ITT: good sequels to shitty games

>play the first game
>it's complete shit
>shit level design
>all the characters suck and sly is fucking boring to play
>shitty minigames out the ass
>play this
>open-ended level design that "just works"
>tons of variety in the gameplay as you can play as the whole gang with their own roles and abilities
>the characters are now likeable, and bentley's a fucking badass

>Sly 1 is a bad game

>Sly 1 is a bad game meme

When will newbies leave?

Sly 1 is a totally solid platformer. Still holds up fine today.

>it's complete shit

Sly 2 is a god-tier game but by no means is Sly 1 a bad game. It's a very solid platformer to be honest.

>Sly 1

Sly 1 is a solid first entry, fuck off

>solid "platformer"
>drive this car with shit controls
>drive this boat with shit controls
>use this jetpack with shit controls
>kill some crabs for no fucking reason with shit controls

>Sly 1
you got a shitty opinion taste OP but here's how it really is:

Sly 2 > Sly 3 > Sly 4> Sly 1

>I'm not good at the controls so they must be shit
that's a you problem
no one else ever had a problem with them so git gud faggot

I'd even go as far as to say that sly 1 is the best of the three.

Sly 1 has it's own style going on, and it's not bad by any means.

Uh there are 4 games

the game's easy. why would anyone need to "git gud"?
and no, the controls are actually shit. those parts of the game are fucking awful.

i do have to agree that sly 1 was lacking most of the time but it was a great game, thats why im always hesistent to replay the first game since i did not enjoy the second world and nothing huge happens.

the first game is probably the best out of the series.

>shit controls
could you explain this further, because you're not going to be convincing anyone by using terms that mean nothing.

My favorite is 3

>sequel is better than the original
Name literally one game that does this, you can't

but 3 had best boss

Mortal Kombat.

I really like 2, shame they ruined 3 with all the bullshit obligatory PS2 "variety" minigames. Flying around in a plane? scooba diving? hacking? urg it was all trash. I just wanted more Sly stealth

i'm actually playing 2 right now, so i'm not sure what that's like

I'd say that Sly 1/2/3 are all bad games because they each have something unredeemable.

For example, the luck based platforming at the very end of Sly 2.

oh you will see~

I said a game, not a dumb shallow beat em up

Assassin's Creed II (funny how the whole series is just a less fun, more tedious rip-off of Sly 2 anyway)
Uncharted 2 (well, it's not great, but it's not the complete shit that 1 was)
Super Metroid

I played all three games, and I would say the first game was good, second was the best, third game was "eh", though that pirate section was the shit.
>TFW you capture an enemy ship and gain a shit ton of gold
Good times, and the vault was cool too.


Shut the fuck up.

hey fuck your nigga ass bitch

>join thread to call OP a faggot
>Sup Forums did me a solid and already did
thanks guys

>luck based platforming at the very end of Sly 2.