Why was Persona 5 such a disappointment in contrast to most games released this year?

Why was Persona 5 such a disappointment in contrast to most games released this year?

Because it's not one

It wasn't.

swap persona and hzd and you have the true Sup Forumserdict

>mario odyssey even though its not out yet
fuck off nintenbro

>released this year
>mario odyssey

>Best game this year

It's better than like half of those games. Horizon and Hollow Knight are mediocre, Yakuza is only okay, and GR2 is decent but unlike Persona actually was a disappointment.

>Sup Forumserdict
Not even, swapping those two would be objective truth regardless of Sup Forums's opinion. Except maybe RE7

>P5 being a disappointment in contrast to HZD

I've played both and holy shit I shouldn't have played horizon after playing BOTW what a huge let down of a game.

Horizon was not a good game. Stop this meme.

Does it matter? It will be GOTY and there's nothing you can do about it you limp-dicked cuckold


I don't have to play it to know it's gonna piss off people i don't like

persona games are always terrible, why do you think the primary fanbase are failed normalfags who use them as surrogate friend/relationship replacements?

Persona 5 was ludicrously long, so you had enough time to get tired of what it did well and notice what it didn't. If Nier Automata took 120 hours to beat, people would be harsher on it, too. I still think it's better than a lot of the games in that image.

>I still think it's better than a lot of the games in that image.

P5 is a circlejerk VN

If you thought HZD was a let down how did you feel about how limited you were in Persona 5? All you can do is walkforward, hold L1 to hint, and press O for a context-senstive command.

>if I say it everyday, it'll become true

Certainly not the best game, but it was still a good game.

And there is probably 15 hours of game play for the 90 hours of story

>You can't fail the game

Hollow Knight, Horizon, RE7 are mediocre.
Nier Autómata is overhyped waifu bait.
Zelda is good, but not the masterpiece people claimed it was.
Mario is not even out.

Yakuza, Persona 5 and Gravity Rush were all good though.

Dying is still a failure user.

has not gameplay
has gameplay
really makes u think

of course Sup Forums don't like videogames
>My favorite videogame was text only
this is how retarded you sound

>Gravity Rush
GR2 is ass

Horizon and Gravity Rush 2 (although GR2 is great). Yakuza 0, Nier, and Zelda had more drastic low points than P5 for me, although they also had higher highs.

Only good games on there is Yakuza and Hallow Knight though

Super Mario odyssey gets a pass because it's not out yet

Hollow Knight and RE7 are both good games. RE7 is especially good when compared to the trash that was RE6 and the mediocrity that was RE5.

>has not gameplay

Its bait. Give up having an constructive disccussion everyone, post memes.

>has not gameplay
were all those turn battle combat, all those dungeons, all this 3D city and everything else just a dream ?
Damn, how is this possible ?

>P5 is a circlejerk VN
Don't change the mean of my words please

Replace Mario with Nioh and swap Persona with Zelda.

It wasn't, faggot. Best JRPG in a fucking decade, possibly of all time.

not him but he's not exactly changing the meaning of your words considering your original post can be interpreted differently. try making yourself a bit more clear in the future


Gravity Rush
Hollow Knight



>not out yet retard

>possibly of all time.
Let's not get too carried away here.

I hate nu-Sup Forums. Remember when every thread wasn't filled with shitty bait? I miss that.

>already have the platinum
>is bait!!!
i count the game i spend with gameplay 20/80 to the text part
how the fuck is this consider a videogame?
>muh city
have nothing to do , not even the minigame shop is good
>muh dungeons
20 min at best every dungeon
>turn based
downplay smt oh yes , with the free mementos only + garbage written stories aka SL
Peak of the game is Kamoshida arc

>20 min at best every dungeon
Want to know how I know you haven't played the game?

>possibly of all time.

>20 min at best every dungeon
you didn't played the game

and people are calling it the best JRPG of all time already, this planet is pretty fucking gay no?

It was an excellent disappointment, but it was far better then most of the games up there

Too many delays. If it was released back during its first announced date it would probably be better than what we got.

People liked Gravity Rush? Ew.

>20 minutes dungeon crawling.

Ok user. Heres your (You).

try me
>oh noes you need to go back for the card :(
i did all the dungeons in 1 day

>hack and slash, waifubait, and sandbox games
>these are the games Sup Forums thinks are notable
A hate the people I share this hobby with

Swap P5 with RE7 and that list would be ok, I honestly can't see people disliking 7 unless you are a hyper weeb that can only tolerate RE when Leon is doing insane shit, wich I love, but it means you loved the series for the wrong reasons.

There is no meh, RE7 is ok

Go play destiny 2.5 or play one of ubishits openworld games so you don't spread your shit taste

I swear to god, you newfag dipshits are part of the problem too. He's just regurgitating every half baked piece of criticism this board has shat out over the past few months. None of it is meaningful, and most of it is just flat out inaccurate. He's obviously just baiting, and you dumbasses are falling for it. Just fucking ignore it like every person with an IQ higher than 12 is.

Not him but i liked the series because it was a fixed camera tank controls horror game, not a first person shooter with goo monsters.

Gravity Rush 2

Hollow Knight
Yakuza 0

>not out yet retard

>Not videogames

What's with the sudden hate for P5?

It's not because he dislike a bland waifu infested high school fantasy that he like shitty open world.

It's a pretty common opinion, my dudes. If you don't agree, that's cool, but it's not like I'm saying something super weird here.

But debunking retards is fun user.
Also, thanks for the reaction pic

Oh god.

You know when people use to say this about Xenoblade the game at least had substance and actual depth around what made the game great, exploration and a great plot.

