Are you having fun in destiny 2 beta?
Are you having fun in destiny 2 beta?
Is the beta on pc?
>retards will actually buy this game
>Not getting it for free with WoW gold.
wew lad
Yes. The PVP is actually really fun.
The changes to ammo economy and the weapon slot changes looks like we might have chance of a decent meta this time round.
Bungie had better sort out ammo drops in PvE before release though. The strike is no fun to play because you're constantly running out of ammo for both your primary and energy weapon.
no because im on pc
That's the same shit that happened with the first game when it came out.
In their weekly update yesterday, they say they have changed it already and that the way ammo drops in PvE for this build is a bit old. Now let's see if they change ability charge rates before full release.
>0.34 efficiency
The beta is out for all public you absolute mong
Played it for like an hour, thank fuck i didn't order this on a console, it plays like shit. Just gonna wait for PC release where is doesn't make me sick to look at.
>Buying this AGAIN
Daily reminder if you do not like Destiny it's because you are entitled, spoiled and toxic.
is PS+ needed?
>nerfed everything to cater to PVPfags
>doesn't even have dedicated servers
If it weren't for Mass Effect this would have been a strong contender for blunder of the year
Nice reminder for future video game betas.
>needs PS+
I wouldn't know
what about for just the campaign mission?
Downloading right now.
5v5 is gonna be in the actual game, right?
Wait can you not even so the single player part without it?
Not until next month.
Campaign missions would be fine. I don't know why you'd buy the game just for that though. The whole point of the game is character progression and loot. You're not going to get any decent drops in campaign missions
I've worked for best buy for 3 years. You won't get charged. Pre-orders can be cancelled even if you redeem the beta.
All PvP is gonna be 4v4 i believe they said.
You mean by selling WoW gold? So by having a job and buying it then
What the fuck? Why are there so many regressions from the first game?
No you can use WoW tokens to buy stuff off of the Blizzard store including games. Use gold you earn in WoW to buy tokens.
There's already threads popping up saying its shit, I'll just have to see after the reviews come out.
It's literally the exact same as Destiny 1.
Charge me how? I'm not giving them my credit card lol
It's my first time playing a console shooter in...forever, but, are controls usually this shitty? How the fuck do I aim? Also I picked the red/white knight looking dude and apparently it's the worst choice because no one else picked that one.
never cared about destiny but someone showed me the trailer
is the dialogue written by the people from borderlands? serious question
yeah when I saw the 11 GB download I deleted it. not even worth the bandwith just for a short mission.
people are saying it's like 1 but worse
pretty much it feels like the same EXACT thing, I dont expect any drastic changes but it literally comes off as something that could be a DLC, its still pretty fun despite this though, theres not much in the beta though, we've pretty much seen it all in the first destiny
>people pre ordered just to get early access to literally three activities and watered down and slow charging super abilities
>when downloading from the Japanese PS store gets you early access regardless of a code
>halo writing has a goofy charm to it, which everyone loves
>joe staten gets fired from bungie and his work on destiny is thrown out the window
>destiny 1 is rewritten to be super-duper serious and intense
>no one likes it
>destiny 2 they go all-out reddit humor to try and attract more normies
true story
>battle net
lol. pirating
The only reason I'm not getting this game is due to them catering to MLG fags with the removal of Titan Skating. Fuck it feels so pathetic now.
I can't bring myself to replay the Strike because of the snarky Failsafe AI. I dont know why but she irritates the shit out of me.
why was he fired
Because it's a sarcastic hipster 20 something girl you know the exact demo of this game.
All I've played was the PVP, and I enjoyed it because of how balanced it is now. Only downfall apparently is the PVP balance change fucks up the PVE gameplay.
Best thing about Destiny 1 was the PVE and now they fucked it up
You can do the one story mission but not the strike or the crucible
He refused to change the story and break up the completed game into DLC so activision forced Bungie to fire him then rewrite the story and cut it for DLC marketed as "expansions"
You are going to get one fanboy autist attacking you for saying this any second now FYI.
No he wont shut up faggot
Bullet sponge enemies are always a terrible idea. Barely feels like you're dealing damage.
Their solution for power ammo seems to be having certain enemies have a 100% chance of dropping purple bricks. That will go a long way to fixing issues even Destiny 1 had during extended encounters.
>not getting it free with your new nvidia card
>people are saying it's like 1 but worse
It needs some minor adjustments but it strikes me as better than Destiny 1 in pretty much every way.
8v8 big team battle with vehicles, and rumble are planned but not going to be in the game at launch.
Yes he will. Just go to /dg/ and say what he just said and watch the trigger autism flow.
He wasn't fired, he quit. He had actually been planning to leave after Destiny shipped, but left early after his original script was canned to be redone from scratch.
>combined arms
Hope it's not as much of a joke in this one.
>no rumble on launch
That's just laziness.
Biggest issue with old combined arms was that it was 6v6 on maps that were clearly made for 8v8 or more. Just made all the games go to time, it was difficult to find anyone to shoot.
i'm having fun.
Having fun in the D2 beta is impossible as fun was unbalancing the PvP meta and thus had to be removed from both PvP and PvE.
it's utter shit. I can't recommend people stay away enough.
