
>free to play model with lootboxes for gameplay items
What is this garbage?

it's pure genius, kill your game before it even releases

It's to be expected of Epic these days.

The future of video games. Get used to it.

>Business look to see what works
>Class shooter with loot boxes
>Let's make that one

But is it actually fun?

>can download the game
>can make account
>can't play unless founders code
I have to say it's a pretty clever way to make it look like people have the game.

The funnest game I've played in a long time desu

Wait don't shit me
I can stand lootboxes
But what kind of micro transactions we talkin bout here?
"Literally need to buy to have fun"
"Buy for cool customization"?

You know those MMOs that require a purchase and a subscription, but then after a year they drop the sub? It's kinda like that, but planned ahead of time. Or a better comparison, it's like how games cost full price at launch, but you can usually get them much cheaper a year or two later. Except instead of 'cheaper', it'll be free.

It's not any more garbage than the video game industry usually is.

It's not bad. I'm not sure what the endgame is going to be like, if there is one at all.

Hard to say thus far. Everyone with early access got a handful of mid-tier boxes included with it, along with some mid-tier Heroes (player characters), so there's not as much incentive to buy more right now.

From what I can tell, it's vaguely like ME3 / ME:A's multiplayer reward system, but probably a bit less generous. How it will actually pan out, I'm not sure, as I'm still doing the early content.

I'm assuming it's "buy to reduce grinding." Shit breaks down in the game, including your weapons, so you can probably buy shit to get materiels up build everything.

has anyone payed 40 to play this? im seriously considering it if its fun and the player base is active but it looks like one of those games thats gonna be dead as fuck in a month

I've bought best edition there is, got everything legendary, feels really powerful, game is boring though..

How is the failure of battleborn not terrifying these guys?
Or are they just deluded?

It's more like they're charging people to play they're early access game and when it's done its free to everyone.
>It's not any more garbage than the video game industry usually is.
Haven't played any Ubisoft or EA games lately but this is really trash.

They still have the chance if they put f2p version in next couple months on steam, i don't think they're dumb, just desperate after all their failures.

They've already announced f2p is coming in 2018

Battleborn suffered because Overwatch came out the same month, and had a much better hype engine. I don't think there's a comparable situation here.

My point is that to me, there's not a huge difference between $60 -> $20 after a year, and $40 -> $0 after a year. You're focusing on the fact that it will eventually be free, and so that knowledge devalues the game to you. But while you certainly are not alone on that matter, it's not a universal reaction.

If anything, I'm disappointed the game is going f2p at all. It's pretty obvious when looking at the Hero variants that there was a character creator at one point that got scrapped when the game's business model changed to make way for the pinata-based Hero system. Makes me wonder how a non-f2p Fortnite might have played.

2018 might be too late, and the fact it's on their own launcher just hurts playerbase even more.

>Battleborn suffered because Overwatch came out the same month, and had a much better hype engine. I don't think there's a comparable situation here.

Not the case for me. I just couldn't stand their ugly af design neon paints design and clusterfuck of UI on top of it. It looked really bad and laughable to even consider buying it in a humblebundle for $12

>You're focusing on the fact that it will eventually be free, and so that knowledge devalues the game to you.
No, I'm devaluing it for costing $40 minimum now not that it will be free later.

>fact it's on their own launcher just hurts playerbase even more.

you steamtards need to stop already

The bubble burst.

>you steamtards need to stop already

I'm not a fan of the fact that there is no real alternative in user base size to steam, but everyone having their own thing is just fucking worst thing ever.

No you care because it will eventually be zero because if it was 40$ baseline it would be a deal.

All of a sudden it makes more sense that they partnered with gearbox.

it has been in development for a very long time tho

What does any of that have to do with me devaluing it?
>if it was 40$ baseline it would be a deal.

pretty fun

Is this game free or what?

Since the pre-order packs are all labeled as "Founders", it seems to suggest that the game will be Free to Play with a pre-order """beta""" right now.

Just wait for it to go free. :^)

game looks fun

too bad it has
>$40+loot boxes+tons of grind and content based on skill tree tiers
>too much time spent gathering instead of building/killing
>no SFM porn of the engineer lady

I literally just built my sheild base into what I needed, and gathered al the resources until I was 999 on everything and only ever worried abotu weapon parts after that

>want to play
>find out it's 40 dollars even though it's a f2p game
nevermind i guess

>Play scavenger
>Just run off farming the resources I need for guns and ammo
>Only show up when the horde comes
People don't realize I get a chance at double resources on fucking everything

I actually remember seeing this in a gameinformer article about 4-5 years ago, and it got me hyped a bit cause I liked the idea. Then I saw what was happening to the game, now that hype is down the shitter.