Which game do you think has the best army? For me it is the cog gears, best aesthetic

Which game do you think has the best army? For me it is the cog gears, best aesthetic.

Good taste, ODST and the marines always looked cooler than the spartans to me, though I haven't played since reach so I'm not sure what they look like now.

Pilots in Titanfall are pretty cool and I always loved the missions in Modern Warfare 1/2 where you play as the marines/rangers.
Nazis always look cool in video games too

It's all about the standard issue gear the regular soldiers get, that's what I think is great. spartans are cool but they have their own unique style and stuff.


Imperial Guard for me. Nothing like thousands of flashlights versus the horrors of the galaxy.

343 studios colors and saturation of them make the spartans look like power rangers while bungie usually makes them look like they have been in battle with scraped off paint, scratches and dirt

Saruman's Uruk's are top tier.

Fucking this, they always looked cooler

arma has best army. It also has the most armies.

>gay version of 40k space marines

Killzone, the helghast are beautiful

aye, nothing like good ol' fashioned pure manpower to fend of the chaotic dangers of the universe.

>inb4 combine are cops

Personally I like phase one clone trooper armor better especially since TCW has them slowly progress into RoTS clone armor.

>implying soldiers use batons

Serbian army strong.

Arma 3 best game with best armies

Always loved Halo 1's designs. Now they're just over detailing everything.

>mfw playing Assault in BF1
It might be a shitty BF but it's a pretty good Krieg simulator.


exactly what I was thinking when i saw this thread

>he's complaining about "over detailing"
>in a game about soldiers who run around with retard armor with no ammo pouches or balanced protection where it actually matters
>a 2001 era game at that
You are fucking retarded.

Halo, mainly ODST
FEAR looks cool too
Killzone for maximum aesthetic

Wolfenstein has it all.

Odst, imperial guard wh40k, spehs muhreens 40k, pre 343 Spartans, titanfall pilots, killzone hellgast troops

No its not, simply because of the fact that there are ungabungas on the good guy team

All the ones you posted are soldiers. It's only the civil protection officers in the first couple levels who are cops.