Just got my new game in the mail

Just got my new game in the mail

Other urls found in this thread:



that's great, have fun :)

were kings and queens. yes i get you were brainwashed by pol, but you gotta understand real history.

bet its a ps4 game........

give your neighbors package back


Is it a sage?

Who did you steal that from you filthy nigger?

show us what's inside, Jamal. then give it back to it's owner

It's an xbone game.

I bet it has to do with sports.

I bet its tekken 7,

Niggers love tekken. Always have.

I want Sup Forumstards to make like a tree and leaf

What game do you think they play?

Black man here, open that shit up

Every day, nigga?




i was just telling yall some black history


What year are you still living in?

you're BLACK

Hello there fellow réditor

Those damn Africans, enslaving Hebrews before it was cool to complain about slavery.

give it back

I bet it's Yakuza, every unboxing thread is Yakuza lately.

>calling actual history reddit
kill yourself

I don't care if you're black, but what game is it? I need to know

$500 it's a fighting game


>tfw i'm the guy who first uploaded this back in 2014
>tfw still browsing this shithole 3 years later
>tfw some faggot saved this and is still posting this shit thread

At what point should I finally end my life?

It's yakuza, a switch, and splatoon. This nigga's made this thread 3 days in a row.

Haha yes, I also enjoy the "kill yourself" meme! It is absolutely epic! Upvoted!

I should stop playing video games, I've missed too many threads already.


whats in the package

Tell me blacked poster, why do you post this? I know you are white.

3 years ago.


It was this

White (Hispanic)

Who’s this “moot” fellow?


Oh, you were making a joke? I'm sorry, I though you were being serious.

Who'd you steal that from Jamil