Game locks progress speed behind a paywall

>game locks progress speed behind a paywall
>rabid fanboys insist that the game isn't pay2win

That's called pay to not grind

Not pay to win

It's pay 2 speed

It depends on the degree to which is gates. If you have to sink hundreds of hours to get to what a person could pay $20 for, that's pay to win. (Assuming that it has a tangible impact on player power and is not purely cosmetic, OFC) Especially if the game's main draw is PvP.

That's pay to win.

You can still win without paying tho

You win faster by paying. Pay to win.

Not really, as you gain levels you get matched with people of the same level regardless if they paid or not. The ones who got there from grinding will be more skilled at the game and will win more often than the ones who paid.

Yeah but you can still win without paying tho

if paying gives you an advantage over other players, its pay2win

League of legends?

Any advantage, however minimal or marginal, even if all it does is save you 5 seconds total, is still an advantage a paying player receives and a non-paying player does not. An advantage you paid for is pay to win. Your subjective definition of "winning" is irrelevant. The paying for an advantage makes success in the game more likely is the issue.

Let it Die is still slow as hell even if you paid for hundreds of skull coins.

>win at an alleged "pay to win game"
>didn't spend a dime
now what faggot

>my time is worthless
is what you're saying.

Are you joking? You can get everything for free in that game except for cosmetics that you have to buy with real dosh.

Is that a complaint on Plants vs Zombies' model since Garden Warfare?

its a complaint on 99% of "free to play" games


Being able to get things for free is not the same as being unable to buy them. You braindead retard.

>pay to win everything
>have nothing to do as a result


Cheapest way to win free to play / pay to win games is to not play.

what progress is locked behind a paywall? i got the top tier and im playing with people who got my free base copies and they're progressing just as well as I am, minus a bonus character

>Game has micro transactions
>Sell items you bought with real money in auction house
>Get in game currency
>Buy highest tier armor and weapons
>Community says it's not pay2win

Rly makes u think huh

If you can buy any advantage the game is pay to win.

>abion online.jpg

If you dedicate years of your life to it. That goes beyond the realm of possibility.

>gameplay is literally based on grinding indefinitely, therefore, paying real dosh is basically paying not to play.