Any of you play this?

Any of you play this?
What SCPs would you like?

Other urls found in this thread:

Also SCP thread

garbage game, garbage cringe community
roughly 1 out of 100 are actually good entries


An entire game about trying to contain SCP-184

Serie 1 is the best.
Then it's downfall, plagued with meme and self insert and shit to jump on the ol' bandwagon.

SCP would fit quite well as an anthology serie, 1 episode = 1 SCP presented.
It would allow for many thing: Representation of the SCP in question, and representation of their containment, and how they work, and of the experiment.

but i'm sure it's not possible because SCP is a very shocking site with huge gore content.


>anthology serie
this would never happen because for every good scp you have, you have fifty that are "super strong animal or dude nobody can stop!" and "satanic rape orgy" and "dude weed lmao"
nobody would want to make any sort of adaptation of this crap

i would like the dev to make more updates to the submarine game and shill it on Sup Forums again so I can kill molochs

What makes a a good SCP?

It can't be to far fetched, it at least needs to be somewhat grounded in reality and have some convincing backstory that leaves it shrouded in mystery. Those ones are truly the best.

It has to be serious. SCP are no-jokes unless safe, but even then, professionalism. It's pseudo bureaucratic and science.
No meme. No obvious self insert. No useless [REDACTED] everywhere trying to create suspense, it has to be well placed.
No focus on the scientist, only SCP. So authors should not abuse of commentary by them. O5 are fine.

when somebody that is creative and >20 writes it
when it's short and well written and still gives you more ideas than the long shitty ones
when it's not about satan, vampires, blood, gore or rape


what the FUCK is this SHIT

>Reddit spacing
My sides

>Multitrack Drifting

>reddit capitalization
>reddit punctuation



What do you anons think is the edgiest SCP?

spooky pictures

What's the most sexy SCP?
Do any in particular turn you on?
Do you want to fuck the blinking statue?

This looks promising, but I can't trust its gameplay.

baby rape and satanic orgy

Cassy is cute, she's a pure girl and she's mine.

>all these shitty fucking games and videos that still don't understand how 173 works

i don't get how hard it is to understand. it is written as clear as possible, if you lose eye contact it kills you and tries to move on.

what do all these shitty fan videos and games do? makes it teleport slowly towards you with each blink, then slowly kill you

here is what would actually happen: the instant you blink you are dead and 173 would be standing near the closest exit or resume to grinding mode. LITERALLY no delay. if there was an opening, 173 would instantly disappear after killing you. that's what makes it terrifying. not this retarded weeping angel shit.

hypothetically speaking, what if F.E.A.R. And the SCP foundation took place in the same universe?

>tfw no good SCP game on a decent/modern engine

Someone has to visually explain that scp with the cave that connects you toa world where everything is dead. If you enter from one point only, why are there 3 instances where all biological life ended?

The Yotsuba SCP

i want to see them add in 504 somehow

only 2 instances.

there's the little girl SCP they need to keep sedated because she's a nigh-omnipotent witch, it's almost the same thing

What's so garbage about the game?
If anything is one of the best indie horror games out there with a prety cool mechanic

I remember that one. Pretty spooky.

Why does it shit all the place all the time, though?

to give a better picture or idea, if you somehow recorded 173 killing someone in an enclosed room, it would look like this

>d class idiot blinks
>in the same frame of the video as the d class blinks, 173 is already standing at the rooms exit or grinding
>d class idiot falls dead

you wouldn't even notice the 173 moving much depending on where it was when this started

that's what makes it one of few good scps, it leaves it up to you to fill in the blanks

because they fed it crab-stuffed mushrooms

and given this thing is in foundation property, the fact they still don't know what the fuck it's doing despite a good dozen of the world's most advanced high-speed cameras trained at it 24/7, is a good indicator of how fucked you are if it's unobserved

I love a lot of the shit on the site but some of it can be really bad.
It's moderately embarassing to read any article that describes a scp that inhabits/manifests in some video game or website that's popular or is a meme.

Even then with all the new shit that gets pushed by the influx of new people on the site I still think there are good writers there, some of those 3000 contest entries were fucking great.