Persona 5 facade is falling so fast because all the game has is pretty aesthetics and cool music, people are already realizing that the game is worse than P4 and that is really far from being a great JRPG, the mask is falling off.

It's a well received, popular game released only on Sony systems.

That's it. That's why.

There isn't actually any hate for it. Just shitposters.

>I thought what I'd do was pretend I was a retard on Sup Forums

Nice reddit image OP, what's your username?

>great plot
I dont have enough smug anime reaction pics for this fucking post

You aren't debunking shit. This tired conversation has happened hundreds of times already. Everyone knows it's just bait.
And you're welcome, it's one of my favorites.

What is this new meme? I'm seeing these "why was P5 such a disappointment?" threads at least 5 times a day. Some of them are even the exact same copypasta'd shit

ok user it was bait you got me
But P5 is a legit disappointment
>only 3 good dungeons
>Game is fucking easy after SL , like easy baby mode
>The fucking cat cockblocking you for no reason
>0 things to do when you have free days , mementos is not enought
>space dungeon exist
>Social link stories are weak as fuck , is just waifu bait for the most part
>SL affect 0% the real story , romance is basically fan fiction
>story is underwhelming
>guns become useless midgame
>no other character sotry is fun like Kamoshida
new demon renders are cool tho and some of the music is ok in my book

Thing is first person view is closer to the tank controllers classic feel than the modern 3rd person view games, since it LIMITS your view, sadly you still have crazy mobility, you just don't like first person view games, but 7 is closer to classic RE than 3rd person view RE will ever be.

Persona 5 is like BoTW in the sense that when it came out people were amazed by it but as time goes on people have had their opinion sour on it.

NieR:Automata is the game of the year

But you can't debunk this

>Piss easy
>Too much dialogues about absolutly nothing of interest
>Charaters are shitty cliche
>Plot is basically a neet fantasy who missed is high school life
>Game would be ok if it didn't have 80+ hours of worthless text

Those flaws also apply to personna 3 and 4 btw

Personna is the SAO of video game which is the Twilight of anime.

>being such a nintenbro you think a game that's not even out yet is great

> persona 5 disappointment
> puts Horizon and Mario Odyssey in the good games slot

>It's a pretty common opinion
It's not though, in fact I've seen most people say they prefer P4 and that sure as hell isn't considered the best JRPG of all time.

It's literally just shitposting, people don't actually think P5 is bad. And you're right, it is the same bad arguments every time.

Years later we'll look back on 2017 and be thankful we had such a bumper crop of great games.

Well at least those of who aren't oblivious to the fact right now. I just hope the ride doesn't end and this is a mini resurgence for a year or two to come.

Read the thread user, is bait. Post memes.

Persona 5 is a disappointment as a long time smt fan it was not worth the time. 1 dungeon was good. Muuuh stupid adults. Characters suck. Plot twist was seen from far away. Takes them forever to hand you back the controller for the first 10 hours of the game even by persona standards that's long.

Persona wasn’t a disappointment, on the contrary it has always been weeb shit

>Implying people did not love the twist at the ending

The story may not be fantastic, but it was indeed above average, it did hook people up, unlike P5 forgettable plot, but all I can heard you guys say is *IS ALL ABOUT INTERACTING WITH THE WORLD AND WAIFUS* crap

You can't fool me

Because you're either a lonely virgin living in his mom basement or a 16 years old who played is first jrpg

You cannot recognize P5 flaws because your brains cannot procede them.

>everyone whines about lives and how they don't do anything and just causes irritation
>they remove it
>faggots on Sup Forums whine anyway
I know its a meme to hate Nintendo on Sup Forums but come the fuck on.

to be fair everyone fucking was wowed at the trailer at e3. unless it is another fucking hype up ass game that is trash when it comes out, which never really happens when nintendo releases a game, it's prob gonna be good.

Switch P5 and Horizon and the image is fucking fixed.

Even by persona standards it is a disappointment

If they wanted to make it feel like the older games they could, maybe, use the same camera and controls from the old games?

>cannot procede them

What did he mean by this?

I don't people understand why Persona 5 was "disappointing"
It's not a shit game by any means, it just had so much more potential to be better than what we got, that's what disappointing, not disappointing in the sense of "wow what a shit game"
It's still great with it's graphics, visuals, music, improved combat, improved characters and social links, etc
The story is kind of not as amazing as it could've been, but is it bad? No its good, just not great

> I've seen most people say they prefer P4
Countless strawpolls would disagree with that.
>and that sure as hell isn't considered the best JRPG of all time
lmao, what? It absolutely is. You ever been in a 3x3 thread? like 75% of the time there's a JRPG, it's a persona game. Persona is easily considered one of the best JRPGs of all time.

>everyone after Kamoshida was ez adults fuck them , we need to be famous!!
the fact that people call ocarina overrated when stuff like this exist

You'll notice the same day these shitpost threads came in full force was probably the same day Kotaku dropped an article calling it a 5/10 disappointment and bitching it wasn't as good as 4. That article got spread around and riled people up, as it was really obvious the faggots were only doing it for clickbait, and shitposters took notice.

Outside of Sup Forums though, people actually did eat that shit up so be aware it's not ironic when fags elsewhere mimic that article.

Weeb, please. At least HZD has gameplay

>mario odyssey

>Hmm, how should I respond to this guy who thinks that all P5 criticism is just shitposting?
>Ah! I know! I'll shitpost at him!

>3x3 threads dictate a common consensus in the JRPG community


But it wasn't. It was the best game in the series.

nah , that is my real opinion
Game is 5/10 for me
IVF was a lot better

Can you show colors to a blind pan user ?

Nier and BOTW are much bigger disappointments by far.

Post Persona 5 Memes