Ark Reskinned

Lets all take a nice moment to laugh at the Ark developers for trying to sell another early access reskin

>trying to sell

looks like they sold a few thousand copies at least, OP
meanwhile you're shitposting on Sup Forums and not making money hand over fist off retards
who's the winner here?

>Ark developers

I though Snail Games made this

Is Arc out yet? Is any "open world crafting game" out of alpha at all?


>Trying to sympathize with these crooks
Im laughing irl senpai.

The whole genre is just a bunch of buggy scams.

whats wrong with it?

asking for a friend

Don't Starve is complete. I guess outside of that, there ain't much.


Ark releases next month.

>Ark releases next month.
>the game is still a poorly optimized janky piece of shit

Hopefully I can refund it even though I got it as a gift

>game still has bugs from 3 years ago
>bumped to 60 before release
>expansion released before the core game was finished
Really activates my almonds

>mfw i just realized 7 days to die just released 'alpha' 16

They are pulling off a Spacebase DF-9

I made this

what does ark have to do with this?

I'm so glad I was refunded.
Kinda dissapointed though because I was genuinely looking forward to this game for a while, they pulled a No Man's Sky on us.
Luckily there is a very similar game called Citadel:Forged with fire coming out in about 5 days or so. I'm guessing they rushed Dark and Light out because they were fearful of competition with the other title.
Game uses the same engine, inventory layout, textures, and sound design in some areas.


Deceptive advertising, runs like shit, a reskinned ARK like OP said.

Ark was never a well optimized game and they did say from the very beginning the price would increase upon full release.

Did they ever justify releasing a paid expansion before the game is finished?

Wildcard (Ark Devs) got bought up by a subsidiary company of Snail Games a while ago, so it's all basically from the same big company.

I'd get it if it didn't run like shit and wasn't infested with bugs.

They got sued and im guessing thats how it led to the expansion being created, but no there's no actual reason.

Saw gameplay and it was literally just ark reskinned, I have no idea what they were thinking calling it an mmo rpg or similar.