Ascension - Classless server launch

This just launched tonight.

Not a shill, just someone who is very interested by the premise of a WoW WoTLK server with loot drop and custom classes. I heard some people had issues with the beta testing and devs being jews.

Anyone playing? Video for those too lazy to read the server features.

wait, how does that work?

>item dropped upon death

And dropped.

Custom scripts. There's a bunch of other custom features. You also choose your stats on level up.

You only drop loot if killed by someone within 5 levels of you. So it's not full-on 'get repeatedly murdered by max level shitters soon as you step out' kind of deal.

Then again, I haven't played yet, just going by what the website tells me.

Also looks like only two of the three servers are item dropped upon death. So I take it back.

I played the beta but had not heard anything about it since. I thought they had abandoned the project but apparently not. It was actually really fun, although the fact you could pick anything meant some combinations were INSANELY overpowered so everyone used the exact same setup at max level for PvE. Main enjoyment I'm guessing comes from PvP, it'll be really interesting to see what kinda combos people come up with for it.

what the fuck are those talents or actual class skills? are there still any talents or do you just build your own custom class from a pool of all the class skills?

The latter, but I'm pretty sure you still get talents. No idea how they work, but I know that you can use currency to reset them.

Looks like it could be pretty neat. The idea of being able to fuck around and tweak a class to fit you perfectly seems pretty cool but I feel like it'll just get infested with meta-max-munchkins. Is it just Sargeras that just opened or did all three open just recently?

One released a week ago, it seems, Sargeras released today.

Looks interesting, will try that tonight.

Are you telling me I can make a Windfury Ret Paladin with Stealth?

Yes. With every stun in the game too.

>custom servers

So everyone takes Blink and Divine Shield? Is that it?

PvP is just forcing the other person to blow their anti-stun cooldowns ASAP?

I'm beginning to think PvP must suck on these servers because everyone will run around with OP combos and wreck you if you try to make something fun.

Though I'm tempted to try it and run a Warlock/Priest/Mage healer combo.

Shadowform. Demons. DoTs out the ass. All the protection of playing a mage or disc priest, with warlock flavors and maybe some other misc healing like rejuvenation + renew.

Gameplay is just keeping yourself shielded and hotted while dotting and CCing enemies.

Hell, could you go Holy Paladin/Shockadin with Priest and Mage powers and just be an unkillable healing and CC machine?

combine rmp into one

fuck the lock

So wait can you combine Hunter and Warlock? Or does having a pet out desummon your Warlock summons? I wasn't much into WoW, but I'd give it a shot if I could just be like a summoner with a mob of critters.

>you can make a warrior with self healing

Blizzard should take notes

MP is good because they moth use int.
Using an agi class is fucked, then, unless you only go rogue for the CC and survivibility.

Sneak up on someone, garrote them and kidney them into your frost nova + nuke, bubble and heal yourself while alternating between melee CC and mage nukes. Blink and Vanish if things go bad.

>retardo 255 classless private servers

for what purpose, exactly?

who finds this shit fun?

>make a warrior who can cast renew and pw:shield
>instantly be a better paladin than any blizzard has made

This level of customization is fun, but really hard to balance in a multiplayer environment. Using an existing game as a starting point makes it even harder.

I think the only proper way to pull this off is to make talents and abilities so wildly different that it becomes nearly impossible to compare. If you keep everything as it is, you'll find everyone converging to some optimized tank/healer/dps archetype, completely beating the purpose of the game.

>Not a shill


Just logged in and made a char. Servers seem to be running and medium full.

>have 0 int
>your spells heal for nothing
>if you stack int, you deal 0 damage and are basically just a holy paladin

The only way to balance it is how Guild Wars does it

you can only pick 2 classes, and most abilities are either very niche or only useful when combined with something else

>Hell, could you go Holy Paladin/Shockadin with Priest and Mage powers
>mfw after a decade of waiting I can have a DPS viable shockadin build

Pws prevents you from generating rage through damage taken. Ideally you should do earthshield instead.

Does this have dual spec, or no? I'd really like to make a supreme god healer but I'm afraid it would be a pain in the ass to level up.

>healers with life tap
>warlocks with heals

not broken at all

>ignoring that baseline numbers exist
>ignoring that you can take a small amount of int and enjoy a perma-bandage level of healing as a result
>maybe mix it up and take smite or holy shock so you have a reliable ranged damage option.

PWS also prevents you from dying, but amazing point.
Earth Shield would be loads better. Throw in healing stream totem and anything else neat in the resto tree.

Do none of the "trinity is bad" people ever stop to think why it's so popular or why people always gravitate towards it when given the choice?

