Is Amitie too attractive for a puzzle game character?

Is Amitie too attractive for a puzzle game character?

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She does look very sexy.

but Ringo is

Amitie is bottom tier in the puyo attractiveness list.

Is S. Klug too attractive for a puzzle game character?

Middle schoolers aren't attractive.

you have no taste

Isn't Ringo a highschooler?

She seems like one, but her profile says middle school. Why the fuck does a middle schooler know calculus?


She's a middle schooler. She introduces herself as a middle schooler in the japanese version.

Our school teaches us calculus in elementary.

Is Arle a high schooler? She already graduated preschooler, and she's certainly at a high schooler age now.

Why is Hidenori wearing that faggot suit?

I actually don't know. I should probably play the Madou games.

>Splatoon 2 comes out
>took literally 8 minutes for one person to show up in Puzzle League for Swap mode
Literally dead game. If you thought it was bad enough when Mario Kart was released, watch what happens to the game when all the Japs get sucked out into Splatoon 2.

No, but I-kun is.

>not "ringo waifu"


What's the Puyo Puyo Tetris-equivalent of teabagging, Sup Forums?

Letting off the biggest chain you have time for right as your opponent dies.

>blow your 7+ chain load to kill opponent
>have essentially no puyos left over to show off

But user that's not Rulue


>First MK8D
>Then ARMS
>and now Splatoon
Fuck this shit.



>no innuendo
Imposter Schezo.

If spacebutt is fair game then nothing is too attractive to be in a puyo game.