>that D class that goes full Doomguy

Which SCP was that one, I remember it was the house with the door that led to what was basically hell but I can't remember the number.

how do you grief this shit anyways

the game seems boring as fuck but the gmod retards that play it get mad when you just push them into closing doors and kill them


i wonder what the bad joke SCPs look like, i'd imagine they're normally removed in under a day if it doesn't at least warrant a smile

>tfw they're usually still executed even if they save lives or solo an SCP

Always liked this one. Creeps me the fuck out

for gameplay purposes it has to take some creative freedom, the blinking also gives the mechanic a memorable characteristic
My favourite desu, it gave me a few chuckles.

Twist, post the best tales you've read.
Mine is:
I like part 1 and I'm readin part 3 but damn, this one was fucking good.

so it should have never been made into a game, simple as that. a proper video is what is required

Eh, it initially had me because it mentioned the UIU who are almost never mentioned in SCP but then turned into a full-on action movie.

>personal log of agent AA

Which is the best exploration logs and why is it every exploration log ever

>yes hello it is not 100% accurate so a fun game mechanic and basis of the game should be removed because i dont like it
Stop visiting Sup Forums, recover your brain cells

there are other scps more worthy and better capable of being made into games. these nerds that made these games picked 173 just because it was most known so clearly they didn't really give a shit about this whole scp thing

Weren't the monthly executions retconned because people were bitching about them?

I don't see why people would, aren't D-class personnel people who commit like triple rape homicide or high treason and shit?

I think because of how inefficient it is to execute them at the end of the month rather than until they're just killed through testing.

factory porn

You should fucking kill yourself.

>aren't D-class personnel people who commit like triple rape homicide or high treason and shit?
D-classes can be either criminal with life/large sentence, dismissed Foundation staff (usually for massive fuck-up or treason) or volunteers.

I'm guessing only the first two get executed (but there are case of D-classes kept alive, usually for SCP possible long term effects)

u should check a shrink

>reddit is literally a monster

>Volunteer to be D-class personnel
I can only presume it's people trying to get into the fold doing that, unless that specific D-class subtype gets treated better than the rest and is a D-class in name only.

How can larry be scary? Look, he's even smiling!

bought the game for this :') upvoted
also reddit's mascot is called Snoo

Welp, i would enjoy being the Janitor in the SCP foundation. Look really comfy, i'm going to wash SCP 173 room while he's being watched by those cute eye-robot, secretly use SCP 914 to improve my mop and my bucket to clean better because fuck if those scientist fucker are not dirty and smelly. Also improve my mp3 player to get good music.

Then going on to buy a coffee on that dispenser that gives EVERYTHING if written on the keyboard.

>Class D personnel are expendable personnel used to handle extremely hazardous anomalies and are not allowed to come into contact with Class A or Class B personnel. Class D personnel are typically drawn worldwide from the ranks of prison inmates convicted of violent crimes, especially those on death row. In times of duress, Protocol 12 may be enacted, which allows recruitment from other sources — such as political prisoners, refugee populations, and other civilian sources — that can be transferred into Foundation custody under plausibly deniable circumstances. Class D personnel are to be given regular mandatory psychiatric evaluations and are to be administered an amnestic of at least Class B strength or terminated at the end of the month at the discretion of on-site security or medical staff. In the event of a catastrophic site event, Class D personnel are to be terminated immediately except as deemed necessary by on-site security personnel.

I'm pretty sure every SCP you mentioned require a certain level of clearance to access. (Even 294 because agents were using it to get drugs)

Janitors aren't D-class, they're level 0 personnel with provisional higher access to clean a room containing low risk anomalies

also this means they literally never come into contact with an active anomaly

I thought the coffee machine SCP was in the cafeteria for everyone to use, just that you need supervision by someone to actually use it.

Here's the "Eyepod" :
They're really nice actually too bad you can't bond with them. They even warn you of danger!

Also as you said, yeah, they require a certain level of clearance, but a Janitor can certainly work his way into those SCP legally.

I just checked, you are right, it's in a guarded staff room, using it require a level 2 clearance.

Didn't they have some weird tree SCP that let them clone D-class personell?

Whose dick would I have to suck in order to get in contact with 999?

