

>More ports

Just what we need!

Nintendo is the queen of ports

Oh great another port. Because god forbid we get new stuff. Huh, I guess that's why they opted to make it a PORTable.

Also Bayonetta is shit.

he meant bayonetta 3 for the switch. and yes, it's coming

And Sony the king and Microsoft the prince?

Because only girls still buy and play zelda, mario.

Way to spit on Wii U owners again Nintendo. Is this how you draw people to the Switch? By fucking them time and time again?

>wahoos internally

epic posts

Short hair > long hair


>he thinks Wii U owners are the Switch's audience

I probably won't re-purchase Bayonetta 2 unless you could play as Rodin and Lumen Sage in single-player, but I'd definitely purchase a straight port of The Wonderful 101.


>3 ports, one of which released the same day as the original version




>Never had a Wii U or played any Bayo game
I better start saving money.

Actually I bought MK8, will buy Pokken, and will buy Bayonetta if it comes to Switch despite having all of them on a fully functional Wii U?

Wanna know why? I have enough income to support my favorite hobby, and love to support Nintendo and the Bayonetta series.

ports are never bad

Except when they're on PS4, right fellow nintenbro?

What about
Playable Wonder Red in Bayo 2


Actually more often than not ports have graphical or gameplay issues, or other issues that keep them from being as good as the originals.

>being rational on Sup Forums



Did you get yours?

You sound like a literal cuck. Is the what the cult of Nintendo is like? Watching something you love get fucked and taking it in strive?

I don't care how much money you have, you're an idiot.

I'd be confused more then anything

No, they kind of look like shit

>Bayonetta 3 for Switch
>I'll be forced to buy the Switch

It's like I'm being cucked by a fictional character.

they look surprisingly good

anyone know of a horizontal shelf with some kind of glass cover/door?

Just buy Bayo 1 on Steam, that's literally all you need. It runs fine on a toaster

Bayonetta 2 for PC, Platinum Games. My money is ready to partially pay for those publishing rights.

keep fighting. one day you'll finally kill that faggot in your brain

Two of each. Fuck gamestop for trying to keep one, Best Buy getting me two Player Two ambiios is where it's at.
They own my anus now.

this post is bad
this post is even worse

Why didn't people seem to like Bayonetta 2 that much? IMO Bayonetta 1 had serious flaws like shitty gigantic bosses and too many cutscenes, and these issues seemed fixed in 2.

You put them into your anus?

Well, there were some complaints about the final boss. It wasn't as dramatic as the first final boss.

>Wonder Red with Bayonetta's proportions

Jubileus was a fucking horrible boss, so I can't imagine Bayonetta 2 having a worse one.

Balder was the GOAT boss.

They're about to be.

Better bosses is the only thing Bayo 2 fixed

>implying 2's humanoid bosses were any better

most people i've seen off Sup Forums prefer bayo 2

I'm absolutely implying that

>Bayo 1 on PC
>Emulate Bayo 2 on PC

read my post again you retard

They really were

Are the BOTW PC port guys finally branching out to other games?

>not being a masochist for Bayonetta
I bought Bayo on Xbox, Wii U and PC and I'll buy the Switch if comes to it.

Bayo 2 emulates fine on 1.8.1b
A few graphical glitches in some areas nothing major

Bayo 2 is a good game and people have every right to like it, but the game is built for spectacle rather than depth and the gameplay suffered for it compared to the first game.

Wish they had Tag Climax in 1

most players aren't even good enough to notice

don't make me buy bayonetta for the 4th time

>Witch Trial 5
nice balance platinum

I fucking hate how damage was nerfed so much in 2, Rosa supposedly has 3x damage and it feels like I'm playing Bayo in the first game

>I never cleared the last witch trial
I'm sorry Bayonetta

1+2+3 please

sony niggers go play your shita

They'd need to add some good shit to get me to buy Bayo again on consoles now that it's on PC but I'll buy TW101 again even without a switch

If I liked Nier Automata will I like Bayonetta?

I think so, yes. Floaty dodge with time stop effect, saucy lead female character, Platinum combat animations.

>Wanting Blunder Red in Bayonetta
Keep that shit for the kiddies yo.

I'll just be upset again because there is nothing else to play on the Switch, but I know I won't be able to help myself.

probably, though I didn't like automata that much. bayo 1's biggest problem are instadeath QTEs and cheesiness if you don't like that.

This would get me to buy a Switch

let's conveniently ignore the entire ps3 library "remastered" on ps4 because fuck retrocompability in a new system that uses the same kind of disks and has the same controller

PS4 has completely different architecture from PS3 you stupid piece of shit.

0.001 ps+ credits have been added to your account

500 points have been added to your Miitomo

Don't fall for the Switch meme, it's garbage and has no games.

Fuck yes that means a new game for me!

I agree honestly, the only exclusive game is Arms, which is complete shit.

1-2 Switch
Bomberman R
Splatoon 2

I guess those don't count though?

1 2 Switch and Bomberman are complete shit. Splatoon 2 will probably be good like the first one, I'll buy it when I get back from my trip

A game being bad doesn't mean its no longer exclusive.