When exactly did he lose his touch?
When exactly did he lose his touch?
The day he started making games
what does he mean by this?
Somewhere around the time of his birth
Immediately after MGS3 was published.
it began in MGS3 which was still good but you could see he was losing it
by MGS4 it was obvious he was done
Between 3 and 4
The moment people stopped holding him by a leash.
He's like George Lucas in that sense.
Mgs3 is proof his first few games had a lot of help from more talented people.
Woah, Konami employees sure are shilling on Sup Forums a lot.
It means he loves the west and wants another nuke from daddy so he can get nuclear like the fictional character he created.
Well death stranding hasn't come out yet but based on his recent games I still think he's the best game creator of all time.
PT was one of the best horror games released and MGS5 was one of the best third person action games.
MGSV probably would have been the greatest game ever made if it had been finished.
No it fucking wouldn't have.
No number of chapters could fix the lack of level design and pants on head retarded story.
If they had more time they probably would have made the levels more intricate and complex. They likely didn't have time to fill everything up which is also probably why there are so few animals we can see in the open world besides the few we actually can interact with. That's also probably why there are repeating levels. In order to fill things up fast they simply reused assets so the game wouldn't feel as empty. You can really tell that things were hurried by the way things just kept being reused.
And personally I liked the story and simply wish we had more of it.
He never had it.
Venom Snake might be the coolest looking character ever.
Scars, eyepatch, metal demon horn, abs armor, robot hand, beard, ponytail, guys got it all. Kojima is like a 14 year old.
solid snake looks cooler than big medic
i mean, did he rike it?
go to bed Gedo!
>if it had been finished.
the phantom pain. you feel it too.
wtf does any of that mean?
Konami executives need to get out of Sup Forums
metal gear solid 3. the boss was the beginning of it. everything after 3 was utter shit, with the exception of rising, but that's also the one he wasn't involved with
The infinite supply delivery ruined this game from the start.
Konami saves his ass unintentionallly because Kojima and his dick riders can blame Konami for everything now.
After MGS3, around the time that his son told him that he hates his games.
>around the time that his son told him that he hates his games.
He didnt. He just needs to be given a leash so that his ideas don't run ahead of him. MGSV had great core gameplay but lacked an overarching cohesive vision to keep it together. He needs to be paired with others who can balance him out. Trying to push him as a video game rockstar is also a bad idea.
He never had it. The best Metal Gears were co-written with some other guy and the series went to shit right after he left.
tomokazu fukushima wrote Snake Tales for MGS2 Substance, if you read the stories from Snake Tales there are vaguely similar details to MGS4, meeting Meryl but being on different sides and other details.
When he made bayonetta 2
MGS3, slight redemption with MGS4 but still a lost cause.
Took you people long enough to realize Kojima spent over a decade doing jackshit
I'm very exited for Death Stranding, even the most rabid drones will come to realize he is a hack once it flops
Were you ashamed Sup Forums
no i didn't care in the first place because i dont read kotaku
He hasn't yet, the only thing kojima has done wrong is not released a modern SNATCHER and Policenauts.
Yes I was very ashamed of my words and deeds
Konami wouldn't remaster snatcher and kojima drones wouldn't buy it
i was ashamed of shilling for his garbage and paying 60$ for it
>ugly miss horseface needs her skin revealed to breathe
>then she was locked up for hours wearing prison fatigues but it didn't weaken or suffocate her at all
what a fraud
literally who?
Who helped him with Snatcher?
>Konami wouldn't remaster snatcher
why? it's basically jap blade runner.
>kojima drones wouldn't buy it
yes I would.
I really liked mgs4 despite some stupid shit, but it's obvious the series should have stopped there. Instead kojima pumped out tons of trash about big boss no one gave a shit about. Ground zeroes was a step in the right direction, but 5 finally put the series to bed.
How can people still not realize Konami had him by the balls making Metal Gear games and he set out to make them shit on purpose to get out of a contract.
umm... is this part of the ruse?
The coincidences are too uncanny.
>Kojima was just playing 4D chess for over ten years
Metal Gear was never good.