>having fun
With what? The beta is ~1.5 hours long. The alpha for the first game had more content.
>not reading his post correctly
>hunter supposed to be agile
>roll has too much recovery
>not enough distance traveled
>no iframes
>no unique melee attack
>only other agile thing are different types of jumps
Dropped it after that first mission.
Hunters are fucked in general, its like they went out of their way to make them the least appealing choice possible.
So again, having a job (grinding for gold) and exchanging for tokens rather than money
Multiplayer feels unresponsive, especially with lack of dedicated.
"Skill" based matchmaking is horrible. If you're good, and the enemy team has a decent player, and two mediocre, with one shit. Odds are, all three of your allies will be shit to compensate.
Abilities feels near useless in multiplayer, save for supers (which are near immortal, apparently).
Strike was neat, like the improvement on story; however, it should've made you feel that involved back in Destiny 1.
What if he hadn't played WoW in years and just had the gold lying around?
>no waifus
>no husbandos
Like even bother scoobs
Then he still did the work, just a while back. You're not getting the tokens or destiny "for free"
>implying you wouldn't fuck Awoken sluts
>implying you don't want that android holodick
He wasn't fired, he quit. At least get your facts straight.
Voidwalker has some pretty great grenades. Vortex on a crowded point is a multi-kill every time. Scatter also has the potential to one-hit if you overcharge it and hit a single target dead on, it is basically an unnerfed Nothing Manacles scatter grenade.
More like logging on once a week, spending 3 hours killing dungeon bosses and farming some materials, then making a legendary item that you can sell for about 2/3s of what a token costs
And I do mean, near useless. Shoulder charge, which not only is risky to perform, but has a long-ass recovery time, does as much as an exhausted melee.
>Not linking engine greased Texans with a robot leg
How's the loot system work?
Do you still have to identify everything you get back at the base?
The beta really took the wind out of my sails for Destiny 2.
I'll still pick it up at launch but I don't feel like I'll end up playing it as long as I did Destiny.
True, Voidwalker is decent. But my God, that Nova-Bomb is so goddamned slow.
The fact that a Dawnblade's fusion grenade does as much as a melee is pathetic. Especially given the fact you have to stick it.
Stuff just drops, no decrypting required. Really doubt this is representative of the final game though, since there is still a cryptarch at the new social space.
Nova bomb is fine if you just use it up close, plus the normal vortex Nova Bomb that isn't slow can be found on the other skill block/cluster or whatever they are calling them.
You didn't connect retard your melee charge wasn't used.
>mfw shit sucks the same dick it did 3 years ago, still the same stockholm syndrome motherfuckers going to be grinding out the same mission types they will play a thousand times not because its engaging but because they are slaves to the tiny release of serotonin that comes from "progress" and good legendary roll.
>mfw the status quo will keep going and fuckers will waste their lives on this shit and not have a single worthwhile experience and every waking minute playing this game will slough by in a denial fueled torrent of mental gymnastics to avoid buyer's remorse and the regret that comes from the grind
>mfw what could have been good vidya is lain waste to by the same suits who ruined starcraft, shit out overwatch, and wholly decimated warcraft as a franchise on a level not even your average jew could exaggerate or allude to when talking about the holocaust
tldr: same shit different financial quarter
Look closer, my cotton-mouthed friend.
It in fact, does connect; the Hunter just attacked the other direction a split moment later. But it most definitely did connect.
You had this kinda thing happen all the time in Destiny 1, especially if you were a Sunsinger using Fire-Bolt grenades. Didn't happen every time, but enough to be irritating.
Once again, Bungie's shitty servers at work then, and now.
Weapons don't even have random rolls anymore, the original game hasn't even been remotely grindy for nearly two years. You can effortlessly get to the max gear level just doing whatever a few times a week.
If it connected you would lose the charge. Im sure the charge flickers every time you whiff the charge.
>Shotguns, one of the most basic weapons in any shooter, are power weapons
>Meaning that you cannot use them for any extended period of time due to power ammo being scarce
Who the fuck was behind this choice?
To balance PVP
Why can other games balance shotguns just fine without relegating them into "super speshul weapon" status?
Power ammo spawns every 1:30 in two locations, it really isn't that difficult to secure one and go ham with the shotgun every time if you are decent with it. The one in the beta is a low impact shotgun too, which historically in the game have always been the absolute worst for PVP.
>that terrible high poly baked albedo map on the tattoo
Good lord bungie
Which again would just point to their servers. Not the first time I've had this happen, and I by no means have a poor connection.
Flashing back to D1, if you used a Fire-Bolt grenade but had the effect to 'burn' (DOT) them, and you had a moment like this, the DOT would flat-out not apply, even if the grenade connected.
I'm going off the assumption that Shoulder Charge underwent a similar effect, and flat-out didn't 'count' it.
It can be due to the other player's connection, of course; but it should be their problem, not everyone who gets to fight them.
What about PvE, though?
They've already said that they boosted the drop rate of heavy ammo, and have purple bricks programmed to drop every time from certain enemies. The prevalence of power ammo in PVE will probably be much closer to that of special in D1 than it will be to heavy.
Ironically, D2 os closer to what Staten envisioned.