OK Sup Forums you walk into a thread, which is the worst combination you could get?

yup, which means that if, as a janitor, you try and use that thing for anything other than a particular brand of real life coffee, best case scenario is a syringe full of amnestic strong enough to blow a hole several years wide in your memory, then dumped in a random city in your homeland

and you won't get access to 914 other than to dust it's controls and any attempt to utilize it will be met with lead injection

Think of it this way: the janitors in a nuclear launch facility don't get access to the launch codes either

>The subjects, however, lack a braking system, which has led to some rather spectacular, if not overly amusing, mishaps involving the creatures.
Actually Dawww'd

Given how the foundation operates, if you at one point even consider sucking dick to get access to an anomaly, you don't get recruited in the first place

pretty much all of the level 0 personnel are more than likely people selected primarily for their ability to follow orders absolutely, keep to their own business and probably a low degree of both intelligence and curiosity

console war + samefag

O5 dick.

I mean, like I said it's probably a system of either request to have a security guy use it or using it under close supervision. I imagine the former honestly, you just get permission to use it, write it down on a piece of paper and get it approved and the guy walks in, gets your cup of whatever drink you want and hands it to you.


Now post the original.

>there will never be an fps/monster hunter hybrid mobile task force game where you play as a for-hire elite soldier who works across all mtf's, being able to embark on containment missions with up to three other players, whether it's discovering and containing a new scp or subduing and capturing an escaped one
>defeating scps gives you clearance and finances for better gear and improving your own, including customizing your weaponry
>you will never struggle with containing a rampaging 682
>you will never go on scouting missions in 093
>you will never struggle to survive against that bovine heart thing as it hurls tanks and buildings at you and your friends

You're comparing a damn Anomalous dispenser to a nuclear weapon here dude.
I just want my soda ffs.

an anomalous dispenser that is fully capable of creating liquid plutonium

damn right I'm treating that thing as a nuclear device, and the foundation would as well

I think this was pretty much the premise of the original X-Com: The Bureau before they scrapped the entire thing and released shit instead.

>an anomalous dispenser that is fully capable of creating liquid plutonium
That's not even the worse this thing can pour in a cup.

the whole game is more or less centered around SCP-173 as the main antagonist, simply because it allows the game to have a mechanic that makes it somewhat special (blinking). It's a design decision.A good one at that. Get the fuck out of here, lorefag.

>i'll make a game about scp
>it won't be anything like the scp at all except for how it looks


fully aware, though it does (thankfully) draw a limit at anti-matter

also whoever tried to test that should have been executed

It makes no sense to do it. If you have an healthy, not-dead D-Class, then why kill him off if he can help with more SCP testing?

It was never conceptualized this way you stupid autists. It's not some travelling at the speed of light creature, it moves several meters in a blink. On video footage it moves between frames.

When I first played F.E.A.R I thought each game in the series would have a different paranormal event to deal with like an SCP type deal. Then they fucked up by putting all their chips on Alma even though we learned pretty much everything we needed to know in the first game.

They are promised to see their sentences shortened at the end of the month (which is a lie of course)

It's probably to avoid the possibility of a D-class riot (and possible contact with the Foundation enemies after seeing so much fucked up shits)

Yeah I'm confused where people are getting the idea that it's literally instant, one of the SCP's described an end of the world scenario with it somehow reproducing. If it was literally instant they would kill the entire world's population within a few minutes of escaping.

even in the "no-executions" canon they are mindwiped at the end of each month and sent in as a "fresh batch"

thing, for me the primary reason why the terminated at end of the month thing wouldn't work is because the worldwide deathrow population couldn't sustain such a scheme

I always imagined D-Class also includes like, homeless people too, and other groups no one would really miss or notice the absence of.

The haunted gay couple. They are kept in a fake bedroom and if you open the doors without knocking before coming in you'll see them both smiling at you. After that you will smell cum for 2 years straight. When you knock you do see them for what they are. Two gay men with amorphous suck on anus

even then you can't do that on to large a scale to be undetectable
and also there's the human element: while scientists may be willing to let murderers walk towards their certain death, it would be a lot harder homeless and refugees who's biggest crimes are stealing food to live

remember the foundation is still run by people