Other urls found in this thread:

Host said he'd be fixing the bugs today, and that he would be back on Saturday at 6pm EST.
You would know this if you read the previous thread

Post collages.


This will be our tournament for sure.

Everyone knows space stages are the best

Is there a chart for what levels of stats effect what?
Like by how much? is it additive or done by level?
like level 4 health and such have a set amount and is it same with Muscle?


Times have been rough for Blorf.

Argumon user here, give me some more suggestions.

No one knows other than the host. It's this way to make metagaming harder

>proto-skeletron defeats kittens
>You got new friend!

>Do not trust what he says.
>He said that skeles were gonna win the tourney
Skeletons are doomed thanks to you

>Sup Forumsmin secret moonbase


Since I have quite a lot of vermin, here's the one based around boxes first.

Never because Wargraav will join him for the finals.

>vfc on friday
stupid motherfuckers

By the finals, skirmgraav would be evolved into Wargraav.
During round 3 he is skirmgraav, round 4 is battlegraav, final is wargraav

Made a Doomsday stage (B.C)

iLOL and Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg are good vermin though

post the city one

He's getting better r-right?

Behold my newest abomination
Suggestions for better names are greatly appreciated.


Also to anyone else making a background, you can separate it off into layers, as parallax scrolling works.

why is it called mats if i dont see any damn mats

If I had a dollar for every time someone drew a cigarette lit the wrong way around.

Again, better name suggestions are appreciated

fixed the muscle wizard ability

So we'ed end up with 2 Wargraavs?

I guess Black Skirmgraav could work.

Here's the red light district,

Going to make a platform for both stages, which is in a separate layer for floating/hovering effect

Now less cluttered.

Biting Bastard
Screaming Bastard
Double-screaming Bastard

why not add mr ultra rare mats' ultra rare mats over spooky scary mats' neck

Still taking speech bubble requests for Telel/Nokiek/iLOL. Template in next post. Props to the user who redrew the speech bubble.

Lets make a full game

Story mode and all

If we're a real game mods can't ban us

I have ideas but they're written in a sketchbook I don't have on me ATM and also this thread should die since it's not Saturday

Whoops wrong image.

Let us add vermin that can be fought in Arcade.

around blacks never relax
around whites, you'll be alright

queek made it to semis but got toasted by wheelybot mk iii. its stronk ability couldn't make up for the fact that wheelybot was bulky as fuck
oshito could've been but the muscle holding back team moonrunes meant that it got beat. i was gonna bring it back but never bothered
chaincellor will take home the gold next tourney, 100%
expect more board game related vermin in the future

Here it is, go wild

Oh, neat. Good thing I saved the layers then.

Have 9-11 jokes been done yet?

Ankle biter
Lightning lardass
Assface poison faggot
man I love monhun vermin


r8 my verminsaur

>Someone used Skeeto's stats style
I should make a clean one

I like it, user!

Didn't make a city one yet but I made an island one, can't think of a platform for this one.

>just a grey dinosaur
What's the theme tho

I wanna fuck the last one.

feels a bit too out of place to be in vermin

Pretty neat

Unrelated, why do we have two hosts again with two different engines?

Let's not start that user.

>the handwriting on those stats
are you sure you drew this?

A bit generic, but it works I guess

Slow/fast. Could be faster.

the platform could be a bridge leading to the city

Here's one

>Anyone wanna buy some cards?

Calling it right now.
>Revenant joins Wargraav
>The final battle is the winners of both ELvMF tournaments (and their minions) versus the two superbosses

idk i dont fucking know how to color

I didn't want to plug my tablet again

Because it's all home brew to start with and original host went on break so vfc started hosting matches on his engine. Luckly originalhost has been working on his engine too so it's going to be new and fancy when he hosts next.


try next time

>Working with skeletons
And before you say it, Itchy King wasn't a skeleton, since he was clearly shown to be ill, something that only happens to fleshy creatures.

As far as I'm aware it's just that another user was inspired by the first and wanted to have a go at making his own battle simulator.

That's cool and all, I just feel like maybe we should stick with one engine. Or at least, make sure the battle system is the same in both.

Huh, good point, thank you anom

>make sure the battle system is the same in both
Not really necessary.

Where's the fun in that. I personally like it when the meta changes up because the system calculates different.

I didnt give up boys, 2nd stage done.
Not it is time for Suit & Fly

Thanks user.


Does anybody in here have all of the fights saved, both in .webm format and Youtube?

Also, VFC Host, if you're reading this, just make all of the battles public on your channel. This is a pretty niche thing already. and quite a bit of other battles are randomly public. It'd just be good for keeping track of everything.

well fuk u I'm submitting mine anyway reeee


i wonder if VFC will leave once original tourney host comes back. he's been slipping up lately.

There's a pastebin with all the fight videos

Only 1 I can remember

Midflyfe Crisis

>7 upvotes on the booru
C-Could this be the most popular vermin of all time?

it's only 6 though

>slipping up
Boi have you seen the shit he's doing with his engine on the fly? Mistakes happen and he stays up too late to try and get it right. If anything he's just trying to do too much in a short time. I don't think vfc host want to retire anytime soon and even when orginalhost comes back they will alternate or something I bet.

I got an idea for a future challenge.

Ok, we got champs now. But how about instead of just doing a champ of champs tourney, we have a little experimental survival tourney.

So these fully evolved 'mins face hordes of stage 1 vermin randomly selected from the booru.
Those who qualify have to fight random stage 2 vermin
Finally the last remaining few face random stage 3 vermin.

Whoever survives the most encounters or endures for the longest wins.

And now, there's the floating platform for both stages.

Any thoughts?

Pretty good.

pretty cool, can you make a cash whale stage? her neet bedroom, or outside the mansion.

Posting the hypest fight in all of vermin history right here

part 2

who else here was a part of the first VFC tournament?


Thanks for the downvote

>2 blast
>blast fires 5 times
>equivalent to 10 blast
>obfuscating having +8 stat points
Nice drawing though.

I fucking hate coffee


Today's lesson, don't mention booru scores, cause if it was any good before it's gonna get shit on after you say anything

Not that scores matter anyways

Because of the nature of them, I decided to just include the basic Boxy, since I posted all their evos over at

Why was BRONTOSOREASS's ability labelled Super Blast when his ability was an improved melee?

That's not how blast works, is it?

2 is the base strength of the blast. It hits 5 times instead of 1

Turns out I can't into Bridges, can anybody hook a nigga up?

Because he blasted himself at the enemy to do Muscle+Blast damage, ergo it's a 'blast' attack.

You've made some really good vermin user

It was? I thought his blast attacks were supposed to pierce guard.

i think special attacks used to just show up as super blast in the infobox. notice he has a normal melee, a normal blast and then the charging move. he had an extra possible action over other vermin.