>supreme god healer
>it's just priest + chain heal

did you died?

finally someone is doing something interesting with wow private servers
how do resources work anyways, everybody has mana? also, everybody has mana regen? I think it wasn't until cata that they normalized the whole spirit regen among casting classes, especially talking about paladins/shaman here

Of course it'd have to be INSANE something, you can't be seen using non-hyperbole on the internet.

Not like Mana means much when you can get Life Tap on every character.

wouldn't a healer with that warlock spell to turn hp into mana be horribly overpowered?

>infinite mana
what the FUG

They don't.
The trinity is the division of damage, tanking, and healing/support into three niches.
To merge them together, what people WANT to do, is to break the trinity.

>travel form disc priest with life tap and siphon life


>heal back with a healing spell
that's interesting
I was referring if warriors, hunters and rogues (dk?) also use mana as a resource
can't be arsed to visit the site

It seems everyone has every resource. Think of the blank class as being a druid.

don't try this
stay away
don't make this popular or blizz will notice it

fuck you OP

it's hard to be as big of a loser as gummy

This, it belongs in the trash.

Need more info on the realms.
Are they all FFA?
All high-risk?
Any PvE?

I'd rather goof off and experiment with shit like Titan's Grip Rogue with Windury than go tryhard pvper 24/7 and get punished for experimentation.


>hunger system

I forgot about this dumb meme. It's the only thing I didn't like.

To be honest it's a good way to bring back theorycrafting. Something that's so dead and far-fetched in current wow

>hunger system
>same-faction pvp
oh god how awful

>hunger system
>ffa PvP when zones aren't designed for it
it'll suck so bad

>The server has $100 mounts.
>Beta charged $20 and then $60 for instant Level 60 boost
>Originally charged $15 for "closef beta" invite
>Same developers, same owner as Caustic WoW that ran with the money and abandoned the server
>Hires on pedophile staff members that ERP with themselves and post child pornography
>Owner pays his friends that work on the staff team
>Gives special permissions to streamers and high-dollar donators
>Unbans players for under-the-table donations
>Anticheat can only block Gargarin and Hitchhiker hacka, can't detect anything else
>Internally sabatoged staff members that went against the owner
>Server is hosted in France
>No one on their team actually has access to the physical computer, have to operate it remotely, so when it crashes they can't fix it for hours at a time
>Balance team only fixes bugs pertaining to their personal favorite builds
>Bugs that have been in since server beta launch still in because they're too lazy to fix quest mechanics or rare mob spawns

I could go on and on and on with the problems around this server. I'm not even angry, as I really would love to see the server do well, but they're either going to be taken down because the owner pockets so much money or the owner will drive it to the ground himself or run with the cash a second time. Do NOT get involved with this steaming pile of shit.

hmm you are in luck, with gummy gone and seeing how I am bored as fuck right now, Ill give it a shot

>i have to click any food item every hour or so
oh no, how will i cope

Why not just make your own game?

Maybe they're really into the Warcraft IP?

Why not make a game set in the Warcraft universe? That'd cost a shit ton in assets that they couldn't recoup easily while violating some IP law.

Plays pretty good, low ping.
The stats particularly really make you feel like you're running a custom build.

And the x3 xp on the new server makes the leveling not complete cancer like vanilla.

what's the best caster combination of talent trees?

>And the x3 xp on the new server makes the leveling not complete cancer like vanilla.

I guess thats sargeras you're talking about? Is it the server to go for?
How is the population? I saw a youtubes saying around 800-1000 on a single server at peak but I have my doubts since it is a custom funserver

I heard they kicked the old community manager off the team because they tried to bribe him and he threated the oener. Any legitimacy to that? Other than yhay cool server i guess. Tired of wow private servers though.

what defines a "funserver"?

X3 rate was supposed to be temporary. It was kept vecause their numbers were so low. They so far peak at 300 players at most, 150 average.

not trying to strive for a 1:1 blizzlike server, usually with some more custom things thrown into the mix

well, this is the opposite of a blizzlike server with an entirely different ruleset in place, making it a different game entirely
would say a funserver is just a few small changes


Tommyruin is full of shit. The server had bots on it day 1 to boost numbers, but it peaked at 500 connections. Average daily is 300 at most, 150 on average highest.

