Your common reminder.
Your common reminder
daily get 5
let's not forget how awful most of Sup Forums is, especially the profile vocal ones.
>changes name often
i will never do such a thing ever again. fuck younger me
I only hit 2 of these, and one of them is ironic.
What's wrong with collecting funny meme groups?
i literally only have the weeb pic
>What's wrong with collecting funny meme groups?
clueless cancer
Triggered autist.
> being this clueless
>changes name often
Why not?
It's confusing for other people
Is Bebop an exception to the anime pic rule?
>not constantly cycling through increasingly memetic names
>having steam friends
you can add nicknames to steam friends so you don't lose track of them.
Of course.
>one of them is ironic
user, if you suck a dick ironically, did you still suck a dick?
>perfect friend material according to this list
>no on wants to be my friend
Jesus is there an option to delete the old ones or are they stuck on our permanent record
stuck until you change it a bunch more.
> less than five friends
> all close friends or family
what's your profile
>joins more than one group
that seems a little pedantic
> clueless
You forgot
>claims to be "transgendered"
that falls under real life entries or possibly autistic detail if you want to stretch the meaning.
My nigga
Changing names is good if you think of a funny one
if someone didn't add a custom nickname to my account to mark it as me they aren't someone I know in real life and aren't someone I actually care about
I don't see any problem with this