^)

Hey that's 1 Dick indeed

You call those 8s?

ur lucky I just got unbanned

Paint says otherwise.

Then how do you fill a box at all? It's already filled with white.

>2 is greater than 3.0

Are you fucking 10 years old?

the color white signifies an empty space in this situation. You're being retarded and you know it

No, I distinctly called mine a benis


>read 20 as 2
Where are your glasses old man?

You can fill 4 of the blank spaces of 3 and make it a 0. So basically 20 > 00.

>20 is not greater than 3.0
>american education

You can stop the bullying anytime now user

Then just "empty" 3 black boxes and fill them again. Or do this

A line is an accurate representation.
1D means that the position of a point is represented by a single value (x)
2D means that you have 2 values (x and y)
3D means that you have 3 values (x, y and z)
And so on.
If there is a "1D" universe, a "girl" would be between 2 values. Let say that this girl is a qt pie and is between the 0 and 3.14 values with the center of the universe as a reference point.
If we, 3d beings, are going to observe this universe, we'll see the girl as a small line, but maybe "she" has some colors too so "|" isn't 100% accurate

Try Wizard101

how do you make 2 from 20, user?

You guys are utter retards, OP's image was setup for the joke to say 2D > 3D and has been posted for years

>can't basic numbers
>accuse people of having sexual intercouse with young child
what's wrong with you

>1D means that the position of a point is represented by a single value (x)
I know that nigger I am not brainlet
>A line is an accurate representation.
>o "|" isn't 100% accurate
I don't even have to say anything

>implying 20 is better then 30

it isn't accurate because of the color


Granny fetishist detected

not sure about emptying the boxes but yeah, your other solution seems fine

best girl always has best solution



>all of those (you)s
is this really the first time they've seen this?

wtf is that thing in the middle?

No, it's just how they're supposed to react.


No nigger
you said it yourself
>1D means that the position of a point is represented by a single value (x)
I I can see x and I can see y
The representation of 1D is on your ruler nigger.

The lines there MUST be 1D so they can represent the number they do.

>But that's still a line
yes it is nigger, but you have to specify it in the same context

then how do you explain how i filled your mom with my cum

that's 3


Don't need to do anything.

20 already is greater than or equal to 3.0

Did I do it right?

Nah, 3d is the anomaly. 4d girls are the shit.


Secret World

Well thank you for your insight but I don't really want to roleplay with furrys.
I renewed my ffxiv, I mean I paid for WoW so why not pay for this... probably the best MMO for my needs at the moment.


play ffxi 14 is shit


Just checked steam charts for TSW.
Jesus Christ, what did they do with the legends update? Is it so fucked?

I don't know if it's just me but I can't understand your english correctly on your post so correct me if you need to

>I I can see x and I can see y
Where do you see y on a line like " | " ?

>The representation of 1D is on your ruler nigger.
What's your point here ?

>The lines there MUST be 1D so they can represent the number they do.
But they are, a line in a graph is a 1D shape trapped in a 2D universe, just like a 2D picture printed on a ball.
And when you see a line drawn on a paper you see a 1D shape trapped in a 2D world itself trapped in a 3D world.

Ffxiv is a mess, it's only decent if you're a weeb. Wow is alright, as it's always been, which is probably a negative. ESO being western European? I wish, that game is high fantasy armor. A medieval mmo would be sick. Tbh just stick with ffxiv. You're not going to find a better weeb mmo

>just like a 2D picture printed on a ball is a 2D shape trapped in a 3D universe.
I forgot some words here

>line in a graph
This is pretty much everything I am talking about here.

If you would say I in graph then I would say yes, but I alone isn't 1D
That's the context