Would you say it is high enough to go around (is it active?). It looks legit but I don't want to end up playing on some kids crazy custom server with himself, 4 gms and a handful of level 1-20's

>just make your own mmo

same reason you didnt make your own thread

>4 GMs

It bas one. One GM. The others don't have powers enough to actually do anything because the owner and GM are paranoid other GMs will become more popular and misuse their powers. Also please see

It'll die quite quickly because the system is broken and you end up with meta builds you're forced into anyway, at which point you're just playing on a badly scripted ""vanilla"" server (actually 3.3.5) with a wierd ass class

>hunger system
>all that salt ready to be taken

God fucking hell this is plans for a server shut down, but this is also something I'll enjoy

I can't even log in it, it says error making character.

Tich doesn't exist, so no hunger system (which was total busywork cancer to begin with)

Sarg is populated with people that have 6+ months of experience with the meta builds that will shit on you in 1GCD, and strip you naked. Its shit.

The whole classess thing had my attention, then I remembered in Archeage 90% of the players used the exact same build because of how meta it was.

>have to torrent it

is there a mega i can get instead?

eh, people played shit like Defilers with success

>The server has $100 mounts.
>Beta charged $20 and then $60 for instant Level 60 boost
>Originally charged $15 for "closef beta" invite
>Same developers, same owner as Caustic WoW that ran with the money and abandoned the server
>Hires on pedophile staff members that ERP with themselves and post child pornography
>Owner pays his friends that work on the staff team
>Gives special permissions to streamers and high-dollar donators
>Unbans players for under-the-table donations
>Anticheat can only block Gargarin and Hitchhiker hacka, can't detect anything else
>Internally sabatoged staff members that went against the owner
>Server is hosted in France
>No one on their team actually has access to the physical computer, have to operate it remotely, so when it crashes they can't fix it for hours at a time
>Balance team only fixes bugs pertaining to their personal favorite builds
>Bugs that have been in since server beta launch still in because they're too lazy to fix quest mechanics or rare mob spawns

Do NOT get involved with this steaming pile of shit.

I don't know or care if they ever changed it back, but I know in WotLK ret paladins had a talent to turn either their bonus AP into SP or have a percentage of their STR effect their spells. Enough to get off like three heals and then be gassed.

I mean some games like Payday 2 (does it even count as an MMO?) that did the classess system well.
However going by this thread it's safe to say it went the way of Archeage

I know how this kind of thing works out in practice but I'm busy imagining stupid shit like prot warriors turning into bears.


I am going to try and make a bogstandard cleric build with ranged holy skills and defensive stuff

what about feral cat druids with cat pet and actual good talents from rogue?

Sent an email to Blizzard with all the links
Expect a C&D soon

If you're rolling on Sarg you're already dead because there are basically no viable caster builds.

They already know. Derek is the samw owner as Awakening and Caustic.

Why not?

Berserker Shapeshifters arent stupid in the slightest let alone in a fantasy world like Warcrafts.

probably still loses to titan's grip arms warriors with armor->attack power talent and the rest of gear, spells and talents raising their armor to insane amounts

but cleric is based on flat % damage reduction memes with instant crit spells and ignite rolling, surely that'll counter it
I actually don't really care, I just want to experience the clusterfuck for what it is and kill some boredom now that gummy is confirmed dead

Well think about this user. You're a Frost mage in standard WoW, and you see a Warrior. Whats your job to survive this encounter? CC and kite, and that works well. You cleverly use your abilities to ensure they're at arms reach because Warriors have limited closers and ability to break CC.

Now in ascension. You see someone with Melee weapons, but you have no idea what toolkit they've got. You get attacked and try to kite. Jokes on you, they've got a melee build that will crit for 5k and have taken blink.

thing is respecs are only free until you hit level 10, and then they cost money, so you have to farm to be able to toy around with specs. also since it is wrath levels of xp gains without heirlooms and no dungeons because no one is playing, it takes ages to get to the fun talents.

is there a talent calculator for it?

eh coming morn Ill most likely not be playing anymore and go back to diablo 3

>can't have a shield AND spell mastery
oh boy

The class system looks interesting as fuck but the gear dropping upon death can get fucked.

>X3 rate was supposed to be temporary
Why temporary? Why not keep it?

Okay, so get more roots/stuns.

I don't see your problem. Some builds will counter others. People are talking about 'muh meta' shit but nobody's posting anything.

Because it doesn't exist. Someone does some bullshit build, you can do an equally bullshit build to counter it.

The second server doesn't have loot drop, I think.

The problem with stuff being OP is that it becomes meta, so you're expected to use it even if you don't want to.

>Because it doesn't exist. Someone does some bullshit build, you can do an equally bullshit build to counter it.
How are you not describing a meta right now?

>Okay, so get more roots/stuns.

Thats great user, you roll a caster on Sarg and tell me how that works out for you. Everyone can take Blessing of Freedom. Everyone can take Wind Shear / Silence.